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Next Generation Artificial Intelligence

Introducing Google Gemini

By Anna Published 4 months ago 3 min read

The brain of next-generation artificial intelligence, Google Gemini, is here and promises to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. Although it is currently only available on a limited basis, Gemini will transform various Google services and products, making them smarter and more intuitive.

Gemini is available in three versions: Pro, Nano and Ultra. The Pro version runs Google's chatbot, Bard, while the Nano version is integrated into the new Pixel 8 Pro smartphone. Google plans to make Gemini Pro and Ultra available in other tools like Google Duet, Google Search, and Google Ads in the future.

Although Gemini Pro is not as advanced as Ultra, it is still better than previous models called OpenAI ChatGPT. Built from the ground up with multimodal capabilities, you'll soon be able to interact with videos, images, and audio.

Currently, the text capabilities of Gemini Pro can be used in Bard, where limited functionality is available. However, Google has ambitious plans for the future. Multimodal interaction with code, audio, images and video will soon become possible, opening up a new and exciting world.

Gemini Pro at Bard has already proven its worth, excelling at understanding, summarizing, thinking, coding and designing. It is already more popular among users than other chatbot options. Integration with Google services further enhances its capabilities.

To use Gemini Pro, simply visit the Bard website and sign in with your Google account. If you use a Work account, there may be restrictions. Once logged in, you can explore different features and provide feedback to shape future improvements.

Although Gemini Pro is currently free to use in Bard, Google may introduce pricing plans in the future. However, this sets Google apart from other AI providers that require subscriptions to access advanced models.

In conclusion, Google Gemini is poised to transform the AI ​​landscape with powerful capabilities and a seamless user experience. You will want to keep an eye out for updates as Google continues to expand Gemini features across its platforms. Get ready to embrace the future of AI with Google Gemini.

Comparing to ChatGPT

Gemini will surpass ChatGPT...

Many experts discuss parameters when comparing ChatGPT with Gemini. An artificial intelligence system's parameters are the variables that are used to convert input data into output and whose values are changed or altered during the training phase. In general, an AI is more sophisticated the more parameters it has.

The most sophisticated AI currently in use, ChatGPT 4.0, contains 1.75 trillion parameters. Gemini, on the other hand, is anticipated to have characteristics that are 30 trillion or possibly 65 trillion, according to reports.

However, large parameter values are not the only thing that give an AI system power.

According to a SemiAnalysis study, Gemini is going to "smash" ChatGPT 4.0. Gemini may become up to five times more powerful than ChatGPT 4.0 by the end of 2023, according to SemiAnalysis.

Early versions

According to The Information, Google started distributing an early version of the model to a select number of businesses in September.

One person who had tested the tech previously told the outlet it may have an advantage on GPT-4 because it leverages Google's data from consumer products, as well as information gathered from the internet. The addition should mean the model can more accurately understand the user's intentions, the report said.

Additionally, the individual reported that the model seemed to produce fewer false positives, which is a typical issue in artificial intelligence known as hallucinations. Chatbots with AI capabilities have occasionally presented false information as fact. Google's commercial for ChatGPT competitor Bard from February of last year featured the AI chatbot providing a false response.

Because Google has access to top-tier chips, researchers behind the SemiAnalysis blog have also projected that Google's Gemini will likely perform better than GPT-4.

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