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Little Black Book of Magic and Mystery

A book for new life

By Tamara LoertscherPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Tamara lay on her back in the meadow next to her grandparents house, starring up into the beautiful blue summer sky. She closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze blow across her bikini clad skin, and twirl through her long blonde hair like silky fingers. Laying in the sun was her place of zen, it helped her to take her mind off of the nightmare that was her life lately.

She sighed, opened her eyes, and sat up. Her grandparents had a beautifully peaceful home in the country. Sprawling green lawns with pine trees in a perfect living fence around the house. A giant and ancient tree more 200 feet tall sat right next to the house like a imposing guardian. Tamaras grandfather was something of a tree whisperer, who would take walks looking for young misshaply growing trees and liberate them to his property where he planted each one with loving care. Her grandmother was very secretive, but outgoing. She loved to sit at her kitchen table where she had a perfect view of her birdfeeder. That’s all she needed, her birdfeeder and her coffee to be happy it seemed. Tamara never really could tell what her grandmother was thinking. One day Tamara decided to go up into the attic. There were always tons of old treasures to be found up there. She was looking through an old box of books, mostly dusty outdated romance novels and country westerns. Then one book caught her eye. It looked to be made of old black leather and had intricate carved patterns and symbols on both the front and back covers. It had a lock on it. The lock was worn and old but not rusty. Odd she thought. As she ran her fingers over the dusty lines she felt a cool breeze blow over her neck. Taamaaraa she heard a faint whisper say her name. It sounded like whomever said it was right next to her, but there wasn’t anyone there. Her grandparents were too sore from their many years to come up here anymore. She looked at the lock and gasped. She took her necklace out from beneath her shirt. There was the old and worn, but not rusty, key her mother had given her for her 18th birthday. Please hang on to this, never loose it, the time will come when you will know where to use it. She squeezed her eyes closed at the thought of her mother, and tried not to cry. It had only been 6 months since both of her parents had died in an automobile accident. Everyday she still thought of them and their love and kindness.

She held the key close to her heart for a minute, then removed it from her neck and slid it into the lock on the mysterious black book. She slowly turned the key until she heard the soft click of it opening. The book flew open and the pages started flapping like the wings of many frantic birds trying to escape. She was startled and stumbled backwards on her behind. There was a faint amethyst glow coming from the book now, and the pages had settle and were only vibrating with energy. She crawled closer to the book to see what was written there. When she could finally make out the words she gasped, putting her hand to her mouth in disbelief. “ Hello Tamara, it is I your mother, Helena. I know this must be a shock for you. It is time you found out who and what you truly are my daughter, my love,” Tamara read. “Our family comes from a very ancient line of wiccans” the book read. “You my dear are the new incarnation of the ancient one named Cleopatra of Egypt. You must come with me to that dimensional time and place so you may take your rightful place, the new high Wiccan goddess Tamara!” Tamara was shocked beyond words. She had always felt different somehow, but never could put her finger on it as to why. She had collected Egyptian artifacts and memorabilia when she was younger, and was drawn to the shape of the pyramids. Tamara was bullied relentlessly as a child for being different. It had caused her pain and torment. Finally my quest was over she thought, a contented smile on her face. She knew this was the end of this boring, painful and monotonous life. A pale blue and sparkling like a diamond hand reached out of the middle of the book and extended out to her. She took the beautiful sparkling hand in hers and let herself be pulled into the book, she closed her eyes and felt that cool summer breeze and warm sunshine kissing her face once again. She opened her eyes, looked upon the new life she had been given and smiled.


About the Creator

Tamara Loertscher

I love writing and creating beautiful, imaginative stories. I try to be as original as I can. I have a beautiful son, who is my entirety, and a loving husband. Thank you for reading my content ❤️

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