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Limbo The Progression Of Being

(The rescue of Life, the Universe & Everything)

By Senna WatsonPublished 4 years ago 133 min read

The Beginning

We have many Religions around the World and each has its Deity, the Being that is heard but not seen, the Being who speaks to only the Chosen Ones. These Gods each, in their own way allegedly created the Universe and the Solar Systems and the Planets, this is what each Religion believes about their God. The Chosen Ones edict Laws and Beliefs according to what their God has told them in extraordinary instances of “talking to God”.

Science however has proven that the all powerful God creating Earth is but a myth and everything was created by natural progression. Chemical reactions and the resulting evolution as each species and breed evolved, mutated and adapted to new surroundings as they presented themselves. It is created by millions of groups of natural beings and natural events.

Science has also established that each breed and species of being has its place in the natural order, the specific purpose for why it exists and the purpose it serves in a conglomerate of natural orders. Which brings me to the reason for this book; Why does man exist? What is his natural purpose of existence? Why is man here on earth and what is it he is supposed to be doing to contribute to natural order?

This of course is going to take a lot of explaining, a lot of going off the beaten track and beating our way back to the track. Religion would have it that we are here to do good deeds, live by the Laws set down by the men who claim to speak to God and worship God all day every day. This really does not sit well with me and what I believe is our purpose.

I have what I feel is a fairly scientific mind that thinks logically, that assesses all facets of a situation or problem before attempting to act upon my deductions. I also feel that I have a mind that operates in the same way as a self proclaimed medium. I do not practice in any way as a medium and I do not talk to dead people for the sake of other people. However occasionally those that have passed on do come to me and use whatever means available to get a message through to the living. These are not messages of I love you or I miss you or I was there for Davy’s Graduation Dinner, these are messages that have informed me of the dire situation existing in the system that is Life and the Afterlife.

I take this opportunity to inform you that what mediums call the Afterlife I call “Limbo” for that is where we go after death, into Limbo, into the waiting room. I call it this because I believe Life does not end when the body itself dies and “Limbo” is where our Beings go, to give us time to pass important messages to loved ones, pass the information onto the system (collective conscious for want of a better description) that we gathered in that life and await our next mission.

I am going to set down the conclusions I have come to in my inner search and my outer search and how they have gelled together to make a fairly logical explanation of why we are here and what we are meant to be doing. This explanation includes dealing with death and the process I believe the body and soul go through during and after death and how humans deal with the physical implications that death represents.

We all know now that the Planets in this Solar System were created by explosions from the Sun that spat out large molten masses before it imploded, the size of those masses ejected, dictated velocity and range. Velocity and Mass dictated where the Planets finally settled into an orbit around the Sun. Earth (Gaia) was fortunate that it’s size ensured its orbit would be in a position that would eventually have the Planet able to support Life as Humans know it, when it finally cooled.

Gaia like the Sun (Saul), like the Universe (Ur-Sula), like every other Planet within Ur-Sula, is a living breathing being and a biological system that thrives on natural order. Ur-Sula herself as well as Gaia and even Humans are biological computer systems, with programmes, objectives and primary objectives and we all belong to Ur-Sula’s programme if we are within this Universe.

However like a virus in a mechanical computer system we have strayed from our part in the programme and reset our own objectives. We have allowed our Ego to let us believe we are more important than the entire program or that we are the entire program. This is messing with the natural order of Ur-Sula’s programming and we all know what the result of a virus in a computer system is.

At some point, if the virus is not deleted from the system, the system will have to be wiped and a new operating system and programme will have to be installed. Again like any other computer if this is done too many times eventually the computer itself is rendered irreparable and is thrown on the junk pile.

With that said it would be the right time to relay to you that in a trance state, which I use to step into Limbo, I was shown 6 different attempts at this operating programme throughout this Universe, that have failed, for the same reason as this one is failing. However the Beings concerned did not know why the System kept failing over and over again, they could not find the constant that led to each failure. In this trance state and after I was shown how the System operated, I believe I found the answer they sought, the constant that appeared in each attempt, more on that later.

It appears to me that Religion, believing in the one God and the irresponsible Laws put in place by the men who claim to “speak with God” are responsible for the majority of the virus in the programming. Their ideals on death, heaven and the afterlife are so far from the truth that the entire system is struggling under the weight of the spiritual blockage occurring in that system.

Some will think I sound a little crazy, some may find my conclusions a little confronting as it deals with the death of loved ones and the programme corrupting way in which we deal with it… But it is important to the system as a whole that I explain exactly how I believe Life works in unison with Death and Limbo. How our experiences in Life are important to the System and how the entirety of what I believe, explains how we stamp out behaviours we do not want present in human evolution.

In my discoveries in a trance state I have determined that any and all Gods were not exactly “all knowing”, more like “all interfering”. The Gods I have experienced and wondered about were once living as humans and found a way to trap themselves in “eternal life” which is actually eternal death and their self made objective was to rule the Heaven and Earth from the Afterlife (Limbo).

This is the beginning of the spiritual blockage Gaia and Ur-Sula are now experiencing in their system. Beings trapped where they should not be, building up into a huge crowd of souls crying out to be heard by the living. Waiting for someone to find a solution and the answer as to why they were trapped in the blackness that is Limbo and the eternal fire Christians call Hell (another explainable phenomenon, which in truth is not as creepy as Christians make out and is entirely escapable) and how they can be released from it.

The purpose here is not to offend or frighten, however some religious people may find this offensive, for the answer in the end is as simple as letting go of our loved ones and changing the way we deal with their remains. Some may find it frightening as the truth of my words hit home, the realisation of these truths can be somewhat dizzying in their effect. At this point it is natural reaction for superstitious humans to push the truth away and label it, for it is easier to give it a label than it is to explore the ramifications of that truth.

It is sad that I have to write a book to explain something so simple, something we all should already know. I have no scientific research, but you will see, that each step fortifies the truth of each explanation and maybe we can do something to save this Universe from being cut loose. For if this happens, it will do only what it is scientifically and naturally able to do… Deflate within an instant.. That’s right no armageddon, no horsemen, no warning… Just gone!

The lack of information getting through to the system is creating a vacuum that will accelerate the deflation process, that will be caused if this universe is severed from the larger being that it is a part of and relies on to survive. We exist in a cycle of give and take, humans have created that vacuum by taking and not giving in return and information is all that is required from us to keep the cycle revolving!

Chapter 1. Evolution

Evolution… What does this mean exactly?


Any process of formation or growth: development

A product of such development

Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, adaptation to new or changing environments and genetic drift

A process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions.

A motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.

The program we are a part of is based on evolution, growing, adapting, changing, enlarging, mutating. Each generation is slightly bigger and better and more adapted to the environment than the generation before. Evolution is such an important part of our operating system, without evolution there is nothing new to learn, there is nothing to discern, there is nothing to look forward to. This is also true of Limbo, in Limbo is the new information, old information and new programming we need to evolve, so Limbo plays a HUGE part in the evolution process in Life.

As we exist in human life our internal operating system (the brain) is retaining important memories, technical information, emotional information. All recorded with biological recording devices we call ears, eyes, mouth, hands and feet. We record emotions and how it feels to touch something, taste something, hear something and see something. Our nervous system sends these important messages to the brain, which has our life programme embedded within it. Then the brain determines that which we should remember according to the program we chose to install before birth and the factuality of the event that created the information.

How we evolve throughout our lives is also determined by the programme we chose to install. Our mind will be constantly trying to send us along the path, that it determines will best fulfill our programming directives. If we veer from the path, confusion ensues, success is minimal and you have what these days is often referred to as a “loser” or we resort to drugs either prescription or nonprescription, to deal with the anomalies in our behaviour created by the confusion.

Our mind does its best to put you back on the path that best suits your directive and as those trapped in Limbo play with outcomes (intentionally or unintentionally, good intention or bad intention) and our Ego dictates false beliefs to us. This becomes increasingly more difficult to achieve.

We choose this directive after submitting our current information and passing through Limbo into what I call the Programming Area, when I see this area it appears as a honeycomb of transparent bubbles. Within those bubbles are small baby human forms and across the part of the bubble they are facing a myriad of pictures depicting prime directives streams across.

As each milestone crosses in front of the babe it chooses what it wishes to experience in its lifetime. Ideally this is suited to the prime directives offered by Ur-Sula and chosen by the Being currently being programmed. This includes what our Mother and Father have chosen as their directives, what our previous information paths were and what paths we wish to take in the future.

This is all becoming unbalanced and confused over time, as the imbalanced system struggles to decipher outcomes created by religion and human ego in Life. Which exacerbates our prime directive chosen in the programming area prior to birth.

Ur-Sula has much information that she requires to continue the Evolution within her programme, the information she requires to build another livable planet within the system, bigger and better than the first and then another and then another etc and so on. Therefore creating the beginning of a network of livable planets within her system, this is her directive and to achieve this directive, human recorders were created to gather the information she requires. That is the sole purpose of the Human Being, obtain and record information for that purpose.

The information required changes as we evolve, as the requirement is fulfilled and as the new Planets come into being. It will change again as more humans will be required to fill the next Planet and the next, constantly passing on new information as the environment, humans, animals and foliage, changes, adapts and evolves.

So where have we gone wrong? Well that’s starting to become painfully obvious now isn't it? Humans have successfully measured the meaning of life according to their own size and ego and have lost focus on “the bigger picture”. Humans have become so self involved, so self important, that they fail to see their true purpose, the reason for their existence. As long as Humans fail to see their true purpose the system will flail under the pressure created when part of the programme refuses to boot. It’s time for the Human Race to understand its purpose and shed the belief in outdated and superstitious religions, that from the beginning only thwarted the success of the initial programme.

The programme itself was working perfectly until such time as Humans evolved into superstitious Societies, believing that there is only one true God and he made Heaven and Earth. It was working perfectly until those people began to enforce and edict rules that went against the grain of natural evolution, until their Ego began to make humans seek self satisfaction and lost the path to understanding their purpose on this Earth. It was working successfully, until beings within Limbo tried to fix the problem using religious belief as a tool, a problem they far from understood themselves, beings that called themselves Gods, beings that falsely believed they created Heaven and Earth.

The imbalance was intensified when a few so called Prophets claimed they could “speak to God”, when in actual fact they were speaking to a fool who got himself trapped in Limbo and perceived the purpose of Limbo wrongly. Even possibly a fool who was hoodwinked into thinking he was a God and Creator by a few bored Ancient beings who had got themselves trapped in Limbo thousands of years ago when they started mummifying themselves.

Mummifying was the beginning of the spiritual blockage, then the Being that decided to call himself God, connected with a man that claimed he spoke with God. Together they wrote a book they called the Bible and commanded that there should be twelve thousand beings in Limbo to ensure that souls were directed to Heaven and not Hell, which in their mind was created by Ancient Demons. This only caused more blockage, then more blockage was created by contemporary Beings choosing particular burials that do not allow them to move from Limbo into the Programming Area.

As you might be able to gather, this has rendered human evolution almost completely stagnant, as more and more beings find themselves trapped in Limbo and the number of failures to pass on a lifetime of information climbs. This also has caused a problem with the amount of beings that are created to complete the tasks, more and more beings are unable to submit the information gathered during life. Less and less are making it to the programming area, so the programme is then forced to create more beings to keep the programme running efficiently and ensuring the program is able to meet the deadline.

The deadline that needs to be met is much like the menstruation cycle of a human woman attempting to become pregnant. The timing of the ovum becoming fertile, temperature, the presence of fertile sperm, the presence of information within that sperm and ovum. So it is with the creation of a livable planet other than Earth, this process takes hundreds of years to cycle. Each time the programme misses the cycle due to lack of information, the creation of the network is confounded, the planetary impregnation fails and the process must begin again once the failure is flushed and the System ready to start the new cycle.

The Nebula 2000 light years from Pluto is the egg, it is our purpose to fill that egg with spiritual logical and emotional information. The meteor heading this way is the fertile sperm, this holds within it the information required for matter, physical being and mass.

The nebula is attracted to the information within the meteorite, the meteorite is attracted to the information we supply in death, which the nervous system of the universe sends to the Nebula (normally). However because of the religious practices of humans upon death, the information is caught up in Earth’s stratosphere. This gives the impression to the Mass that the Nebula it seeks is us. I don’t believe I need to draw a picture of the result should we fail to repair our system.

You can imagine how mortified I was to hear the news that scientist yet again were messing with natural order, by drilling into that Mass and possibly, in doing so, removed important information from it. Information required for the uncorrupted creation of a new planetary system, information that has been hundreds, possibly thousands of light years in the gathering.

In future chapters, I will explain how we pass on this information and how we can ensure that the information is sent to the correct instance in the system. So that we can avoid such a catastrophe as a meteor thinking we are its fertile egg and yet again changing human evolution.

In summary we are part of a system that depends on evolution to retain a cycle that feeds an ovum of energy, information. That in turn is attracting a huge mass akin to a sperm also full of information to create a new solar system and network of livable planets.

The mass is meant to be on a collision course with the nebula that contains our information, when it reaches it’s destination, which is the centre of the nebula, a chemical reaction will take place. The chemical reaction causes the mass entering the nebula to go into what scientists call a supernova, where the mass explodes and then implodes turning into a sun with an orbiting planetary system.

