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My Fault


By Samuel FletcherPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Dammit, not again. Get away from me! My pants become treadmills to my collapsing lungs, a restless sensation grips at the chambers of my over functioning blood pumper, how are these god-forsaken monstrosities Hermes fast? The throbbing of my arm increases as the bound and leathered tree becomes a weight against my vivacious cheetah sprint, my arms constrained against their will to violently swing in gorilla like style. Most annoyingly is my promise that has come lose from its dead treed prison, mimicking my crazed thrashing motion. I take my eyes off smoke city, in the length of time, matching an ants figure, to reseal the escaped convict, when a rock bests my foot in a match of rock, foot, pavement. The worst part of that battle was I suffered twice; the foot out duelled by rock and my head out hardened by pavement. Crap! Their shadows shift to looming figures, with Perseus’s will I turn away, compassing my eyes to point towards my journal. Slithering along, my hand chokes the chain once again, my legs tightly wound as an eager Jack that waits to burst from his entrapment. Crrrcckk… My man-made feet pulverise the gravel, leaving whatever the hell one decides to name those beasts, behind my person, and my locket that broke free from its former cell. Double crap, I knew I should not have taken those laxatives! Are the mechanisms of my mind in need of a mechanic, for a mind made wall prevents me from advancing. I cannot leave her. Dammit to hell! A gear change has the gravel repented in its place, my tiger stools pounce upon their eyed-up prey. Where my legs land, my eyes wander elsewhere, they are now way too close for human comfort, like a lion behind a rusted wired cage; I dread their daggered bite. If only I were Pinocchio, then someone could Meister my wooden arms; I am ensnared by peering into their spidered revealing windows, their inner house a crimson décor.

Come on stupid brain, control your mutinous body, grab the chain, forget the beasts. Heart, you are not an African musician, stop that rapid beat! The separating line between my persons breath and theirs has since evaporated, a dimming candle, my soul has melted at sight of their conquering eyes. Maybe this is what the evil eye is? Achoo! A previously batty shaded face becomes renovated green, it does not appear impressed with my additions to the exterior of its being. “Bless me.” I giggle. Cling! My hand eagles the fishy stated pendent back to its original loggings, cradled within the mouth of my fingers. This time, fate will not blanket me kindly if I am defeated by the rock, that is of course, if I am four leaf clovered enough to ruler myself from these conscious freezing sights. A map formulates within the city of my four walled churner, parkour rests scarcely in my daily vocabulary let alone my belt of abilities, but, that horribly deceiving word, if I can Jordan jump atop the bin, I may be able to leverage my chickened self on to the roof. That should be plenty distance to calculate my further escape.

Crrcckk. Sorry gravel, but third time’s the… Jump! Boldness eludes my eyes to look back, my ears, however, lack the ability to choose what they engulf, they are thundering merely hairs distance away. I hate not being ripped, gravity fights with those demons to humble me back to earth, my journal hardly assisting in my favour as it shadows my grip, while my other arm flags with the winds breath. One favour, that is all I am asking, come on fate, let my sock waving wing flap towards the roof’s cloud stable edge. A heater sensation warms my shivering legs as the beasts extending cave cocoons their feeble prey. Notus extends towards me his airy hand, one behemoth swing allows my flailing arm to grapple the edge of the time devoured building. The beast chomps, in vain, as one combined hoist rids me of my too near dinnered future. A top my freshly found haven, I see the forgotten megalopolis consumed by hungry light. Silvery smog breeds with the ruby inferno to birth Hells Gates. After exploring the wasteland, my eyes return to their nests, resting upon the journal.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen...”, my words stumble to find their way out of their rather large door.

“I just wanted to…”, a heart pumped sigh adds to the ever-increasing smoke, another dream snuffed by its handless smother.

