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Link Between Human Mind And Quantum Mechanics

Link between human mind and quantum mechanics

By Jhakri TharuPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Link Between Human Mind And Quantum Mechanics
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

It is better to turn to the complex experimental reality of invisible computer theory than to discover the neural integration of quantum processes in the brain. Switching to the quantum definition should take place in quantum concepts in principle to maintain the logical harmony and coherence used to connect the visual body image of the subject and its dissemination of information. The physical condition of the brain arose from a multitude of unimaginable possibilities, from a possible combination of release and release from one sensory center to another, questioning the quantum laws of specific effects and the earth-linked mechanisms described in the observer/participant stream.

The concept of quantum awareness was developed by Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose who point out that small cellular structures are subjected to a familiar concept, called microtubules. The theory of Penrose and Hameroff states that the formation of microtubules is a fractal pattern that triggers quantum processes. In this case, at the quantum level, small particles travel in fractal patterns to brain neurons.

Somehow, it is difficult to avoid the said communication between knowledge and quantum technology. The relationship between quantum machines and higher brain functions, including consciousness, is rarely discussed or understood. It was British scientist Roger Penrose who first pointed out to observers that the effects of quantum mechanics could be involved in cognition.

The first detailed concept of quantum consciousness was developed in the 1990s by Nobel Prize winner Roger Penrose of Oxford University and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff of the University of Arizona using mathematics and computer simulation. With their carefully planned concept reduction (ORCH), which has been reviewed by a series of revisions since its creation, they wrote that the quantum count of cellular structures, known as microtubules, contributes to shooting. neuron as well as consciousness.

The laws of quantum mechanics, a theory that determines how small particles such as electrons move, define the complexity of human understanding. Penrose and Hameroff claim that neural systems in the brain form complex networks and that consciousness is produced by following these rules.

What we have accomplished with the human mind is that it has its weaknesses, and I suspect that the existence of quantum is one of them. Today, scientists not only suspect that intelligence can be influenced by quantum machines, but also that they can emerge from it. Revelations about the observation and measurement of quantum effects and changes in their behavior are disturbing because they suggest to many that consciousness is part of the quantum vision.

They believe that quantum theory is necessary to understand how the brain works. To explain the physics of the physical connection between the mind and consciousness in the physical brain, this article describes in detail how quantum-based causal processes work and shows that basically, it is necessary to go beyond the quantum level to adequately attain neurological theory and function. There is little reason to turn to quantum mechanics to explain the higher functions of the brain, including consciousness until such progress is made.

An important aspect of quantum physics with cognitive studies is a problem called measurement. Here we challenge the call to be able to take responsibility for the quantum mechanical measurement process with the next thought.

American physicist Richard Feynman speaks of a confusing complexity in quantum mechanics, the theory by which scientists explain the tiny objects in the universe. It is a topic that can be developed in a variety of ways: the relationship between mind and story in quantum physics: consciousness, mind and brain, consciousness and brain song, 2018Song, D. Machine, and man.

It does not help that there is a new metallurgical sector dedicated to the concept of quantum awareness, he says that quantum machines provide a plausible reason for things like telepathy and telekinesis. Comprehension is not only influenced by quantum technology, but we not only need quantum theory to understand how the brain works but also enjoy the discomfort that that organization brings. In fact, Roger Penrose argues that the brain can detect incomparable functions and that this is related to cognition, but that cognition requires the discovery of quantum gravity theory, microtubule sites, and corresponding quantum gates.

Decreased Obstetric Objectives (ORCH) claim that consciousness is caused by quantum vibrations between microtubules in the brain and neurons. This hypothesis, called ORCH, contradicts the common notion that consciousness is due to communication between neurons.

A new understanding of quantum fractals will form the basis for scientists to explore the concept of quantum consciousness. If quantum measurements are not made one day in the human brain, they will be compared and our results will determine whether the identity is antiquated or quantum. If the results could be compared with one day's measured brain activity, we would be one step closer to confirming or rejecting the idea of ​​quantum consciousness.

In the quantum system of neurons, according to Hameroff and Penrose, is the breakdown of wave activity to produce cognitive moments. Investigators feel compelled to conclude that strategic accuracy is a delusion and that competence plays a significant role in quantum thinking.


About the Creator

Jhakri Tharu

[email protected]

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