The belief that the supernova is the end of a system is erroneous in its deduction, for the supernova is actually the beginning of a system. Sadly 6 of those beginnings have failed and the initial livable planet eventually died out, which in turn malnourished the sun it orbited, whom also eventually died out. These catastrophic failures left dead systems floating in space, with a depleted nebula close by.

This is because of human interference most prominently religious beliefs and burial practices, the information required is not getting through to it’s destination and we need to fix the problem now. I believe those that script virtual planets in video games have the best chance of understanding what I am expressing here, as they understand how information and data is required to build their virtual planets, that without the information and data gathered the build could not be achieved.

Chapter 2. The Programming Area

In this chapter we are going to take a closer look at what I believe happens in the birth and death process. How Limbo and the Programming Area within it, are involved in that process, how beings are finding themselves trapped in Limbo and how some beings are finding their way out, permanently and temporarily.

The cycle this process operates within, makes it difficult to find a starting point and an ending point for discussion, for there is no real beginning or end as we understand it, because it is a cycle that cannot not exist at all without each process. So I will begin with what is the most understandable starting point, which is something I mentioned in the previous chapter, the Programming Area.

If we have entered this area, it is reasonable to assume that we have physically died and made it through the rest of the process, without becoming stuck in Limbo. This area is where we determine what our next step is, after submitting the information required to keep the system running and create the network that is apparent in every Universe but this one.

It is in this area that we meet potential lifetimes partners, these are the beings we choose to live our lifetimes with. We have many friends, mothers, fathers and siblings across our lifetimes, but we only have one partner that we live all our lifetimes with. When we evolve, they evolve with us, when we are in life, they are also in life and before you are born into each life you have agreed to meet up in that life. It is usual for lifetimes partners to be of the opposite gender and marry in the lifetime.

Our lifetimes partner is someone we have already lived multiple lifetimes with and have developed an unwavering trust in their path and their being and their paths are similar to our own. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction so to speak, they are the opposites of the same path that are a compliment to our Being and our own path.

I say usual because at present the system is so unbalanced and crowded that lifetimes partners have lost track of each other. Have gotten themselves trapped in Limbo or have persistently committed so many heinous crimes in Limbo that Ur-Sula has deleted them from being. It was not usual practice for beings to jump genders but as Limbo got more and more crowded and beings got more desperate to find their partners they began jumping genders.

This created homosexuality, as partners found each other in life and discovered that the partner they were so drawn to, was of the same physical gender. This being said if a partner is found and is of same gender, it is of extreme importance that these partners remain together until death and in so doing can determine the correct genders for the next lifetime. It is important that these partners do not lose each other again, once found, regardless of physical gender.

Back to the workings of the Programming Area, in here we indicate “I have to do this in my lifetime to gather the information required about this experience, so I need my Mother or Father to have a particular occupation or interest that will be fruitful to that quest”. Each potential parent indicates I am meant to do that in my lifetime and they move along the elimination process as we explore the data required to complete our Universal Task.

As we go through the list of what we require in that lifetime a process of elimination occurs until we are presented with one Mother and one Father that fit the bill. The same process is apparent for siblings until our family is chosen. Please note that it takes several human lifetimes to plan your next lifetime. As there is approximately a three generation gap between lifetimes, it has presented a problem in a system that has become so unbalanced.

These problems are created by beings becoming trapped in Limbo and Partners being born at the wrong time. Making it impossible for them to spend that Lifetime together as already planned. This could also be contributing to the growing instances of paedophilia in the world, where the gap of birth between partners has become too great.

So we have consulted the Universe in the Programming Area and have been presented with our prime directives based on the information she requires. We have been shown a cache of experiences and milestones pertaining to that directive and chosen those we wish to take. We have expressed those requirements to potential physical family members, who then match them with yours and family is agreed.

We then plan with our lifetimes partner when to be born, when to cross paths, what to look for, what gender, occupations and interests and even how we will look (the reason why we are drawn to a particular type of person in our lifetime). Ideally in perfect planning we should meet our partner 3 times during the lifetime, the first time is around the 5-6 year old mark, the meeting is generally a brief one, but this is the first important contact. The second is around the 14-15 year mark and this meeting is the first youthful partnership where we nurture a strong human bond.

This union should last until around 18-19 at which time you both agree to go your separate ways for a while to experience other physicalities and also agree to a place and time to meet up when you reach around the 21 year mark. This is to allow time to experience other relationships before committing to your Partner and to establish that it is actually the right Partner. At the 21 mark the agreed reunion should take place at which you spend time together before marrying around age 25, spending the rest of the lifetime together and producing the family you have both agreed upon prior to birth.

This should not be arranged by anyone else at all, if the system was truly balanced this would be happening naturally and the partners would be at the correct age and gender for this to happen naturally.

It is extremely important to the system that existing lifetime partners reunite, giving the system the opportunity to take account and create lifetime partners for those who have not yet found one and for those whose who have had partners that have been deleted from being.

At this point in time with so many millions trapped in Limbo this is almost impossible to do without unbalancing the system even more and creating more beings than the system can even handle. Reiterating the importance that once you find your lifetimes partner you must stay together regardless of gender. When it comes to age issues this is a different kettle of fish altogether, this is a perplexing issue in the system that I have not yet determined an acceptable solution for.

In summary the programming area is where we develop a relationship with the being that we spend living all our lifetimes with, select the family members of that lifetime and choose our milestones and experiences for that lifetime. It is the area we progress to after being in Limbo after death and passing on our information from the previous lifetime.

Chapter 3. Limbo

Limbo ahh now this is a very complicated place, possibly the most complicated of the entire system. Limbo is the place where we go after physical death, it is here that the next step is determined while we send our last messages to our previous family and friends. It is here that we submit our information to the system, it is here that we wait until we are processed and sent on to the programming area. So it is not surprising that a self important, power hungry, superstitious fanatic, like a self proclaimed or duped God could get things so extremely wrong.

Limbo is a place of connections, we connect on every level in Limbo, it is a storage area and a spiritual thoroughfare. It is the place mediums reach into to speak to your loved ones for you, it is the place Beings reach out from to convey messages after physical death. It is the collective consciousness or external hard drive, the spiritual internet.

How beings have come to be trapped in there will be mentioned later on, however they are trapped and some have been trapped for thousands of years. After being trapped for so long, some play games with the living to relieve their boredom. Some interfere with the system in an attempt to fix what they do not understand. For in this system, even in Limbo, the human purpose has been made so obscure by the fantasies of superstitious beings, living and dead and human Ego that it has corrupted the system throughout life and death

In Limbo we still have the ability to contact past loved ones, recall the memories of the previous lifetime, push things around a little in the physical world using vibration and make suggestions toward an action. So as you can imagine there are many beings who have only a recollection of a lifetime thousands of years ago. Their ideals and directives are out of date and they are still acting upon those out of date ideals and directives with no real knowledge of the state or stage of current evolution and social requirements. They convey these things no longer to long gone past family, but to whomever they can establish a connection with.

There are many interesting facets to Limbo, the most interesting being the collective memory bank, collective conscious, external hard drive, whatever you want to call it. In this databank is all the information that has been passed on thus far. The information from the trapped beings has not yet entered this part of the system, where it is required and never will be, for if they are trapped in Limbo they destroyed the information upon death.

The beauty of this memory bank is it contains only cold hard facts, it does not contain lies, it contains factual experience. So when you wonder about something, you are connecting to that databank. Whatever you visualise after the wondering is most likely truth and factual. It is only after this visualisation that our Ego wanting to claim the thought for itself or change its factuality to suit itself and/or the corrupted path the human Ego has created, that changes it from truth to untruth.

Imagination is determined by the system to be temporary data and Limbo works much like RAM when dealing with it. Once it has served its purpose it eventually falls off the system as other imaginations proceed it. Unless the imagination turns into a factual event, at which point the event imagined then progresses from temporary memory to factual memory and is recorded as true fact within the database. This RAM area is separate to the factual data area, in fact the RAM area spans the entirety of Limbo except the database itself which can be found as a physical nebula forming in space, an offshoot of Limbo that is contained within Limbo.

If we have made it to the human incarnate we have already lived multiple lifetimes and traveled through Limbo as many times as we have lived. Starting with our incarnate as a nucleus of the atom, to the atom, to the cell, etc and so on. Including lifetimes as chosen animals, which present themselves in our lifetimes as animals we relate to and have an affinity with. We are meant to evolve further but our religious beliefs and practices have held us back and ultimately trapped millions in Limbo, a place our beings are only meant to travel through, beings were never meant to remain in Limbo indefinitely.

Also holding us back is the lack of information required for Ur-Sula to create more Solar Systems with livable planets. We ourselves eventually live lifetimes as planets and universes, if we were not spiritually stagnate as we are, we would have more beings in this system that would have already achieved this.

Children spend quite a lot of their waking time and all of their sleeping time in Limbo, they are constantly with one foot in and one foot out so to speak. Our lack of understanding of this ability due to misinformation over the ages, has left an opening for restless beings to play with the only vulnerable connections available to them, which at this point is our children.

Another problem with this is, a Being currently living a physical lifetime, shines like a bright light in Limbo due to the Chi that is not present in a being that is no longer alive. Our Religious Leaders would have us believe that when we die, we must walk into the light.

Young children are constantly connected to Limbo shining like a bright beacon in there and every Being trapped in there is trying to find its way out. Most have the religious directive of walk into the light, so you can understand the confusion this is causing for our children who are by nature connected to Limbo. They are dealing with trapped spirits that try at least once to walk into the light they are unwittingly and uncontrollably shining in Limbo.

In Limbo our Earth, as it is a being and our Universe whom is also a being, can communicate with us. It is most effective for them to have an appearance rather than just using audible methods, therefore they appear to us in a shape we can relate to, human form. They are not Gods and would be offended if treated as such, especially since it is beings that have identified themselves as Gods, that have completely unbalanced their programme.

So we have Limbo, full of trapped beings reliving over and over the memories of their previous lifetime, which brings me to Hell. Hell fire and burning brimstone, eternal damnation, the Devil’s playground is what our Religious Leaders would have us believe. Hell described by Christians is an over dramatised account of a near death experience, that placed a living being in Limbo. They described what they saw when they were revived, including people burning in fire and the notion of Hell was created.

Beings in Limbo burning in fire, are beings trapped in a memory, the memory their body had upon death. It means they either died by fire or they chose to be cremated. This being is simply trapped in a memory and can be released from that memory by suggesting they remember something else of their lifetime, there is no such thing as Hell and eternal damnation. We can communicate with beings in Limbo, therefore we can help those who believe they are burning in Hell to move on from that memory.

Hell then conjures up images of Christian Heaven the promise of eternal life, the angels standing at the pearly gates of Heaven. Again this brings us back to a self proclaimed God, who was a man that lived on earth. I also believe the Ancients at that particular time were trying to rule the world from the Afterlife which was why they had their bodies preserved.

In their boredom the Ancients played a game with a living man, whom they convinced was the Creator of all the World and Mankind, that he was a God. This man was a pervert in life and a peeping tom. He gleaned extreme excitement from whispering through windows, he convinced Joseph and Mary he was a spirit in this fashion. After drugging their mealtime drinks, he would sneak in and rape Mary who was allegedly a virgin. As they had no explanation for Mary’s pregnancy and God was a spirit that was really a man whispering through windows, the only explanation they could come up with is immaculate conception by God. This however is not the original man who proclaimed himself God (somewhat a copycat)!

If you read the bible and apply logic to the stories in the Bible and other stories that are today considered to be myth, view them as real life factual stories, then wonder how it came to be. Then Limbo will answer you with the truth, if it was factual you can visualise the story in your mind, if it is not then you will draw a blank. Take for example Medusa, if you wonder how that story can be made plausible fact, you would come to the conclusion that Medusa was a free spirit whom worshiped nature.

She had long matted hair and she often laid down in long grass and watched the clouds roll across the sky. Being one that felt at peace with nature, when a snake came across her sleeping in the grass and found her matted hair made a perfect nest to coil up in, she did not remove the snake when she awoke. Instead she caught mice to feed it and left it to live within her hair. Being such a naturist she did not want the snake to live a life alone, for she knew how that felt and soon she found a mate and placed the mate also within her hair and pretty soon they had babies.

One day a man came along who was attracted to her and he approached her to speak to her, when he got too close snakes curiously poked their heads out of her hair, flicking their tongues to taste what kind of danger this other human represented. The man froze in shock when he saw the snakes in her hair and remained there in shock until long after she walked away, confused for he approached her, but stood there silent and frozen.

So the story of Medusa and the snakes in her hair was born and so the story of how she could turn men to stone evolved. The story was borne of a man who felt the need to save face with his peers by making up an incredible story about the woman he was attracted to that appeared to his peers to just walk away, leaving the man behind her frozen as if he was turned to stone.

Let us also look at the story of Pan, he was a man who was told to be half man, half goat, he played a pan flute and he was rumored to use this flute to call the children. To create a plausible account of the story you must first understand that Pan was most likely deformed at birth and instead of feet, he had stumps.

