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Rare Full Hunters Blue Moon On October 31

An occurrence will take place on Halloween that has not happened since 2001

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Rare Full blue moon depiction

The term “ Blue Moon” probably elicits images like the one in the cover photo. A breathtaking moon with a blue hue, illuminating a shimmering deep blue sea on a cloudless night. In actuality, a blue moon is not really blue at all. Perhaps, however, in some skies, it may possibly appear that way. In reality, a blue moon is simply the second full moon that occurs in a month. Most times there is only one full moon each month, but not always. NASA reports that this rare occurrence takes place roughly every 2 and 1/2 years. A hunters moon is the full moon in October when the game is fattened and preparations are made for the coming winter.

Older generations often uttered the phrase that certain things only took place once in a blue moon, which indicated they were rare occurrences. There are other names for this spectacular fall event and they are: Dying Grass Moon, Travel Moon, and sometimes Sanguine Moon or Blood Moon. A full moon on Halloween is indeed rare, although most televisions shows and movies related to October 31 depict a full moon at night as if it naturally comes along with the territory. In the popular cartoon classic “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," little Sally and Linus mistake Snoopy for the Great Pumpkin as he rises from the pumpkin patch against the backdrop of a bright full moon. The last time that a Halloween full moon appeared in the night sky was in 1955 and 2001.

The term blue moon has found its way into television, movies, and song. In 1934, The Marcels had a hit with the song Blue Moon. It has been covered over the decades by artists like Elvis Presley, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sam Cooke, The Supremes, the Platters and Billy Holiday. It was also used during the movie Grease where high school students “mooned” a teacher. There was also an episode of the children’s cartoon The Smurfs, where a baby smurf was born under a blue moon.

Actual Hunters Blue Moon

There will only be six full moons on Halloween in the entire 21st century. In addition to 2001 and 2020 this phenomenon will take place in 2039, 2058, 2077, and 2096. Astronomers have found that on average this occurrence takes place on a specific date only twice during any 59 year period. There are many myths and folklore surrounding a Halloween full moon. Some people believe that the supernatural occurs when these two meet and you may hear a lot of tall tales about a full moon on October 31 as any EMT, campus security guard or police officer can attest to.

Fears abound regarding witches, werewolves, and Satan when the full moon falls on October 31. Add a blue moon and you have a recipe for disaster, according to some. According to Everyday Science, the gravitational pull of a full moon is no stronger than any other phase of our second brightest star. Everyday Science also debunks the idea that a full moon causes mental patients to act out, but there are those who can say otherwise. I can recall working the night shift in a nursing home and during a full moon, some residents would appear to be more restless, and unable to sleep.

I recall one of my brothers who, whenever he seemed agitated, my grandma would say the moon had changed. There are other people who say the lunar pull of gravity is heightened by a full moon but Everyday Science indicates this is not true and most likely is the power of suggestion. Granny Clampett on The Beverly Hillbillies would talk about making her healing potions by the light of a full moon. Witches allegedly make their magic by the light of a full moon. There are others who believe a full moon offers "divine powers."It is believed that the full moon governs the power that comes from crystals. Some people, however, say that the moon was created and that it is the Creator, rather than his creations who holds all power and should have our focus. Whatever your take on this rare occurrence, just be prepared to experience it on October 31, 2020.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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