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Moon Maiden Mystique

Idiosyncrasies and Mysteriousness all rolled into one

By S Z PiranerPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

I think it’s best to start with the most obvious trait that Cancerians are universally known for, which is moodiness. Because we feel everything so intensely we can quickly jump from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. Due to Cancer’s connection with the moon many of us tend to wax and wane with the phases of the moon.

I definitely believe my moods can be affected by the moon – especially a full moon. That’s when I get an inner restlessness and I tend to do crazy things like contact ex-boyfriends or post whimsical affirmations on my socials that I delete the next morning. But as far as the everyday moodiness that gives cause to confusion and trepidation for those near and dear I fortunately have more stability with my emotions.

Cancerians are incredibly intuitive and very good at reading people and have a good knack at determining when someone is acting unusual or if something is off. People are drawn to us and feel comfortable in our company, feeling that we can understand and feel their joy or pain and everything in between.

Yes, I very much feel this intuitive trait and it has assisted me in getting out of some potentially dangerous situations in the past. I also do feel like I can ‘read a room’ just by surveying my surroundings. Unfortunately this practice can result in being perceived as aloof by some, but that’s okay, because I would have already deemed them to not be part of ‘my tribe’.

Cancerians don’t do breakups well. We can tend to be a bit clingy. Kind of like the crab’s pincers getting a hold of their prey and refusing to let go. We often find it difficult moving on from a failed relationship and can take a considerable amount of time to get back on our feet after heartbreak.

Guilty as charged.

We can be perceived as mysterious and difficult to work out. Some would say we can be enigmatic. We don’t blurt out our secrets to just anyone and even when we do choose to tell someone about our world we often keep it short and absent of every minuscule detail. This evasiveness frustrates those that thrive on gossip.

I tend to keep my cards close to my chest. There are many things that occur in my life that I keep to myself for no other reason except that it’s my business. I have a wealth of experience up there in my noggin that would probably surprise some. And who doesn’t like being considered an enigma I ask you?

Cancerians are calm and chilled, unless you poke us. We generally have a very easy going take on life and this demeanor can give some people the impression that they can take advantage of us. This can be a very bad idea as we are well equipped to retaliate and put these types of people in their place.

I definitely have a sunny disposition and cruise through the days with a smile on my face. But this doesn’t mean I am not aware of situations when unscrupulous people try to ‘throw me under the bus’. I can take care of myself and I have to admit that I do get a kick out of blindsiding these types of people when they end up on the receiving end of my defensiveness.

Family is very important to Cancerians and we can be very protective of those that are closest to us and have a strong natural instinct to nurture. We also have a fondness for nostalgia and upholding family traditions and are typically the caretakers of cherished memories, photo albums, and other mementos of significant personal value.

This is where I definitely let my fellow Cancerian folk down. I have been pretty much on my own since my early teens and am very much an independent soul. I do hold on to cherished memories and other keepsakes that have personal significance to me, so I guess that’s redeeming.

We Cancerians tend to be open-minded and imaginative. We have no boundaries when it comes to imagination and prefer to have creative outlets and pursue careers where our creativeness can be put to good use. We are always open to new ideas, no matter how crazy they may be, and we prefer to ponder over things deeply rather than taking things at face value. This can lead to an issue with over analyzing situations unnecessarily, much to the frustration of those that are closest to us.

Guilty as charged.

We may have a reputation for being sensitive but it’s advisable not to underestimate our strength and resilience. We are more than capable of ‘rolling with the punches’ when life throws us a curve ball and we surprise others with our ability to dust ourselves off and get on with things when the going gets tough.

I have always relied on my inner strength to push through the many adversities life throws my way. I have always believed in my inner strength and firmly believe that I am capable of virtually anything if I really apply myself.

Cancerians are complicated souls and have many facets to our personality. We have many layers that never cease to amaze those closest to us. Just when they think they have us all figured out we go and do something totally unexpected that they could never have seen coming.

I really like this Cancerian trait that I possess. Who doesn’t like being mysterious and multifaceted? It keeps life interesting for all parties involved.

We are compassionate and empathetic and feel others joy and pain. We can really sympathize with the underdog and can be brought to tears watching a stranger struggle in life. We have an ability to put ourselves in another’s shoes and we are perceived as thoughtful and caring people.

I very much feel other’s struggles and can get teary eyed simply by reading a sad news article or seeing someone being mistreated by another. I will not hesitate to step up and offer assistance to an elderly person struggling to carry their groceries or a homeless person asking for food.

When a Cancerian is unhappy we can become distant and withdrawn, refusing to communicate our feelings. We can put up impenetrable walls and push away those that are closest to us. We don’t do this to hurt anyone so don’t ever take it personally. It’s a clear sign that something is troubling us and that we need some time alone to work things out at our own pace.

Guilty as charged.

We are real homebodies who love nothing more than creating a comfortable, safe space for ourselves and our family. Friends will find it difficult to convince us to get out and about when we are much happier pottering about in our own home. We can tend to be loners who at times crave our own company to simply recharge.

I love chilling out alone on the weekends. Whether I am busying myself with domestic duties or relaxing in front of the television I am very content. At times I have to make myself go out and be social because I know it’s probably not healthy to constantly be alone. I try to keep it balanced but I have to admit it’s an effort to do so.

Cancerians are free-spirited and don’t like being told what to do. As tempting as it may be to follow the majority, we love to embrace being different and marching to the beat of our own drum. Our individuality doesn’t always allow for us to blend into the background.

I am definitely an individual who doesn’t like to be told how to speak, act or look. I love that I am able to be spontaneous and able to do what I want when I want. I appreciate that I have that freedom.

So there you have it. That’s me in a crab shell! I’m pretty much accurately depicted as a Cancerian and love the idiosyncrasies and mysteriousness that encompasses me as a July baby.


About the Creator

S Z Piraner

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