He was born into a time of war and a time of little understanding or acceptance of deformities. His father who was an industrious man and loved his son regardless of his deformity wanted to help his son to walk more easily, so he created clogs he could wear that looked and sounded much like hooves when on his feet.

As you would imagine, with so little understanding and acceptance of deformity that was apparent in that era of time, he was banished very quickly from societies and left to fend for himself in the wilderness. He would hunt to eat and use the pelts to make warm clothing, which would give him the appearance of being covered in fur and only half covered if it was warm enough for him to be just wearing clothing on his lower body.

At some point in his lifetime he came across people who were more accepting and he often played his flute in the street which brought the children out of the houses to follow him down the street, dancing to the music from his flute. The village that adopted him came under attack, most likely because they had accepted him into it and to any who did not know him he looked with his hoof like clogs and animal pelt pants, to be half man, half goat,. This appearance made the surrounding villagers afraid of him, so they attacked the village he lived in. To get the children to safety as quickly as possible they asked Pan to play his flute which brought the children out from the houses and they followed him down the street dancing, as he led them to safety.

There are many mythical stories that can be made plausible if thought through with logical deductions and a desire to know the truth. Many stories that were embellished and turned into fairy tales, that started from a truthful and factual event. Many stories that were used by superstitious and religious people to strike fear into their believers and enemies. Many stories that can be wondered about in Limbo so the factual truths of those stories can be revealed.

God himself was not a well man in life and his research into the Ancients of Egypt and the burial practices, part explained to him, the connection he had with the Ancients in Limbo. After at first trying to fool him into thinking he was the creator of everything they realised they had a connection and maybe they could try to work out how to be released from Limbo. They attempted to make God understand what was happening.

God by this time was completely convinced he was a God and that he was meant to be in the afterlife creating Heaven. So he decided to do something similar, when he died he asked to be cremated his remains to be crushed, added to a vat of molten gold and gilded to what they now call the ARK of the Covenant. There are in fact two Ark’s if you read the Bible, one for God and the other for his Wife Lucifer (Lucifer’s original task as stated in the Bible is the Light Bearer so I am guessing Lucifer was a medium). Once he trapped himself in Limbo he attempted to connect with his only family, Moses, to which he relayed the messages that eventually became the book called the Bible.

So now we have God stuck in Limbo, with the Ancients who were also stuck in Limbo, but now God believed he was the creator, the almighty and one and only God and heaven forbid he was stuck in Limbo. Which he had decided in his infinite wisdom was eternal life and that he was the ruler and creator of everything, so he called it Heaven and started making rules for people to enter it.

The end result of this story is now we have Limbo which is an integral part of this systems operating system, under siege by an egotistical, power hungry, pervert (or two as he is not the only man who died and believed he was God). Who via sons or chosen prophets and the messages they were relaying, had created fanatical cults that identified themselves as religions. They came to believe they needed to adhere to their God’s words to get into the elite part of this system and not burn in Hell. That to be given eternal life and the luxuries bestowed only by their Gods in heaven they must worship these Gods and spread their word.

After a long time we have a build up of those following these Gods wishes and Laws, getting themselves trapped in Limbo and finding out after arriving it wasn’t everything the Gods had cracked it up to be. That in fact they had only repented to power hungry perverts and wound up in eternal death, rather than life and they had no idea how to get out.

Any God that has entered and got themselves stuck in Limbo, are each and all the same in their beliefs in their eternity and power. Yet they can do no more than convey messages, take a body over temporarily and push boxes off shelves, like any other that is trapped in there. The only difference between those Gods is their beliefs and Laws. The only difference between them and any other being trapped in Limbo is that they actually believe they are Gods.

The Beings in Limbo can take bodies over temporarily however like a fingerprint, the energy of each Being differs from the other, so the connections to the physical brain are different. The only connections from Being to body that is a constant throughout all bodies, is motor function and basic instinct. Hence the reason why when someone has been “possessed” by a Being other than themselves, they can but speak a few words, scream and howl, eat and drive the motor functions.

The possession cannot be sustained for lengthy periods, as such the Being trying to possess the body that is not theirs, does not emit the Chi energy required to drive a body for any sustained length of time. Chi energy is only emitted by a Being currently living a physical lifetime, thus the meaning of Chi, life energy.

This possession can only be achieved if the Being who belongs to that body, either wittingly or unwittingly allows it. In Limbo is where this unwitting allowance happens, for so many human beings completely ignore the existence of Limbo and completely ignore the existence of the Beings trapped in there. So when going into Limbo while sleeping they unwittingly agree to the possession and the possession may happen instantly, or at any other time, as long as it has been agreed to. This fact heightens and highlights the need for humans to begin understanding this overloaded system and the need to release the pressure from that overload by releasing the Beings that are stuck in Limbo.

I did mention limbo was a very complicated place, it’s where dreams happen, it's where hypotheticals can form, it's where ideas are born. It’s where our beings go to wait, it’s where a copy of our data is kept, it’s where we are processed and it’s also where we are deleted. It’s where the programming area is, it is where the entry to rebirth is, it’s where we can communicate on every level we have ever been to and it’s our stratosphere.

It is so many things, that it is difficult to impart everything that Limbo is, how it all interacts and how much danger we are in of losing it all. Everything that I am saying in this composition is to make you aware, that if we do not repair the damage to this System, it faces destruction, it faces being severed from the larger System, that is if it does not self destruct before the larger System can sever it.

It is but one Universe in a network of zillions, it is a minimal loss to the larger system, a bit like cutting off your little toe to be exact or even trimming one leaf off a tree. Limbo is where the other Universi can communicate with us, however they refuse to do so, based on the crazy notions believed by the beings in this universe and a fear of that craziness and the corruption to the system that ensues, spreading to other systems, much like cancer.

It left but one option and this option had to be exercised, for in this Universe there are things that are unique to this Universe and they are important enough to attempt to save it. The option was not for a connection to be made across the Universi but for a Being to reach in. That means a being that has progressed in incarnate, from being a universe or larger to had to regress.

Regressing sounds easy but I am going to explain how complicated it really is, imagine a dog lifetime to a human lifetime, now imagine a lifetime of something as vast as a Universe in comparison to something bigger than that universe. Understand that you cannot just jump in and out, until you have already lived it.

This means you have to live it forward “out”, then you have to live it “back in” (in this situation “back in” is forward, for even though you are going back, you are still moving forward in time), all this is before you can jump in or out. You can only jump as far in, or as far out, as you have already lived forward and back. This means, if you do not regress in as far as you have already lived forward there will be parts of your in, you cannot just jump to and to make the jump you have to die, pass through Limbo and be reborn. Not as easy as the word regressing makes it sound is it?

During this regression the being in question, is in and out of Limbo, seeing the damage being done by these egotistical beings calling themselves Gods. Seeing the remorse from the Ancients who have finally realised the mess their meddling has caused and feeling restricted by the natural laws it must abide by.

The being can do nothing until it arrives in the instance of the living on the level it requires to be on to attempt to fix the problems. The being can say nothing until it has determined what actually caused the damage, it cannot offer solutions, until each solution is fully explored and the potential to cause more damage has been ruled out of the equation.

Wouldn’t you wonder how long it took to get to here, wouldn’t you wonder how frustrated that Being would be. Wouldn’t you wonder what restrictions that Being had on its physical human self, on what it can allow the human self to know, if it had to assess first how much that Being’s human body and mind can take in revelations.

Wouldn’t you wonder how that Being would feel if the humans it came to help, refuse to implement the solutions and it has to return and give the order to destroy a beautiful Universe, with what is essentially good beings existing in it. That is a Being that has the decision of Genocide squarely on their shoulders, wouldn’t you wonder if that was a being that would only agree to Genocide as the ultimate last resort.

This Being had to have the capability of transgressing into Limbo while in physical life, this Being had not only the living to convince the message to, but also the beings trapped in Limbo. This Being had to have the capability of jumping from one entire instance to another and back again. The being would have to determine if it was easier to use the hypothetical arena that is Limbo, to create an instance where all instances could convene, including Ur-Sula and Gaia.

But the being did not know if that capability was viable until it had regressed and assessed the state of evolution the entire system was in. What the Being did know is that Beings further out refused to come in and fully reveal the truth and even if they did, it would take thousands of human years for them to get here. We are capable of so much, if that can be achieved and yet we understand and do so little. Our evolutionary state, far outweighs our understanding of Being, existence and evolution, it far outweighs our understanding of spiritual and physical reproduction. Humans use the term reproduction when pertaining to the creation of life, yet they display very little understanding of what the word reproduction means.

Reproduction does not begin as an egg and sperm on Earth as physical being. It revolves in Limbo, through Life and in the Programming Area. It progresses to physical life on Earth, it travels through life on Earth, then it re-enters Limbo where it offloads the information it gathered in physical life. It then re-enters the Programming Area to reproduce another physical life, further along the path of their Being. Reproduction is a cycle that has zillions of beginnings and very few ends and it is continual, death is not a final end it is merely another part, of another beginning.

Chapter 4. Death & Rebirth

This is where we get down to the nitty gritty of the problem in the process of spiritual reproduction, death and rebirth are it’s cycle, Limbo is the path we travel in death, until we reach the destination of birth into a physical being.

As I have explained earlier, physical humans are a biological recording device, traveling through life recording information with the tools we were born with. These informations are sent via electrical impulses to the brain where they are stored and electrical impulse also trigger memory functions when we require to remember something. Much like the Earth sending vibrational impulses containing information into the stratosphere, where it travels in ripples until it reaches the destination that attracts it, the nebula. The nebula then transforms the information back to electrical impulse, ready for the event it exists for.

I am guessing by now you are wondering how this recorded information gets uploaded to the system, this is where I confront controversial issues about death and burial. Humans have developed a need to retain the remains of a loved one and designate a place of burial and remembrance. I believe this is due to their fear of death and lack of understanding of purpose and the cycle in which death revolves.

This creates additional problems in the processes of the living, for as human history lengthens in time span there will be, if not already, more physical deaths than there are living people. If humans persevere in designating a place of burial and remembrance for remains, eventually places of burial will out number places for the living to survive. Hence the belief the dead will inherit the Earth in some religions, if broken down logically the adages pertaining to this are merely pointing out, that the places of death will outnumber the places of living, not that the dead will spiritually walk the Earth.

The blockage in the System’s spiritual reproduction area however may force these beings to overflow into the physical terrain. As we are allowed to travel the Earth to put forth our final messages, to create more space the system may reroute Beings that have become trapped in this process, at least until they are released and can move on to the Programming Area, before being reborn into physical.

Most of these beings would be peaceful and accepting in nature, however those who committed heinous crimes are also in the fray. The rerouting will not be discerning as the system has enough to deal with, considering the huge number of beings causing the imbalance in the operating system. It is unable to “make the call” for it is but a system, running a program that runs pre sequently to that of Ur-Sula’s program. Therefore our Universe is the only being that can make that call, that call cannot be made without proper account of death and information held, or in this case withheld through cremation. Just like any other system it has rules, procedures and guidelines it must adhere to for the successful operation of the program.

In history important people were mummified like Pharaohs and Nobles of that era, their bodies upon death were treated with utmost care and cleanliness. They were chemically desiccated and lovingly wrapped in bindings, their bodies were transported from their death bed to an ancient type of morgue. Therefore their bodies at no point after death touched the Earth, before the bodies were dried and wrapped. After this process they were placed in crypts and some of these crypts were Pyramids, they even went as far as doing the same to an army of dead to protect the Pharaoh in the Afterlife

Most other people were buried or burned, their bodies were not treated with such care as those they considered their superiors and therefore their bodies were more likely to touch the Earth after death. At this point in time Limbo was not overflowing with beings that had trapped themselves and no emergent incidents occurred to alert the system or the beings that run their programs to operate the system, therefore no action seemed to be required.

The errors started become apparent during the emergence of the Christian God and his alleged Son Jesus, the error of the messages portrayed by these “Men who talk to their God’s” and written into text were erroneous in their belief in how the system they were stuck in operated and the fairy stories of heaven and hell were begun.

Today death is so clinical if we die in our homes were are wrapped in plastic body bags and taken to the morgue, where our bodies are refrigerated to preserve them for investigation and autopsy. After that has been concluded the body is then transported by car to the funeral home where it is placed in a coffin and a service held. More often than not these days people are choosing cremation over burial and a crematorium has also become very clinical and sterile.

At no point in this process does the dead body ever touch the Earth after death, it is a rare occasion these days that a body touches the Earth at all, after death. Much like grounding in life where people walk barefoot upon the Earth to stay connected, a dead body must touch the Earth so that Gaia herself can account the death.

And so we reach the crux of this problem, the trapped beings in Limbo have a biological system that does not recognise them as dead. A piece of paper at the hospital and birth, deaths and marriages does, but the Earth itself has no account of the death. Now add to this that bodies are biological matter that holds within it the information the Earth needs to send to the Universe to process, not only are our deaths not biologically accounted for, we also choose to burn the information we have spent a lifetime gathering, in cremation.