Feeding the locket between my fingers loosens my shoulders. Another sigh escapes. My eyes end at the locket, fitting, as life’s sight began with her. Fsshkk! The whole wall trembles at the bazookared shoves of these mighty monsters, I am made a nomad once again, tasked to scout out an armoured base as Death is eager to greet this one. My mind has decided on a place my legs cannot follow as the new haven was set too late. The ground beneath me shatters as a country in arms, the force of the beasts conquers the wearied building, and my legs are swallowed into an expanding black hole of cement, wood, and blinding dust. As the walls agree to meet as opposing waves to bury me in their ruins, I lose sight of the forgotten city, I lose sight of the smoke and fire, all I see is darkness. Ahhhhh! A shriek echoes from my inner soul vibrating my lungs and escaping my lips. A note I have never nor will ever reach again, the former unstable roof lies stable upon my chest, becoming my new warden. My cheeks begin to become a path for a stream, rapid sharp breaths are bucketed out my drying mouth, I am trapped. The only letter being delivered throughout my inner environment is, “pain, you are in pain.”

No part spared by the impact of my Humpty fall. With my temples pulsating and my heart seeking freedom from its captor, I realise the world around me flickers between states of blurred and black. They are here! I experience the slightest release of pressure as their bodies come thundering into their triumphed land. Twined horns, gigantic bat wings, tiger claws, gorilla arms, clothed in black, crimson eyes and bodies that match the measure of an elephant, the demons are nose hair distance from myself. Half a dozen tower my person, scarcely could I defeat them even with my journal in hand, but now I am a decked fish floundering helplessly about. My lids blanket my eyes from this nightmarish scene, sending me to a land long abandoned, yet never beyond recollection. Her north drawn lips set my breathing apace, those pearly jewels of blue centre restore peace to my soul, waves of her hair crash upon my lonely cheek, her nose removes the distance between hers and mine, our lips go to… A gust of snorted summer wind shreds my comfy vison away, etching reality back into the forefront of my view. My dream replaced by nightmare when I look into that demons eyes, its past victims pleading for uncoming mercy, trapped in spheres of red, destined to become souls of dread, I too shall join them in eternal abyss. The beasts hand transforms into my entire world, blocking out any other sight. I try to close my eyes again to see my lost dream, but reality’s nightmare is all that can be seen. Death is here and I invite him in.

‘Aegwaahhh!’, the beast sings out an agonised gurgle.

‘Aegwahhhh!’, another screeches.

Flashes of yellow paint the darkness of my shut eyes, until I gain courage enough to peek. Flapping of the beasts wings sends me with the debris across the wreckage of the complex, knees and hands turn red with unforgiving rough earths face. What in the world is going on? My head attempts to submarine scope the situation but at its turning freckle sized pebbles seek refuge within my eyes. ‘Aegwaahh!’, cry the beasts as lightning bolts flash.

Crack! The former building crumbles as the battle endures. My hands metamorphosize into eyes seeking refuge from this chaos. A steady wall appears to their frail touch, I take cover as the beasts shrieks and lightning bolts increase. My hands shift from their comforting rock to relive my sockets of their stowaway pebbles. Formless figures come to return to their former states as I begin to see the beasts relenting to the might of another. Jack? Cliché I know but seriously do my eyes deceive me? He's a sorcerer and here of all places! One by one the beasts take flight, they swarm around in a circular dance, the wind picks up and my intelligence catches up with their plan. “A tornado.” I mutter to the earless walls. The air starts pouring from my mouth either by their pull or my terror, there is no hope.

“Razhedizel!”, a boom comes from Jack.

My focus gravitates towards him then rotates back to the sky, nothing’s there but black dust. Woah, Jack is not someone I want to enrage right now.

“What on earth did you do? This is all your fault!”, too late Jacks attention has too hastily shifted from former foes to feeble me.

Though we’re meters apart he bridges the distance before my mind can concoct a suitable response. How do you justify causing the end of the world?

“I… I… I know but…”, I have no excuse.

I turn everywhere but his demanding glare, and my eyes find out my journal. The locket… Our heart, our dreams, my love, her. Though its heart is still gold and intact mine has grown faded and broken. “You just could not let her die”, Jack’s eyes landed on my attentions jailer.

“I only meant to raise the dead, not…”, my hands comfort my sight again as my being weighs upon them.

“Not raise the devil”.

science fiction

About the Creator

Samuel Fletcher

Dream BIG, fly higher! Samuel Fletcher is a day dreamer who gazes upon a vision where humanity can live in peace. His main topics in writing are of philosophical practices, plays and novels often centred around love and peace.

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