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Justify your existence.

An exploration of the banal.

By Frank ObservationPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Throughout the average lifespan of any given consciousness, said consciousness will inevitably accumulate experiences. Be they vehemently sought out or merely consequential of circumstance, each experience has an impact on the consciousness, varying in degree according to the subjective perception thereof. With every cumulative impact, negatively, positively or indifferently perceived, the scope of likely future experiences become increasingly determinable, both through one's conscious decision and through serendipitous causality. The psyche is thus constantly being moulded and, both directly and indirectly, mapping out its own potential future experience through the repetition of certain learned behaviours and responses. Simultaneously though, it becomes less predictable when encountering entirely new experiential situations which necessitate the complete restructuring of its evermore rigid parameters.

Given that experience can encompass things inside or outside the bounds of any commonly perceived reality, and that perception differs not only from one individual psyche to another but from variants attributable to different frames of mind at different times within the one consciousness, no two psyches can be identical, regardless of parallels in either experience or response. That which may seem an inherent and unavoidable aspect of one's nature to you may seem completely alien and artificial to me. To fully appreciate all the contributing factors that have led to this particular juncture, one needs only to picture infinity cubed to gain a vague idea of the complexities involved, but I don't need to tell you that.

It could be correctly deemed a digression on my part to cite an author who is possibly paraphrased more often than he is read, but many still subscribe to his theory that conception is the initial trauma, so digress momentarily I shall. As the accumulation of experiential impact increases with momentum, so too does the number of individual psyches which, in turn, act as further potential external stimuli to affect and manipulate the form of the other. One obvious example of this could be found within this very interaction if you will. I have written a select few words in a certain order and have presented them in such a way that you can interpret them however you see fit; responding positively, negatively or not at all. I am currently none the wiser and, as such, have had a far greater impact on your psyche in this instance than you have mine. Conversely, though, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that you and I have, in some form or other, encountered one another before and that, in that particular instance, I experienced something that had a lasting and profound impact and you are, to this day, entirely oblivious to the encounter having even happened. As you read this, whether pondering more deeply with my every word or skimming distractedly; ambivalently, a butterfly in Guatemala still flaps its wings with no comprehension of its significance or otherwise.

At this point, you may be shaking your head, wondering if this imbecile is convinced that all this verbose posturing equates to intellectual validity, or you may be patting yourself on the back for having grappled with so much awkward and unfamiliar idiom; in either case, the worms await without judgment. If you are eagerly reading on in the hope of some epiphany, I am sorry to disappoint: the transcription of half-baked musings was in and of itself the entire point. If, on the other hand, you've been rolling your eyes and scoffing at the apparent insolence in my presumption that I have any enlightenment to offer, I have engaged you this far and it is I who is laughing at you, having wasted your time which could surely have been put to some far better use. Please note at this late stage that there is no longer a point for my digression to meander back towards, thus rendering it merely a residual irritant to prove the point I never set out to illustrate.

If you have ever once uttered the question "What is 'normal' anyway?" in anything but sarcastic tones, let alone pontificated on the subject, this is dedicated to you: the very epitome of normal. It is you, the true essence of banality that allows me and my subpar education to feel a fleeting sense of superiority or self-worth, at the very least and by this, I justify my existence. For the smug boffins who've endured the tedium of my stating the obvious without saying anything, I wish you luck with your further education and the expenses thereby incurred and sincerely hope you've enjoyed your little encounter with the plebian intellect of an upstart dropout with whom you've inadvertently shared a very powerful dose of liquid L.S.D. I trust you've enjoyed your trip, 'til next time, au revoir!


About the Creator

Frank Observation

Reluctantly born.

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