The only way the Earth is able to send on the information, is if the system breaks it down into a format the Earth can understand. Akin to the human body creating electrical impulses to portray what we see, feel and hear to a brain in a format that it responds to. It also responds to vibrational impulse through the fluid that is contained in the ventricles attached to the human brain and this vibrational impulse is how those who have passed communicate with the living.

Enter stage right, maggots, dung beetles, earthworms and any number of other critters that break down biological matter. They eat the body and turn the information into the format the Earth understands, who then transforms it into vibration to be sent to the Universe, who then turns it into energy matter that forms a Nebula in space.

So let’s run a hypothetical at this point:

Earth - “Hey Ur-Sula! I have this being here it’s not glowing as if alive, but I don’t have it accounted for as dead what do I do with it?”

Universe - “What does it’s information say?”

Earth - “It doesn’t appear to have any information!”

Universe - “Hmm that’s strange gimme a minute to think about this!”

Earth - “Ok! Will I just leave them in Limbo for now?”

Universe - “I think that’s best for now! Yes leave them there, we will deal with it later when we have worked out why you can’t process them!”

A couple of thousand years later we have more and more Beings whose physical death is unaccounted for building up in the biological system, who are not carrying any information. Therefore they cannot proceed on to the Programming Area, because the system cannot process an unaccounted for death that holds no information, it is not programmed to do so.

If the death was accounted for biologically they would proceed, it would be ascertained by the system that the Being held no information. The Being is then sent to the part of the processing area that deems the Being has failed to gather the information and must be reborn. Then the Being is loaded with a directive into a similar life, with a similar path to relive it again and re-gather the information that did not bring with it upon death.

Instead of proceeding, if you have information, to the area that says thank you for your valuable information please proceed to new programming and then rebirth. It is sent to another part of the programming area to be re-programmed with it’s previous lifetime experiences, then it proceeds again, to be birthed into a new physical body.

Limbo has Beings still passing through it, that do not remain trapped there. Those that died outdoors on the Earth, those that chose to be buried whole, whom proceed once the vessel their body was contained in broke down and those that were buried in urns that eventually cracked open or had their ashes scattered. This number is becoming less and less, as more and more people choose cremation and urn for burial. So much important information is being lost in this process, in fact the amount of information lost to date, had the potential to build another entire Solar system with a livable planet at least once already, in this Universe.

The ones trapped, are beings still waiting for the vessels to crack open or those that foolishly had themselves mummified or those that were buried in stone crypts or urns. They will remain there, until such time as their remains are exhumed or the vessel that contains their remains breaks open. So they can be recognised by the Earth and information or lack of information is accounted for by the Universal System. The only way this can happen for particular burials is exhumation of the remains by the physical family of that physical body and ensuring that at least some part of the remains are interred without obstruction into the Earth.

With this in mind I relate back to the suggestion I made earlier that understanding this process is a way of removing unwanted behaviours from human evolution. Burn that which you do not want and scatter the ashes, bury that which you do want so the Earth can break it down and pass on the information we provide it. Understanding that the information we pass on will be used as data to script a program for another Solar System and livable planet, also to create the network of planetary systems that this Universe has failed to create thus far.

Murderers, rapists, violent extremists, paedophiles etc etc these things we want removed from our society, upon death, they should be burned and their ashes scattered for we do not wish these types of beings to be trapped in Limbo either. This removes the information they have gathered and tells the Universe we do not wish this type of human behavior to be a part of this system, nor the next.

We are failing at this task, as those who are guilty of the kinds of crimes society wishes to remove from the human behaviors, are often buried whole, as it is the cheapest way to inter criminals. Thus giving the Earth the impression that we wish this type of behaviour in our system and the next, because we keep passing on this information whole and uncorrupted.

However those we revere and wish to emulate are cremated and buried in urns or placed in crypts, where we can revisit them over and over for the purpose of remembrance. The Earth receiving their information is occurring rarely within the System and the result is the information from perpetrators is being passed on, while the information from those we respect and admire is being withheld. Your imagination should be able to visualise the end result of this type of programming for future networks, not a pretty picture is it?

Ur-Sula has the capability of deleting beings, removing them from existence, however such extreme measures require stringent guidelines, she cannot just click her fingers because someone pissed her off and delete them. She and a regressed being are capable of this but they cannot just do it, several criteria must be met before a deletion can occur and one of those criteria is they have to be physically dead for a deletion to be possible. A being cannot be deleted if they are dead, but their death has not been accounted for biologically, a being cannot be deleted if they are trapped in Limbo. The being cannot be forwarded to Ur-Sula, if that being is not logged as dead in the biological system.

As more and more beings are choosing cremation and urn burials, Limbo fills up with beings that have no place to go. This has caused a crowded thoroughfare, to reach your destination after death, you have to push through a thick crowd of beings just hanging around. Some trying to give you messages, others screaming in fire, some trying to tell you don’t bother you won’t get anywhere no one does. Others trying to convey that although most stop here, some actually do pass through and some even leave suddenly after being there a very long time. Those that have stepped into Limbo whilst in a physically alive state, are easy to pin point for in Limbo they shine like beacons due to the Chi energy that is not present in those who have passed.

All the while they have a memory of Beings saying when you die you must go into the light and here they are thinking, hmmm which one there’s millions of them. When really they should be sending their last messages and waiting while Earth processes their physical information and ascertains their physical death. Once that has been concluded they just drift out to Ur-Sula and she gives them a choice of the information she needs gathered next and places you in programming.

This burial process is unique to this Universe, I guess it’s because humans here do not understand their purpose, that this process has evolved, for this process is not apparent in any other instance. This process is the constant that was apparent in all 6 precedents in this System, therefore this burial process is the only conclusion that can be reached, as the root cause for the 6 precedent failures.

In one of these precedents the human remains were placed in glasslike cylinders and put on display until such time as decomposition became visually apparent and the remains were then buried in those cylinders. It appeared to me in this vision that this type of funeral service and burial was a world wide practice, thus I have to assume that this world came to its end very quickly. This is a vision I saw in one of the trance like states I mentioned earlier, this vision was the epiphany that led me to believe it was the burial processes in this system that was contributing to the blockage in the spiritual reproductive system.

It was that vision that suggested that something in the burial process was causing these beings to stagnate instead of progressing to the next stage of the cycle. Consider that my physical human self does not have access to all the information, my spiritual being does, for the message to be plausible, my human self had to discover the cause by itself. This ensured my human self had the capability of explaining this problem to others, in a way that was plausible to the human minds in this System.

Chapter 5. Trance States

Trance states is not my name for the state we enter into when stepping from the physical world into Limbo whilst awake, it is a name given by others for a state that’s similar. It is not exactly a trance that we enter, for we can snap in and out of it at will, once well practised at it.

Be assured that I do not consider myself to be a God nor do I claim to be talking with a God. In these trances however I do appear to be asking questions of a being that claims to be the Universe and a being that claims to be Earth and they express to me a deep concern for their state of being, due to the imbalance in the System. They have expressed to me for the purpose of relation they have taken a form in Limbo they believed would be recognised by humans, the human form.

The Universe and the Earth have expressed many things to me during these episodes, they both were angry that they were only referred to as Earth and Universe by the majority. They are aware of the billions of others like them in other instances and each of those were respected enough by their human associates to be given names. In this instance like calling a dog, the dog we are calling them the Universe and the Earth. To appease them I asked them what would they wished to be named, the Earth answered that she preferred the name Gaia and the Universe asked me to think of one that suits her, as she had no name ready, so I named her Ur-Sula.

Gaia has expressed concern at her state of being, pertaining to the flooding and dryness being experienced in different regions around her span. She put forward to me that she felt that the deluge and the dryness seemed to be a problem with the rivers and tides. So I thought about it afterwards and I googled and then I thought some more. What I could establish is that the majority of inlets for Rivers have a major Cities built upon their banks.

With this information I stepped into Limbo and began the wonder questions, I wonder if a City on a river bank could contribute to flooding in some places and aridity in others. I wonder how it would create such a cause and effect. The answer I came to, was lack of movement and flow, the parts of rivers that were not built up by Cities constantly moved, the ocean bed constantly shifted and moved with the tides. The Cities upon the river banks were inhibiting the unison of movement between the river banks, the river mouths and the ocean floor. This appears to be causing a buildup of water in the oceans and a lack of hydration to the Lands.

Over many years a river’s course changes in many different places along its banks, as some of the bank collapses and drops away and river flow pushes sediment against the banks that causes new sections of the bank to build up. The river mouth, when not inhibited by solid buildings, undulates with the ocean floor retaining a smooth flow and creating a pump like action that pushes salt water up river, toward the inland, the soil filtered the salt out of the equation the further the water went in and it was a very long, slow process.

In Australia this effect would fill the natural bowl in the middle of Australia with clean fresh drinkable water and provide native flora and fauna with a stable support system. Australia is probably the best example of this problem as it is said by the original inhabitants that Australia was once verdant across all the Land and in the middle was a natural reservoir filled with fresh water. Australian Cities are primarily built on major river banks and the desert region has grown larger over the last 200 years, since those cities were established.

Another thing that brings me to this conclusion is that most desert regions have had Cities built up along their river banks for a lot longer than Australia. These desert regions stretch further than Australia’s desert region and has been a lot drier for a lot longer.

In the trance state, Gaia was the first to bring to my attention the problem in Limbo, she explained to me how it worked and asked me how this could possibly happen, in what began and appeared in the beginning to be the perfect natural cycle. She needed me to work out how they were getting trapped, why she couldn’t account for the deaths so they could progress, for once progressed the blockage would clear. I asked her to help me visualise the process, the entire cycle, so that I could figure out where the mistakes were being made and who was making them and that is how I have come to these beliefs, that I express here.

In my trance state, I am in the place of the Being that has regressed, to assess the problem and define a way to rectify this problem. In my waking state I am unsure if it is Ego giving me that impression or simply if that Being has ascertained the best way to relate, is to connect in a way that puts me in its place. So I hope you can understand that I am hesitant to speak all of what I see, however at the risk of appearing to be a lunatic with a God complex, I will relate everything that I have seen and heard in Limbo. For if I am truly correct in my deductions, it is more important for humans to see the truth, than it is for me not to feel like I will be labeled a lunatic for these visions I am putting forward.

In Limbo I see many things, for example in Limbo I can expand my being and I see that the universi take the form of a network in the shape of a tree. In Limbo I can step out into space and travel it, I can see many things out there but I do not physically feel anything, this was how I saw the 6 precedents and wonder questions answered the rest.

In Limbo I can see what has happened in the past, what is happening in the present and it seems what can happen in the future. This became apparent to me when, whilst in Limbo faces floated across my vision, I would see an event. For example I saw a woman that appeared to be floating in water, she was shaking her head and the emotion of fear was apparent in her expression. The next day the news reported a woman had jumped off a bridge in what appeared to be a murder suicide (my vision belies this deduction) and the photo of the woman fit the face that appeared to me the night before

In another incident, I decided for no apparent reason to go for a drive along a road I enjoyed driving. Again for no apparent reason I drove further than I usually do and pulled off the road further down that road. I was thinking of my father, who had passed away, while the bell birds chimed in the trees, so I put a Pink Floyd CD in the player and listened to it for a while, it is music that I remember him by.

Whilst sitting there I noticed some cows meandering toward my car, I wasn’t concerned to begin with, but then I noticed there was no fencing that they were actually out of their paddock. I counted 6 cows and 1 calf as they moved further toward me. The road was travelled by motorbikes and cars full of families a lot, of which cows can be lethal if in the wrong place at the wrong time, so I called the authorities. Whilst talking to them 1 of the cows appeared to find its way back into the paddock across the road and the calf began to get stressed and started darting back and forth across the road.

After 4 hours of waiting the authorities finally arrived, treated me like I was making a mountain out of a molehill and sent me on my way. I doubt they did anything to rectify the situation before leaving themselves. Three weeks later there was a fatal car accident on that very road, that killed every occupant in the car except for a child strapped in a car seat. It was reported that the Police could not ascertain why the vehicle suddenly lost control. My guess is they veered to avoid a loose cow or calf, missed the animal and lost control of the vehicle, my guess is the cow found its way back into the paddock like the cow three weeks before, so that thought never entered their mind.

One other vision that has not come to be as of yet, is of the Brisbane River in Australia, the banks of that river are reinforced with man made substances. In a picture someone posted I saw cracks appearing in the bank close to the CBD, I pointed this out to the person (a diver) who showed very little concern and took no notice.

The vision I have, sees the northern banks splitting away near the business district and giving way under the weight of the buildings on the banks, the split takes with it several city blocks. This type of river recourse would happen slowly over time if the banks were able to naturally change course, however the buildings and reinforcement has held it rigid for so long, that when the course diversion finally happens, it will happen suddenly and in a large chunk rather than slowly in small chunks.

Another facet to this issue is the recent commencement of the erection of three huge buildings in that area, that is causing a large echo of vibration throughout the subterrain of the area and adding to the stress in which the banks and the crack are under.

I hope that you see now, how Limbo interacts with the living as well as the dead, in getting important messages where they need to go, sadly more often than not those messages are ignored. The trance state we use to enter Limbo shows itself in many ways.

You see many children snap in and out of a state on a regular basis, when we ask them to imagine something, when they are zoning out to avoid something, when something is making them anxious or when a Being has reached out or tried to walk into their light.

