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New Images From 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Series Revealed

Just Enough To Whet Your Appetite

By Culture SlatePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

“Obi-Wan Kenobi? Obi-Wan... Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time...A long time.”

It appears we have new images of the Jedi Master in exile as the Obi-Wan Kenobi series slowly begins to approach our Disney+ screens. As the release date draws near so does the marketing campaign, and we are going to see more and more of this series. That means more pictures and promotional arts are coming for this up and coming Disney event

Total Film has gotten some exclusive in-depth look at Obi-Wan Kenobi and given us a sneak preview in a series of images about the project. Take a look at the various moments from the show, and gain some insight into what we might see in the upcoming series.

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The photos themselves look amazing. We see Kenobi on Tatooine, then in a buzzing city of neon lights, as well as traveling across the galaxy. There is even an image of the Grand Inquisitor threatening a civilian. All in all, these are many fine-looking images of what will surely be a great Disney+ series coming next month in May. Being so close to the Obi-Wan Kenobi premiere just adds to the continued hype of the series.

Seeing Kenobi on Tatooine in a new outfit makes one wonder just what he had been doing all this time while he was on the planet. He had to of course blend in as a civilian on the planet, doing his best to hide from the Empire, and avoiding detection from all forces of darkness out there. We are so used to seeing him in his Jedi attire that it piques your curiosity to see him in any other outfit. This will be a whole new Kenobi in an entirely new environment and in a new situation. After all, he is reeling from the aftermath of Order 66, the fall of the Jedi Order, as well as Anakin’s fall to the dark side, among other things. The poor Jedi’s mind is probably in a tailspin and very much not on point.

It is also interesting to see him standing in the rain in a very shady-looking city as well. It is hard to say why he would be off-planet. Obviously, his primary goal is to keep Luke Skywalker safe, so while his reason for leaving his watch on the desert planet is unclear at the moment, it must be of grave importance. This series will have a lot to answer in terms of the overall story of Kenobi. How will he get off-planet? Why is he getting off-planet? What calls this Jedi Knight back onto the Jedi path.

“The key to hunting Jedi is patience. Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion leaves a trail. The Jedi code is like an itch. They cannot help it.”

Seeing the Grand Inquisitor also leads us to speculate on his role in the series. While he may not be the main villain of the series, it appears he will be featured quite a bit. We can expect to see interrogation and chase scenes as he hunts down the hidden Jedi Master at the behest of his master Lord Vader. 

Obi-Wan Kenobi is shaping up to be something special, not just in terms of Disney+ but in the Star Wars universe. The series is coming sooner than we imagine. It is hard to believe how many days we have left when you think about it. This series has taken so long to develop, and soon it will be on the screens before our eyes. It might elevate the saga films, give depth to the two mythical characters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, and expand that galaxy far, far away.

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Written By Joel Davis

Source(s): GamesRadar+

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