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Notification Summary Will Save You from Anxiety

IOS 15 has Brought Down this Godsend Feature to Alleviate Your Stress

By Gabriel Sohn-HuntPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Notification Summary Will Save You from Anxiety
Photo by William Hook on Unsplash

From the IOS guide.

My thoughts about IOS 15 are honestly pretty good and the update builds off of IOS 14. I use to use android, Google Note, Samsung Galaxy, and it's been a minute since I’ve been deep in that OS system. But this new IOS 15 feels like dopamine on fire on a rollercoaster filled with espresso shots.

What I mean by that is, that your iPhone is made to be easily used.

Habits that are easy to do are repeatable, and if the habit is not optimized then we tend to do things that aren’t healthy for us repeatedly over and over.

For me, I would check fifteen different times, or more trying to make my own, news summary of the things I read, Instagram, Quora, etc. And sure, folders are nice on iPhone to be able to group apps, but that it clutters things.

Personally, I dislike using the home screens to store my apps, with IOS 13, 14, and increasingly 15 have been able to optimize.

Home of the Phone

Before it was, “Okay sweet, with the home screen, I can group these apps.”

Then, they upgraded, being able to swipe left to reach the app library without leaving anything on the home screen is nice.

My problem at this point was that I still had to group apps that I specifically wanted to check.

Sure the app library and the suggested grouped ones work, but I want to OPTIMIZE my experience — to the max.

“Hey, this new update looks like it’s coming out,” says my friend. I see the “IOS 15.0.2” gleam on the screen, and then what really go the nerd out in me was the long list of everything that was added.

I only came across it this week, so everyone who is already hopped on knows about this update.

The problem with needing to group apps and leaving them on the home screen meant I had lots of groups, or maybe I was just messy. During the creating of this article and updating my phone I cleared the screen, I’m going to be prioritizing what I want to be on my phone, HOW I want to use it, and the AMOUNT of time so I don’t get too overwhelmed and overconsumed with it.

The Hero in the Cape: Notification Summary

Daily Summary is a new feature that allows you to use the settings options to create a specific set of news that shows up when you want it. Kind of like the news summary if you have that turned on, but this for WRITERS is huge when it comes to the in my opinion, ever-continual consumption and creation of using information.

Daily Summary allows you to be able to choose your favorite apps that you like to receive a summary of the news over the course of a certain time period.

Writers need this for all the latest articles, writers, and news that comes out.

Investors who actively day trade or trade regularly need to see the price fluctuations.

Artists need to see the variety of inspiration splash on their screens.

Daily Summary is a really efficient way to make sure you aren’t spamming yourself on your phone, checking every five minutes to see if something has popped up. Especially if you have notifications off for things you don’t need to check every 10 minutes.

Now, I have specific times when I know that I'll get a summary of all the things I don't need to check every 5 minutes.

Here are some pickups I had for one day, half of it, and already I'm using my time poorly.

This is all, in my opinion, nothing I say is factual or coerced by anyone else.

Will this save you from your anxiety? Use it and find out.


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Feedback is always appreciated. Peace and love.


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