Mediums do not trance as they are pulling information out, therefore they interact with Limbo differently. They likely have entered Limbo as a child, made connections and can call on those connections at certain times, however as they get older they tend not to step in for they feel safer pulling a Being out to interact with them. The place they pull the Being to, I believe they have named the veil.

I as a child was never afraid to step into Limbo and never developed a fear of stepping into it via parents inhibiting me with statements like “it’s all in your head” or “it’s just your vivid imagination”. My parents were open minded and often heard strange things uttered from the mouth of their daughter. As I was yet too young to understand how Limbo worked and not all Beings could be trusted, I was often affected by Beings messing with me regularly.

It took 42 years for me to eventually work out how to avoid the Beings with misintention, to step into Limbo and come out unaffected by them. If we all came to accept the existence of Limbo and it’s purpose we could also teach our children to protect themselves from Beings with the wrong intent for a connection. Until balance is restored and the blockage can be moved our children need to be protected from the Beings attempting to connect to them and they will have understanding much sooner than I did.

It was at that age that I came to accept it and began to understand it and figured out how to make it work for me, until that time I often wondered if I was a crazy person. When I finally figured all that out, I felt safe asking what I call Wonder Questions. That is when I discovered that Wonder Questions opened the door to the internal hard drive, full of all the information entered by those who had passed before and that hard drive contained the truth, as long as I didn't ask another Being and I asked only the truth for the answer by using Wonder Questions.

My ability to step in and out of Limbo scared people around me, I would drift off anytime, anywhere by selecting a focus that had no distractions, like the carpet on the floor, a spot on a wall, where no one could pass between me and the wall, but mostly it was the floor. I would just stare at it until I stepped in, when I stepped in I could look out and see things differently. I could tell what someone was talking about across the room via their facial expressions, lip movement and body language. I could feel what someone was thinking just by looking them in the eyes and I could ask Wonder Questions and receive the answers, which in general turned out to be right.

As my trips into Limbo appeared to scare people, I started going there only when I was in my room alone. That is when I started to receive messages about the problem that had been created in Limbo and that all the Beings I felt in there should not be there. So my Wonder Questions started.

I wonder why they are stuck there? I wonder how they can move on? I wonder how this affects everything and everyone else? I wonder how we can fix it? I wonder if we do that, what will happen then? I wonder if we should do things slowly or allow the spiritual flood that will ensue if it is done quickly and uncontrolled?

I was in Limbo the first time I felt Gaia our Earth tremble under the pressure, when I felt how weighed down she was. When I realised that some of the contribution to the atmospheric changes upon Earth are due to this spiritual blockage that is making the Earth start to stagger through her orbit instead of flowing through her orbit smoothly. When I realised the extra weight would be slowing her down and changing the distance her orbit was from the Sun.

Stepping in and out of Limbo has taught me that things catch my attention for a reason and there is usually a pressing issue behind it. Sometimes I would be lying there quietly in my room just being still and stepping into Limbo, often it is like being under a crowded room hearing muffled voices and murmurs and the sound of many people conversing. Every now and then a voice will ring out louder than the others.

We connect to people day to day, however sometimes they do not connect back, it makes it difficult to determine why the connection was there in the first place. If there is a connection it’s usually because they have an important part in your evolution in life, be it momentarily, for a fair length of time or for the rest of your lifetime. If the reason for this connection does not become apparent, your paths will keep crossing and connecting until it does. Too often this connection is so subtle that it is missed in the havoc of day to day existence in this busy little world, yet it will keep recurring until the objective of the connection is achieved however small or large its impact has on your lifetime.

Connections are also blurred by the noise coming from Limbo for connections operate on the Limbo level and can easily be drowned out by the crowded noise that currently exists there. Especially for someone strongly connected to Limbo, when a child is strongly connected they show signs often associated with ADD, ADHD, Aspergers and Autism.

A child strongly connected appears to be constantly distracted, often stare into space, or find a non distraction point to focus on like the floor. They are often led astray with behaviour as you have bored, trapped Beings, playing games with the living Being they have been able to connect with. Mentally disabled children are highly connected to Limbo, as are children with a physical disability such as blindness and deafness, those that have had near death experiences and those that have nurtured the ability to step into Limbo such as proven mediums or clairvoyants.

When a child appears to snap into one of these states, you need to pay particular attention to what they say or do after coming out. Be aware that messages can become garbled in the crowd that is currently occupying Limbo. It is best to avoid asking leading questions at this point, or even saying to the child the crazy thing they just said is all in their head or it’s just their imagination. More often than not when you allow time to explore the event and ask yourself Wonder Questions about it, the truth and purpose of the connection that drew them in there will become apparent.

Another instance of entering Limbo is the instance of education, I used to drift in there to explore what was being taught to me, as it was being taught. It appeared as inattentive, however I was actually giving what they were saying so much of my attention it drew me into Limbo to explore Wonder Questions pertaining to what they were trying to teach me. This often got me into trouble for a couple of reasons one was appearing to be inattentive, the other was snapping out of Limbo to say something that was not only contrary but a logical argument to the validity of what I was being taught. The latter was most often the reason for getting into trouble. How dare I question the text books!

In Limbo that these Beings are trapped in, the ability to use vibrations to communicate between the living and dead is enabled. This used to be a successful part of the entire system and such an integral part that this ability cannot be shut down. Limbo is the place where all beings no matter what their level of being is, can communicate. It is a place of final messages from the dead, which humans often relate as dreams when a loved one has passed.

It is in Limbo that the Beings that are the System can communicate to the Universe, the Universe can communicate to the Solar System and Planets, the Planets can communicate to the Body, the Body can communicate to the Brain, the Brain communicate to the Cells, the Cells can communicate to the Atoms and the Atoms can communicate to the Nucleus. Each larger level can communicate to every level inside it.

It is in Limbo that the human brain has communicated its fear of death to the cells, which in turn are becoming fearful of death and refuse to die. This is the beginning of cancer and why cancer has become such a leading cause of death in human mortality. A cell’s fear of death, due to the humans lack of understanding of the process of death, which has contributed to a mass fear of death, is corrupting the natural programming of the cell, whose programming involves more death and rebirth than our own.

Human experiences like feeling, fears, hopes, physical experiences, emotional reactions we develop to our experiences, adaptations developed to deal with a catharsis in our lifetime and many other experiences and reactions are the essence of the data retained in Limbo. All this information comes from factual events, as it is passed on by the human brain, not the human mind which some call Ego. It does not contain imagined events created by Ego, therefore all information held within this part of Limbo is only factual and truthful in nature. The system draws upon this data for programming lifetime experiences, the Universe draws upon it for data to enter into the network it is programmed to create. Humans draw upon it daily for answers to questions, when seeking direction, however humans are more likely to either dismiss the information they receive from Limbo, or block Limbo out completely, ignore its existence.

Chapter 6. Fixing the Problems

A few solutions have been touched on lightly before we reached this point, now we will explore them further. As solutions can sometimes be more complicated than the problem, I will have a tendency to stray from a path of thought as I have done throughout this composition. I believe that straying in and out of subject will be more apparent in this section.

First we must tackle the most pressing issue, moving the spiritual blockage that is crowding Limbo to the point of distraction. I have already expressed that the part of that solution is exhuming our dead and ensuring their remains touch the Earth for their death to be accounted in the biological system.

This would be possible by creating rituals that ensure the body after death spends an acceptable time lying on the Earth itself, before it is readied for burial, if cremation is chosen as part of that burial. Ensuring that a body planned to be buried whole has very little between it and the Earth so it can be broken down quickly. Also instilling into our culture that cremation is reserved for criminals or those that believe they have corrupted their path and information and wish to start again, people feeling this way are ones that generally commit suicide.

When wondering on how to go about this safely I came upon a perplexing issue, if humans panic and start digging up remains in haste and panic it will create a spiritual flood, if they do not do it all, or do it slowly and controlled we are at risk of running out of time. Remember that the planetary reproduction system is reaching a prime moment that will not be reached again for hundreds of years, also remember that we have a gigantic sperm that currently believes we are the egg it is searching to fertilise.

So in conclusion of that thought the only course open to us at this time is to allow the spiritual flood. That will achieve changing the course of the oncoming mass, the nebula will become more attractive than the Earth’s stratosphere, as it will then hold more of the information in the format that is attracting the mass, than our stratosphere does.

It will also achieve a clearing of the blockage in our spiritual reproduction area, allowing newer information to get through faster and clearing the path to each step in the cycle. It will move Beings on to the programming area where the system can ascertain rebirth in this system, or programme Beings to be forwarded to the new system, that will become imminent if this is done, this new programming will help deal with the ensuing flood.

As with atomic particles that disappear and appear on the other side of a partition without showing signs of going through it. The spiritual being can change instances by disappearing from this reproductive system and appearing in the reproduction system beginning in the newborn system or another Universe completely, without appearing to move through space to get there.

This said you can see why I have mentioned several times on social media that humans do not need spaceships to travel through space. They just need to die, pass on their information and request to go to the new system when reaching the programming area, it’s as simple as that. Spaceships at this point in time is pure folly. One because it will interfere with the new planet’s natural evolution and two we can go there if we want to, just not in a spaceship and three currently there is nowhere to visit yet, for we have failed thus far to help create it.

This solution has the potential to offend superstitious and religious peoples for the burial and religious practices are so ingrained now, that they will be loathe to let go of what they consider long held traditions. Their belief in non existent Gods and the fairy tales that surround them have kept them faithful to practices that are destroying the system. Man is a creature of habit and routine, giving up the habit and routine, that they have believed so strongly in and are so addicted to, is like asking a drug addict to give up drugs.

I wonder, how do you explain to someone who uses a headstone or family crypt to remember their loved ones by, that it is imperative to the survival of Humans, the Earth and the entire Universe that they exhume those remains. To pass them into the Earth so their loved ones can progress, to remember their loved ones by the memories they have in places they went together, rather than the stone they have placed on the ground?

I wonder how you explain to people who celebrate the vicious death of their prophet every year, that their prophet was wrong? I wonder how you explain to them that their God was a man like everyone else and that he was mentally ill? I wonder how you explain to them that should you find his remains and pass them to Earth, he would no longer exist in the incarnate they have worshiped for so long? I wonder how you explain to them that the only reason any trace of that incarnate exists, is because their God has bucked the system and got himself caught in Limbo!

These are the things we face in an effort to repair the system before the system fails altogether. Explaining to people desperate for something to believe in, that who they believe in has been lying to them for hundreds of years, that in their belief of those lies they have been lying to themselves for hundreds of years and systematically destroying a programme they are part of in doing so.

That these beliefs and the practices created with those beliefs have infiltrated the entire system so much, that there is not a part of the Universal System that is not affected by it. How do you explain the the birth of a new Son is actually the birth of a new Sun, not the birth of a human male child sent to save their souls. How do you explain to them that the only Being that can save their souls is their own Being and letting go of the Beings that have passed into Limbo and found themselves trapped there.

How do you explain to them, that anyone who comes to save you does not need to say “bring me your children so I can save their souls”. How do you explain to them that any Being uttering those words has no idea how to save their own soul, let alone everyone else’s, because any Being saying that from Limbo is trapped there, with everyone else.

I cannot express more, how important it is that these trapped Beings are released to progress, I cannot stress more, how important it is to clear the way for new information and stop burning it by practising mass cremations and urn burials. I cannot stress more, how important it is for human bodies to touch the Earth upon death, so that death can be counted by the Earth herself. I cannot stress more, how important it is that this is done as soon as possible to avoid a catastrophe.

I wonder how else, this lack of information getting through, is affecting the system and humans in life on Earth. Let us consider diseases that attack biological informations systems, Ebola, Muscular Dystrophy, Alzheimer's, Motor Neuron Disease, just to name a few.

Ebola is a virus that attaches itself to cells, withdraws the DNA information from them, then copies that DNA information. It is snake like in feature, which indicates that it is of a constrictive nature, supported by the fact that sufferers of this disease exude bodily fluids at an alarming rate. It indicates the constrictive nature of the virus imparts so much pressure on the Cells it attacks, that it affects the cardiovascular system, this pressure causes the cardiovascular system to overload causing internal bleeding.

Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease that causes memory loss in the sufferer which wipes out more and more memory as the disease progresses. Proteins and plaques build up in the brain, in my theory these Plaques are likely sending off impulses to trigger memories and soak up the electrical impulse that is the triggered memory. It is likely that the Plaques are the trigger and sponge for the information which change the information to a vibrational impulse and send it to the Proteins and the Proteins use vibration to transfer the information to Limbo. Both these build ups block oxygen from getting to the affected brain cells which eventually die off.

Motor Neuron Disease attaches itself to and affect the motor neurons in nerve cells, the information I believe required to be extracted by this disease is new movement and adapted motor functions. It is more often than not, apparent in humans that led active lifestyles, exercising regularly and developing new and adaptive movements for the sport they enjoyed.

Each of these diseases is becoming more widespread and in looking at my theory, depicts the desperation the System is expressing within nature, for the information it is not receiving after death. Because the information the System seeks is not reaching it upon death, the system has resorted to creating Beings that will extract that information during life, at extreme detriment to the host of the disease.

Ebola is attracted by cellular and DNA information, Alzheimer’s is attracted to memory and emotional information and Motor Neuron Disease is of a more physical nature dealing with bodily motor function information. These are only three diseases I can think of, off the top of my head that appear to exist expressly for extracting important information. There are probably hundreds, maybe even thousands more that I have not even looked at yet, these are currently the most prominent.

I believe that once the information returns to the natural channels these diseases will naturally peter out. I believe that once we learn how to communicate in Limbo on a cellular level, we can convey to our cells that it is okay to die and once ourselves and our cells come to believe death is not something to fear and is not the end, cancer will also peter out.

All these diseases appear to be a direct result of our failure to understand Limbo and it’s potential for communication on every level, our purpose in Life and acceptance of the cycle of Life and Death. Our failure to understand the importance of the information we record during our physical lifetime and the importance of passing it on.

Physical Global issues are a different matter and will take a lot more time to fix, as global issues are a result of poor infrastructure and town planning. The spiritual aspect of the problem will only take as long to solve, as it takes to convince superstitious people of the actual truth. Once a majority have come to understand and believe our place in existence and the human purpose in the system and are able to explain it, others will follow quickly. Especially when they start to see results happening around them.

The physical requires, moving entire Cities from banks and inlets of waterways, that are crucial to hydrating the Land we live upon. This, because of the high population and structure already apparent, will take a long time in the planning and implementation. This will also require changing the shape of our Governing bodies, the areas they Govern and operating Policies.

It requires planning for sewerage and implementing processes that will allow it to fertilise the Land, rather than pollute the oceans. It requires planning for business, sporting, leisure and residential districts. It gives the opportunity to implement renewable energy into every home as we relocate the population. This opens up the waterways for the enjoyment of everyone including visitors. This gives the opportunity to implement a screening process for visitors to the country and a procedures for integration should the visitors request migration. This allows the water to flow in and fill up our stocks for hydration.

The image I see in my vision is not a land broken up into small partitions and made states, it is a Land that has inner and outer sanctums and stringent policies in place for moving through those sanctums as a visitor. My vision allow those who wish to live a nomadic life to do so and those who wish a settled life to do so. My visions see the general population moved to the safety the midlands offer and the defense the shores will offer when this is done. My visions see the inner sanctum as a large bowl of fresh water supporting humans, flora and fauna alike.

Me writing this composition is the beginning of my attempt to make this world aware of the wrongs it is committing, in making people aware of Limbo and the Beings trapped within it. Making people aware of what results to expect from releasing the dead and taking positive action toward a better physical future. This composition is my hope to make people understand that the most urgent action required is not a physical one but a spiritual one. That the spiritual issue at the present time is more important than any physical concern, for any physical concern will no longer be a concern if the issue within Limbo is not addressed.

Deletion of a Being as mentioned before is not of our concern, nor can we take action upon it. Deletion of Being can only occur if that Being persistently commits offenses against the system while they are in Limbo, only the system knows what is an offense committed in Limbo and only the Universe or a more advanced Being can perform a deletion.

There are deletions that are required presently, but they cannot be performed for the Beings in question are not accounted for as dead within the biological system. This may show signs of an imperfect system, at no time did I ever say the programme in this system was perfect, however the information on this imperfection will be instrumental in the construction of the next system. Besides there is no room to evolve if we created perfect systems, nothing to adapt to, nothing to mutate from and evolution is an integral script in the success of the programme.

Once the system begins to recognise the myriad of trapped Beings within Limbo, it will process the information and ensure that this particular glitch in the system is not implemented in the next. No doubt that system will also have flaws that can be addressed in the system that follows as the network of planetary systems is created. Remember all systems are created on a conglomerate of energy and information, not by one being and creator, therefore glitches will appear in any planetary operating system, this is not a problem because glitches contribute to evolution.

We have a part to play in the processing of the information, pertaining to the glitch that has formed through religious and superstitious practices. By relating to the spiritual reproductive cycle and Beings trapping themselves in a part of a programme that is designed to be a thoroughfare. We only have ourselves to blame if we refuse to do our part and we experience the mayhem that will follow if we don’t, we cannot blame it on angry Gods that do not exist, we cannot blame it on a system that relies on us to provide relevant, logical and factual information, if we continue to fail to provide that information.

Now we move on to the issue of our Children and Limbo, it’s natural part of evolution for our children to become more and more connected to Limbo. If we had progressed normally through our Evolution we would have been much more progressed in our understanding of Limbo how we connect with it and how we use those connections. This lack of understanding results in our dealing with children strongly connected, wrongly.

Most strong connections to Limbo are given a medical label and prescribed with certain mind altering drugs to deal with the behavioural problems that arise, like ADD and ADHD for example. These drugs are said to boost natural chemical output that is noted as lacking in the subjects brain, chemicals that naturally inhibit some behaviours and contribute to other desirable behaviours.

In a particular example is a product called Ritalin, Ritalin is a legal clinical amphetamine and it is prescribed to hyperactive children diagnosed with ADHD. The theory behind this drug is if you speed these hyperactive children up to a higher level of fast eventually they hit a point where it slows them down. I understand parents desperate for control would allow this drug to be prescribed if it appeared to be working, however the notion of speeding a child up so fast that they slow down is horrifying to me.

This prescribed drug is relieving a symptom but certainly not tackling the problem, the problem cannot be tackled if we don’t rightly know what is causing it. They are simply displaying the behaviour anyone would, when they are being persistently harassed by that which they cannot explain. One because they don’t have the focus and tools to describe it and two because if their parents won’t listen no one else will either. The imaginary friend is probably not imaginary, the monster under the bed is probably not imaginary, the eerie feeling of being watched is probably not imaginary, so start dealing with our children as if they are not imaginary, start dealing with them, as if it is unwanted connection from Limbo.

The issues with these prescription drugs we are liberally giving to our children is that for a start, they don’t actually work. They create a zombie like state of mind that inhibits normal emotional reactions to normal situations, for instance laughing at a joke. The majority have weight gain as a listed side effect, increasing the instances of obesity in children especially those who are medicated for behavioural issues. This creates body shaming and embarrassment issues to add to the behavioral problems these children are already experiencing.

These children, premedication, display emotions such as anger, irritability, lack of self restraint, being easily distracted and have what we deem as a low attention span. They throw tantrums, harm themselves and others, can quickly become violent and they find it hard to express what they are thinking and feeling, making them hard to handle. As the parent does not understand what is causing the episodes, they feel helpless in helping their child deal with day to day tasks.

In desperation parents take them to Doctors who operate on information scientists glean from studies and experiments on animals with behavioral adjusting chemicals. We must be aware that children and animals have a completely different level of consciousness and a different level of connection to Limbo, therefore any results from chemicals to animals is not the answer to the problems.

I believe that I can understand what is contributing to these episodes, because I feel that the instigating triggers derive from Limbo. I wonder how often you see your child brush at their arm, or shoulder, scratch their head incessantly for no obvious reason even after you check them for lice and flick at or rub their ears. I wonder how many times you see your child become irritable like you do when too many people are talking at once, or angry for no particular reason.

These are signs displayed by a child that has been connected to by a bored and mischievous Being in Limbo. Keep in mind they are trapped there, there is nothing for them to do unless they create a connection with a living Being and the strongest connections are those that are not blocked or hampered by the business of day to day life.

The Being in Limbo becomes bored and connects to alleviate their boredom, in doing so to get the attention of their subject they start by brushing their arm or poking them. This causes the subject after a time to start displaying signs of irritability, add to this situation a parent noticing the signs of an oncoming episode, starting to fuss and draw their attention as well and pretty soon the irritability escalates to anger. The anger is caused by the child not being able to deal with the barrage of stimuli, explainable and unexplainable stimuli.

To achieve this, the Beings send vibrations to the fluid in our ventricles, the ventricles serve several purposes. The left ventricle is attached to the left side of the brain and deals with emotional and imaginary information within that side of the brain. The right ventricle deals with logical information and factual events. The lower ventricle deals with motor function and perception of stimuli like locational stimuli felt from an outer source.

All these ventricles pass information back and forth using vibration via the central ventricle, until imagination is discounted and hypothetical is proven by the logical mind. When factual has been extracted from the information it is sent to the right side of the brain to be stored as fact.

Using the lower ventricle they stimulate the nervous system, telling the subject that something is touching their arm, brushing their leg, itching their head incessantly when in actual fact there is nothing physical there creating that feeling. This can be a maddening situation to be in, for if the source of the feeling was perceivable, the subject can do something to stop the feeling being created. A living being can cause another being to perform an action using suggestion, like scratching their nose, so it is with the Beings in Limbo who all have the capability of reaching out and causing an action using suggestion sent by vibration.

It is quite reasonable to expect that if one Being from Limbo connects, others will jump on the connection. I am not saying every Being in Limbo does this, however as with the Living there are undesirable characters within it and there is enough to cause many children to exhibit the behaviours I associate with this game they play. The same behaviours that are having our children diagnosed with a label for those type of behaviours.

We cannot stop these connections from happening, however in understanding them we can control them and direct them. Part of nature’s programming is the supplying of choice in any given situation and choice is something we have when we are connecting to Limbo. The function of choice and how it operates in nature is difficult to relay into the english language due to it’s complicated characteristics but I will try my best to relay it correctly.

Every being operates to a set of parameters, they are restricted to those parameters according to their natural makeup. Such as the Laws of Physics, we have natural laws we are not capable of operating without, they are integral to how we act as a Being. In Limbo we have a choice of who we connect to and what they can make us do, the only reason Beings are achieving these distractions right now is because we ignore Limbo and are operating blindly with a connection that is attached to us by natural Laws.

We do not have a choice of whether Limbo exists or not, it exists whether we like it or not, we do have a choice on whether we acknowledge its existence. We also do not have a choice on whether we are connected or not, we are connected whether we like it or not and every being that exists within and without this system is connected to it on millions of levels. Once we acknowledge the existence of Limbo and understand its Laws we can control connections and what happens with those connections.

Another natural Law associated with Limbo, is who can connect to who and what level they can connect on. For instance cells can communicate with cells and smaller beings on a cellular level. But it cannot reach out further than the cellular level to connect to us. We can reach into the cellular level to communicate with cells and they can communicate to us on a cellular level, because we have already lived our lives on those levels and advanced to larger levels. It is not a higher consciousness per se more that it is a different level of larger advanced being.

Spiritually we do not evolve up to a higher level of consciousness, we expand and grow out to a larger level. Once we understand the difference in the description of consciousness we can begin explore the different levels we have already lived and rid ourselves of the misrepresentation of levels of consciousness.

With these Laws in mind the situation that I am connecting to a Being in Limbo that claims to be the Universe and another that claims to be the Earth. Suggests that my Being has advanced that far or possibly further, that I can connect to them at my will suggests I have been of the same level or higher previously. It is either this or an advanced Being has connected to me and is leaving that connection open, however with operational Laws that are in place this is not a viable connection.

Once we have acknowledged that a Being has connected to our child, we must a find a way to assure the child that it can close the connection and not allow it to be opened again. We can only do this if we ourselves acknowledge the existence of Limbo and the beings trapped within it. The same practice can be implemented when teaching children how to recognise and deal with the connection attempts of living paedophiles as well as paedophiles trapped in Limbo, for both living and dead these predators use this avenue for connection. Because we refuse to acknowledge Limbo, and this is the avenue used to connect, it makes it harder to see the connection between a living paedophile and a child being made.

With that comment and a measure of belief in my words, you would now be realizing the urgency and importance of action being taken to release these Beings, so they can be reset. Once a Being has progressed to the programming area, the only way to renew or enter a new primary directive and operating program, is to wipe the drive of the previous lifetime.

As the information of the trapped Beings in Limbo only exists in the format of spiritual memories and the substance of the information has been burned upon their death, the Earth is not sending this information so it will not make it to the database. The information will eventually drop off the RAM that is Limbo as it is succeeded by more, once the trapped Being has progressed, and Beings begin to travel through Limbo as they should.

Cutting a connection is as simple as going into Limbo telling the Beings persistently trying to connect, that you do not wish to see, hear or feel from them again. They cannot intrude on you if that is your choice, like we have the choice to speak to someone in Life, that is, as it is in Limbo we do have a choice. A Being that attempts to connect after being informed you do not wish them to is committing what is considered a crime in Limbo.

Just as a Being in Limbo must speak truth, they have devised very clever ways to answer with a truth that is actually a lie, much like politicians do. This is why I advise when seeking answers and direction to ask of the truth itself with Wonder Questions, rather than asking a Being. Even if the question you are asking is of that Being. For example I wonder how you did that, I wonder why you said that, I wonder what you really look like etc.

It is fact and truth you are asking so fact and truth will answer, the Being has no opportunity to play games and lead you astray with cryptic answers. Limbo will provide images of what you ask from its database, for a Wonder Question is asking no one in particular, therefore it is asking the collective and the collective is the information contained in the database, which is only loaded with fact.

The questions you ask, must seek the answers that affect you or someone connected to you, it must concern the safety of someone whether you personally know them or not, or they must be of a general public, worldwide or Universal concern. You must have a right to know the answer or you will be shown nothing, this protects the privacy of Beings Living and Dead. Limbo senses via its database whether you have a right to know the answer or not and will or will not show you accordingly.

There is a difference between a right to know and the data simply not being there and you will feel what that difference is, when the answers do not show. When you do not have a right to know you will sense that Limbo is holding back, it is best to accept this, rather than push for answers, when the data is not present you will simply draw a blank.

Now that I have armed you with Wonder Questions take the opportunity to use them, wonder if I speak the truth, wonder what will happen if the news I relay is ignored, wonder what will happen if humans do not do the things I advise… All these wonderings concern every being that exists, living, dead, in Limbo or programming area, the planet, the universe and the being the universe is attached to (which we could probably refer to as the matrix), therefore you have a right to know the answers

If you have a right to know these answers close your eyes, be quiet, be still and step into Limbo, once in Limbo start wondering, then sit back and wait for the answers to come, for come they will. You may not like what you see, you may think you can do nothing about it. Truth is everyone can do something about it, by taking the first step, learning to accept and use Limbo whilst in a living state.

By releasing the dead to clear the pathway, by teaching what you have just learned to your children. By being prepared to take the steps required to fix the problems with our Lands and waterways, steps that require major upheavals to the current infrastructure in place, to be successful. By being prepared to take any step at all, towards fixing the spiritual and physical problems that are leading to the death of this Universe, this Planet and the entire Operating System that runs within them.

When dealing with fairy tales and myths that superstitious or Religious Beings have created, step into Limbo for a moment and wonder what the feasible explanation of the story is. Truth, a knowledge of what is naturally possible, what is not possible and your own logic should be able to figure out what the factual story really is and how the mythical drama got woven into it.

Usually a myth is caused by a superstitious fear of a natural occurrence that wasn’t deemed normal by the participants. The story gets over dramatised in the telling and the story changes and mutates, like chinese whispers, for each telling, like the story of Medusa or Pan. In essence a myth is a story that originated as gossip and like the gossip we experience today, it rarely contains all the facts and is often embellished upon each time it is told.

A myth is created in this way, when a Leader of a People or Religion wishes to instil mass fear for the purpose of control using the opportunity of an event and embellishing upon it when relating it. When superstitious Beings come across something they do not understand or deem as normal and fear it, so their fear dramatises it in a way to keep others away from it, using fear. For spite to undermine the power of others by appealing to mass fear or mass disgust or try to explain something different without fully understanding it to begin with.

Chapter 7. Transference & Disruption

All over our Earth are places that the Aboriginal People of the Lands look upon as Sacred, there are sites that are Sacred to the ecology and sites that are Spiritually Sacred to Natives of every Land across the World. When a People mention that a site is sacred this means either, ecologically or spiritually or sometimes even both. In general you will find most Sacred Sites have a burial ground very close by, this is because Native Peoples understand that the remains of the dead feed their sacred ground, with biological nourishment as well as spiritual nourishment (information).

When a site is made Sacred for ecological reasons, the site is an integral part of the infrastructure of the ecology in that area. For instance a particular rock formation may have formed in a way that purifies waters in the general area. Maybe even adapted its formation to direct waters to where they are needed the most ecologically. Or have a certain natural chemical that adds nutrients to the water supply that supports a type of marine organism, that in turn nutritionally supports a larger being that is uniquely native to the area.

When a site is made Sacred for Spiritual reasons, it can be assumed that the site has a significant spiritual resonance that is important for spiritual reasons. For example Uluru in Australia is considered by the Australian Aboriginal to be Sacred for spiritual reasons. I was looking at pictures at it not long ago and wondering why it was made Sacred, it is just a big rock after all isn’t it?

I was staring at the pictures and wondering and I started to realize that Uluru was emanating an aura in every picture, I could see this outline of energy around it, in every image. The aura that I saw indicated that the aura it emanated, pulsed and it expanded in waves and ripples. This type of energy you can associate with transference, therefore the information the Earth is gathering is relayed to Uluru who transforms it into a pulsing aura of energy that is pushed out from the rock and pulsates what it contains into our stratosphere.

I thought to myself “omg, Uluru is a giant biological communication device”, as this dawned on me it also dawned on me that there was a main highway close enough that trucks rumbling down the road would disrupt the natural vibrations of the rock. To assure myself that this indeed was a Sacred Place I looked to see if there was a burial ground nearby and there was indeed a burial ground close to the Uluru.

Aboriginal People’s of each Land find it hard to explain exactly why these Lands are Sacred in a way those weakly connected to it can understand. Some don’t have the words to describe it in translation from their own language to the language of the immigrants that have assumed control of those Lands, usually doing so with violent methods. Peoples who understand their connection to the Earth are rarely violent themselves and easily overcome using violence!

I will try to explain this communication our Earth has with the Universe it exists within and help you understand that what we put out in vibration, is felt and heard by the Universal Network our Universe exists within. For the purposes of it being the best description we will identify that Being as Matrix for Matrix best describes that network of Universi.

Limbo extends us not only to cellular and atomic levels it also extends us to Universal levels, explaining exactly what Limbo actually is will be difficult but I shall try anyway. Limbo is like the space inbetween that is the space without and the space within. It is the space between cells, the space between us (in this instance we call Limbo “air”), the space between planets (which ironically we call “space”), the space between solar systems and the space between universi, the space between matrixes etc and so on. Therefore we are connected to all by Limbo and everything felt by one is felt in some way by all, everything that is heard by one is heard by all and everything that is seen by one is seen by all.

The information we input into Limbo is accessible by all and Limbo has many formations as it has adapted many parts of itself to connect us all. Like the air we exist in, like water, like space (which I believe has a kind of viscosity although many scientist will question that belief, but that depends on how you view viscosity doesn’t it), viscosity in the dictionary means thickness.

In Newton’s theory of motion he states “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. When pertaining to space ships and travel and in applying this theory. Space ships would not be able to move in space even with propulsion, if that propulsion did not have a thickness or matter to push against. As space is not matter, it is only logical to assume it has viscous properties or the spaceship simply would not move, it would sit on the spot ejecting energy without achieving movement. Which brings me to how vibration ripples through space (which is a part of Limbo) to carry messages and information to the data banks, vibration also needs viscosity, for vibration is movement.

Our natural biological communication devices like Uluru, take the information our Lands are giving to it, after receiving it from us and sends it out through our stratosphere and into space. Space transfers it back to electrical energy at which point the Universe sorts fact from fiction and directs the information to the appropriate places. Two copies are made, the matter copy which is the nebula we are helping to form (which is our purpose) and the anti matter which is the databank we spiritually connect to for answers.

The confusion here is the God Beings trapped in Limbo disrupting our connection and diverting it to themselves. But also there is a problem of physical disruption to the vibration before it even gets to the data bank, trucks, trains, planes, building equipment, mining equipment. All manner of man made devices, internet, radio, tv are all connecting us via satellites in space disrupting the information once it transfers back to energy.

Information goes through several transformations before reaching the Universe, it begins as electrical impulse, that is transferred to matter, that is transformed into vibration, that is transferred to aural energy. It is then transferred back to a Universal form of electrical impulse and begins its cycle again through that instance until it ends up in that instances interpretation of aural energy that is the nebula. In spiritual circles this would read as, information begins as fire, becomes earth, then becomes as water, that turns into air, the four elements.

Each of these formations of information are experiencing manmade disruptions, in it’s travels throughout our instances. Therefore other instances in their connections are receiving the garbled mess that is emanating from our instance. Imagine this:

You are playing beautiful music on your favorite instrument, but with that music you are hearing a jackhammer, a plane going overhead, a million radio stations are playing at once, a truck rumbling by, voices over radio frequencies, the rumble of mining equipment drilling into the ground, gunfire and rockets exploding, screaming, crowds yelling, crowd cheering, children crying.

This and much, much more is what other instances are receiving from us, little wonder they are ready to cut us loose don’t you think? Would you not be in the other instance thinking wtf is that horrible noise, why are they making such a racket, listen to those beautiful vibrations being drown out by ugly noise. Believe that one of the only things saving us in this instance at this point in time, is the advancements we have made in music, for other instances are far more advanced than us in everything else but that.

Musics and our advanced interpretations of it, is our only saving grace, it is the only thing the Advanced Being could put forward to convince the other instances not to cut us loose and agree to the jump in to help the humans here fix the other problems. It is the only thing we have in this instance that they want in theirs, because they are far advanced in every other aspect of proper existence and the understanding of their purpose of existence.

This Universe is one little browning leaf on a massive tree, full of very green leaves, we are not yet dead. Like the gardener who trims the browning leaves off to ensure the plant’s life energy goes to the healthy leaves, so will we be, if we do not find a way to return our leaf to green. It is not just the gardener we need to be aware of, little brown leaves are eventually dropped by the tree itself, in an effort to stay healthy and strong to survive. As our Aboriginal Peoples keep reminding our deaf ears, we are but the caretakers of this Earth and sadly we are giving her very little care!

Our human lives mirror the state of this Earth, the Earth is feeling abused, there are more and more cases of abuse to children and each other. The Earth is feeling emaciated because we refuse to feed her the most abundantly available fertiliser on this planet, human remains, hunger has become a prominent issue in the world.

The Earth is becoming spiritually obese with trapped Beings, we are becoming obese. The Earth is trembling under the pressure, we experience diseases like Epilepsy that mirror this.

I also believe natural catastrophes are a result of the Earth trying to account for the Beings trapped in Limbo so she can move the blockage. She is using earthquakes to shake the ground, tornadoes, hurricanes and cyclone to destroy free standing crypts, flood to flush out the bodies she cannot account for and fire to explode the vessels they were contained within. As she does not know where these remains are located it is random events that occur.

These natural disasters occurred anyway but nowhere near as often as they do today, Gaia must have been able to account for many Beings during these disasters. Thus figured out that if we chose not to give them to her ourselves she could use these disasters to shake them free herself. So she has stepped up the occurrences in her desperation to free herself of the overload in Limbo, shed the spiritual weight and save herself.

I say this with confidence because every Being big or small, have one prime directive that echoes throughout Limbo, that prime directive is “survive” for as long as it takes to obtain the information that you are programmed to record. I also believe that our life span has lengthened because of the lack of information getting through. The system must have ascertained that the lifespan we had wasn’t long enough to obtain the information, so lengthened our human lifespan to fix the problem. This was the Systems attempt to get enough information through to meet the deadline.

It was also probably the reason behind cults performing mass suicide, although the reason given by cult leaders differ from my explanation the basis remains the same. We do not need to do this, the Mass is still light years away, we still have time to complete this task, if we fix the problem NOW. Not ten years from now, nor 100 years from now, right now, for believe me when it comes to the amount of information required we are walking a very, very thin line, in the respect of time and timing.

As the informations starts to get through the attraction between the mass and the nebula will become stronger and the mass will begin to travel faster, as the magnetism of the nebula pulls the mass towards itself. You may also discount 2000 light years from the Journey as the Mass will change direction and head to the nebula which is closer than we are.

You may also accept that in this process we will likely lose the planet Pluto and experience a shower. Due to the proximity of Pluto to the nebula it is logical to assume that the outer planet of the new system will collide with it, thus creating the crossover in orbital rings required to connect the new system to ours. From there both systems work together in creating the next system, which will happen faster than the first, due to two systems recording the information, sending information gathering into double time.

We all have access to Google Earth, if you do not believe my words go to the space section of Google Earth and take a look for yourself. If you know what you are looking for, the proof of my words is there for all to see. You will find 6 dead systems, with a depleted Sun and a depleted Nebula close by.

You can even see that our planets were all connected like a huge molecule as they were spat out from the sun and broke up as it traveled through space, first the weakest part, then gradually up to the largest parts and back down to the smallest parts. It must come out this way for the larger mass ensured the velocity created by the larger mass was sufficient enough to break the parts off and settle into the correct orbits. If they had come out in seven smaller parts what we have today would not be here.

You can also see where our moon was connected to us, until it broke off from us. That our planets were connected by Poles, that each planet has at least three instances showing Poles for connections, our third being a small one that was our moon.

These dead systems have created huge holes in the fabric of this Universe and like any other fabric, once you put too many holes in it, it is rendered irreparable, it is no longer useful and is much more easily torn to pieces. Over time if not healed the holes only become larger, the only way to heal those holes on a Universal level, is to successfully create networks which returns energy to our Universe to heal the holes herself.

Much like we cannot repair or heal our bodies without proper sustenance, that strengthens our immune system and helps us whether through viruses and other ailments, that helps our bodies to grow over wounds. Our Universe’s food is energy created by the revolution and orbital nature of the planets and information, it helps repair her immune system and heal over the wounds created by the deaths of the other systems.

Controlling Beings on this Earth at present wish to cull population, to give themselves more control over population growth and breeding results. This is definitely not the answer and not only would it exacerbate an already struggling system, it would create even more blockage, less of the information required would get through and the prime directive our Universe is bound to would fail again. I have already explained in previous chapters, what yet another failure would result in, this is imminent, after so many previous failures.

Chapter 8. Controlling The Information

You might be thinking at this point how do we control the information going into and being withheld from the system. Another process that isn’t so complicated once you understand it, this is where funeral services come into play and what the services were used for prior to religion turning them into a superstitious mockery of their true purpose.

Firstly I must explain the steps of evolution that are compulsory in every single lifetime, the first step is the perpetrator. It is when we are young and developing, learning to understand right from wrong that we must go through this stage in our life. We must commit wrongs to learn from this what is right and wrong. To go through this stage at a later date in the lifetime will be detrimental to proper development, this stage too late in the lifetime risks the Being becoming stuck in this step and committing wrongs for it’s entire lifetime.

The second stage is the victim, we must suffer wrongs done to us, preferably by someone younger that is not an adult not stuck in step 1. Sadly with the imbalance the World is currently experiencing more often than not crimes are committed by adults who became stuck on step 1. We must understand the relationship of the victim to the perpetrator, as we have already completed step 1 ourselves we already understand the perpetrator and have learned how to deal with one that is experiencing step 1 at the correct time in the lifetime (childhood).

Step 3 the survivor, this is a Being who has progressed through both the perpetrator and victim stage to become the survivor. Someone who has experienced what it is to commit a wrong, learned how it feels to be the one the wrong is committed against and overcame the adversities presented by both the previous steps. The survivor is generally a strong willed individual that shows empathy and compassion.

These are important steps in every lifetime and if not progressed through in the correct order, at the correct time in the lifetime, it has detrimental results to both the Being and the Community it lives within. There are many Beings currently showing that they are stuck in any one of the previous steps or have experienced them in the wrong order during their lifetime.

This is due to the lack of understanding of the perpetrator and the victim, many people are stuck in both these steps and fail to progress to survivor. The severity of the wrongs are dictated by the environment of the Being and what is required for the Being to survive in said environment. It also due to lack of understanding and dealing wrongly with a child perpetrator who must go through this step at the right time to progress correctly.

With these steps explained it makes the control of information going into Limbo just a little bit complicated for the system needs information from all these steps for a successful end result. It is why it is imperative that the first step is experienced and dealt with correctly within childhood for as the Being matures the wrongs become more severe and the information from it is no longer useful to the system and they are more likely to suffer punishment rather than gentle guidance.

With this new information in mind, we as a larger community have to ascertain whether to burn the information gathered by the Being stuck in perpetrator or victim mode. The Being themselves can also choose to say I have corrupted my information, therefore when I pass I wish to be cremated and my ashes scattered to the winds.

This is where the funeral service comes into it, at the service the loved ones must truthfully express the wrong doings and right doings of the Being that has passed. Ideally the remains of the passed Being should be touching the Earth when this is done and all present should be barefoot with their feet touching the Earth.

If the remains are to be interred whole, this is the best way to express to the Earth that of the information we wish to retain and that we wish she should disregard. Cremation tells her we don’t want any of it and is reserved for those who have been stuck in a particular mode all of their lifetime, or persistently displayed detrimental results from the steps being experienced in the wrong order.

The cremation basically resets the being to relive the lifetime they corrupted in another living body. The interment allows the Universe to gather as much information she requires as possible, before moving the being on to the next lifetime with new directives. I believe that some Beings who have achieved successful information gathering and have not previously burned their information, have a carry over, keeping them to the thread or path they were already travelling.

Those that have broken the thread or cut off their path do not have the luxury of threads from previous lifetimes in their current lifetime. Those that were successful at this are what humans call prodigies and they would not be so rare, if we had all successfully carried our threads to the next lifetime, for if we had, prodigies would be the norm not the exceptions as evolution dictates.

A funeral service should go something like this, the remains laid upon the Earth so she knows that the Being has physically passed and so she knows which Being the People at the service are talking about. The People at the service barefoot upon the Earth so she can feel and hear what they are saying about the Being about to be interred. She can then sort the information based on what we have helped her see and feel about the Being about to pass through Limbo.

The information is broken down by natural Earth nanobytes (beetles, ants, maggots, earthworms etc) and processed into a format she understands. At which point she can use the requests presented at the service to sort through human wants and wishes, apply it to what the Universe needs and pass it on.

This requires the People at the service to be absolutely truthful in their account of the Being they are about to inter. If they have committed many wrongs but later in life tried to put them right, if they were good samaritans all their lives. What they did wrong and how we do not want this in our system or the next. How they put it right and how we want that right in our system and the next, all they did right and how we want that in our system and the next.

There are some wrongs that simply cannot be spiritually put right, the kind of wrongs that destroy someone else’s lifetime. Cold blooded murder, Paedophilia, persistent violence towards others, genocide, greed at the cost of others, persistent removal of other people’s choices (such as rape for eg). All the wrongs we do not wish to have in this World and the next if we were creating one. These all must be dealt with by cremation and scattering ashes, no matter what they have done to atone in the lifetime, it can be rewarded in the lifetime, but because such a wrong has already been committed they MUST be cremated upon death to remove it from the system.

Then, of course we must start ensuring that the three steps are experienced in the future at the correct time and are dealt with in the correct way. For it is easier to deal with a wrong committed by a child than it is to deal with a more severe wrong committed by an adult. For it is easier to explain to a youth how to become the survivor from the victim, if you have already been both perpetrator and then victim, it is a lot harder if the child has never been a perpetrator before becoming the victim. Survivor is impossible to achieve without being one or the other, preferably both, in the right order, for both in the right order, create a balanced adult.

Trouble is with a child perpetrator (who is actually going through the correct steps at the correct time) have two problems these days. One they are dealt with incorrectly and two they are branded for the rest of their life by others, as a repeat perpetrator, even if it is the first wrong they have ever committed. Therefore they are groomed into being a life perpetrator before they even have a chance to advance to victim. Sometimes they are made the victim first and then they become stuck in perpetrator, for it is wrong to be victim before perpetrating this creates too much anger.

When you have advanced to victim, you understand the perpetrator, how they feel, why they are doing it and that they will learn from it because you have already been through that yourself. Because the perpetrator is a child when it happens, the wrong is not nearly as hurtful as it is when it is an adult stuck in that step. The wrong is more forgivable, the wrong is easier dealt with, the wrong is less severe when we experience this step as a child.

The 3 steps of Perpetrator, Victim and Survivor are so compulsory to the development of balanced adults. I cannot stress how important it is that these three steps are all experienced within the confines of childhood and the protection childhood receives, that this has all been dealt with and progressed past by the age of 15-16.

Severe punishment is not the answer to dealing with these steps if they are being experienced at the correct time and stage of maturity. Guidance, acceptance that these steps must be progressed through during childhood for understanding, to create empathy and compassion for others. To learn what is right and what is wrong, to understand what is acceptable and what is not, to accept that the children who proceed you will also experience all these steps in that order and learn how to deal with that correctly.

If you choose to encourage these steps then you must choose to encourage them in the right order and at the right maturity. You must choose not to encourage them with violence, but with understanding and the desire to teach with a gentle hand. You must choose to understand yourself what is forgivable and what is not, what is acceptable by others and what is not before choosing to encourage these steps in a child.

The perpetrator must never be an older child to a younger child, it MUST be the other way around. In natural surroundings this would happen naturally as the younger child pushes the boundaries of the older child, the older child experiences the victim at the hands of the younger child therefore the being the victim is not so damaging and at the same hand the younger child is experiencing perpetrator, before becoming the victim to another younger child. Children push the boundaries all the time, it is up to the adults to ensure it happens the right way round.

It is up to the adults to explain how each is making the other feel, including the exhilaration of the perpetrator resulting from the adrenaline rush the child feels from acting out the wrong doing. Once the younger child advances to the victim step he then understands how the older child felt and learns the wrongness of perpetrating, he cannot do this if he did no wrong to begin with. Again I bring to mind that the earlier a child goes through the perpetrator stage the better, it is much easier to deal with and a lot less damaging to all involved, the smaller the child is when they experience this.

Reaching the survivor stage at the correct time, just before you are being recognised as an adult, ensures you have been both wrong doer and victim of wrong doings before stepping out into the world to begin your life. Children have a better chance of recognising perpetrators stuck in that stage for they have been there, recognising victims stuck in that stage for they have been there and fellow survivors who have been through it all. It ensures they are well balanced and have dealt with all the developmental stages of early human before trying to make a life for themselves.

Understanding perpetrator and victim this way, helps them to avoid, paedophiles, those who would pull them into a life of crime, those who would pull them into a lifetime of feeling victimised and suffer depression. They would recognise all that can go wrong and learn to avoid it, offer empathy and understanding, without being pulled into it, for they have already experienced it dealt with it and moved on. It would give them the tools to attempt to help others, but in saying this, they need to recognise when someone cannot be helped, for they are not ready to help themselves.

All this, will help in correcting the balance, correcting the type of information gathered, correct the amount of People stuck in stages or experiencing them at an incorrect maturities. This, coupled with proper burial rituals, releasing those that are currently trapped in Limbo and ensuring the right information is making it through.

It will make huge inroads into correcting the imbalance, allowing us then to start working on the physical. Which will also be slowly correcting itself, for the new balance being created, will manifest itself in the physical world. As it manifests, we will begin to see the importance of making physical changes to our infrastructure, to allow the Earth the freedom to attend to her natural resources such as water and regain natural order and balance in the ecosystem.

We must stop practices like urn burials trapping our dead in Limbo, if cremation is required the ashes must be scattered. If it is an interment then ensure that the remains have very little between them and the Earth. We must stop people re-adjusting pre-birth programming invitro such as Scientologists are doing, they have no idea what the initial programme is nor how long it took to achieve the program, therefore have no right to make invitro adjustments to that program.

We must stop making those that have passed look like perfect angels when they are not, for you are not only fooling yourselves, you are trying to fool the system you so desperately want to be working right. We must begin to service our passed loved ones properly with our feet and their bodies on the ground and the truth be told.

We must begin to encourage our children to progress through the right steps of development at the correct maturity, so we have balanced adults to deal with. Who are now seeing improvements in the World and it’s balance, who are no longer feeling agitated and harassed by the Beings they feel in Limbo, for they are being released and dealt with correctly to begin with and ensuring that no more become trapped. Who are no longer being punished but gently corrected for early wrongdoings and are starting to see a world worth surviving in, growing in, communicating to.

We must understand Limbo and the connections it offers within it, understand that those reaching out, reach out to only those who listen, or those who are vulnerable. Understand that our Children are vulnerable and being misdiagnosed for a natural ability that we all have within us. We must understand that drugs in our children won’t fix the problem and limits those abilities and opens them up further to those with wrong intent in Limbo. Drugs in our adults only create a roof and floor to the communication in Limbo, that to enter Limbo using drugs is only limiting the capabilities we naturally have.

Understand that any Being stuck in Limbo that had an addiction of any kind, still feels that addiction and will connect to and encourage anyone with the same addiction, to feed their own. This includes prescription drugs for diagnosis of ADD, ADHD, mental illnesses that require lithium and other such prescription medications that are addictive in nature.

I think that by now you are starting to see a fuller picture of the imbalance, the trapped beings, why they are trapped, what they do to relieve their boredom or addiction. The bigger picture of why we are here to begin with and what our purpose is in the system that is our Universe and her programme, that is this World’s Operating System. The bigger picture that shows us the network that could be, the network we keep asking for in film and song, but fail to pass on the information in the format it is required in to build it.

I think that if you could see what I see, you would believe my words and take action to correct it, by doing what is necessary and understanding what effect your actions will have. By understanding what effect the actions now, are having and by understanding that in correcting it. We succeed in creating a whole new system to begin this network, starting with the birth of a whole new Sun, that creates a whole new solar system, with a whole new livable planet within it, with a whole new lease on human life upon it.

If you can understand that, then you can understand how the two systems will then work together and the next part of the network will be created twice as fast and what looks like over population of this planet is just preparation. If you understand the rest of what I have said you will understand that if we wish to go there we don’t need space ships, we just need to wait to the end of this life cycle and upon handing in our information and starting new programming we say “I want to go there” and we are sent there to be programmed and we are sent there to be born, yet again.

This is not a book to start a new religion, we have more than enough of those destroying the system already. This book is nought but to impart to you what should already be truth in your own minds. What you should already fully understand and the truth of my words is there to be seen for our technology is advanced enough to see it. When you have seen and acknowledged that truth, then you will see the truth of the attraction of the mass and the information which is currently trapped within our planet’s system, instead of within the nebula where it should be.

Maybe then you will take the appropriate action to correct the destination of the information, instead of panicking like idiots and blowing the mass out of the sky, thus causing the failure yet again of creating a network of planets. I wonder, do you think you can depend on continuing should this fail? I wonder if you think that should this fail, oh it’s ok we’ll get another chance? I wonder how many chances do you think you will be afforded?

Humans in this Universe have already failed 6 times at completing their task successfully enough to create the network required! I wonder how many more times can this system cope with failures? I wonder if the 6 failures have deemed that the 7th is the straw that will break the camel’s back? I wonder how many holes in the fabric of this Universe those failures have created? I wonder how many more holes this Universe can withstand without the energy required from a network to heal herself? I already know the answers to these questions, isn’t it about time you wondered for yourselves? For the answers I have, you will not want to hear nor believe, however it is about time you did!


About the Creator

Senna Watson

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