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Is AI taking over creative writing?

And can there be a real shift?

By solPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Is AI taking over creative writing?
Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash

Everything is being automated in today’s world. AI is seeping through every aspect of our lives, and it doesn’t matter if it’s our daily work or social life.

In today’s world, we use more electronic gadgets to do more of the jobs that we used to do manually. We call them smart gadgets, because all we do is insert a few commands, and they will start working on their own, to get the job done.

And so today, we don’t need the old road map to find the street where the company we are going for our next job interview is located. We have AI assisted GPS technology that tells us when to turn right, when to go straight for a few miles, and so on.

Okay, then there’s something called Amazon’s Alexa, a home AI assistant that gives suggestions on what movies to watch, etc. In times past, you would call up a few friends to get some ideas, or outright ask them what movies they were watching. You can still do that through Meta’s WhatsApp or similar messaging apps.

AI is dominating everything, including our creativity, and creeping into our writing, fast. For some people, this is quite scary. For others, it’s a welcome relief.

Is this the Future, now?

It is hard to think of our future differently. But it is already being defined by AI. And it is only a matter of time before society becomes fully dependent on AI. And that includes writing. The written word has come a long way from the first Gutenberg prints.

Now today, all our writing-perhaps 99.9%, is done on either a laptop or a desktop. Printing written works can now be done using a small table printer. With a simple word processor application, like MS Word or similar, we can do all the writing that we want.

But it’s still nice to be typing out words, even if you’re doing this from your laptop or smartphone. The fun in writing out words is that, you can cancel them, if you feel the ideas don’t make sense, or rewrite them.

There is fun in writing to keep your fingers busy, and your brain exercised as you think out strings of words to type. And yet, soon, you’ll be doing less writing, and perhaps even less thinking, by leaving a bulk of the writing to AI assisted writing tools.

Are there advantages to using AI writing tools?

The possibilities AI brings with it is enormous and the potentials huge. AI can tap into the writing field and dominate it, in the same way that it has done in other sectors, such as manufacturing.

And if they have advantages for the manufacturing industry, then the advantages can also extend into writing. Here are some advantages it could have in the content writing sector.

Speed up your writing

With AI assisted writing, you can lessen your article writing time, by reducing the time that it would normally take you to finish writing a complete article.

Take for example an article of say 1000 words. For some people, it could take as much as 3–4 hours to write it. But for others, it could take less than an hour.

AI writing tools reduce the time you'd use to write an article from the 3-4 hours, to mere seconds. This way, you can create more content for your blog if you run one, or post more articles on other content creation sites like Vocal.

End writer’s block

The writer’s block syndrome is one that, AI assisted writing, is gradually bringing to an end. Now you don’t have to think too hard about what to write. And you don’t have to stare at an empty screen for too long, waiting for inspiration to knock.

Can’t think of a topic to write?

Don’t worry too much about that. There are so many topic generation tools you can use to find great topic ideas. But apart from that, you can do a Google search by inserting a keyword into the search bar of your web browser, and see the results that will spring up.

Once you see the search results, click on any of the links of the first ten results and read the articles, to see what they are talking about. This way you can get some idea of a topic that you can write about.

But wait, AI writing tools come with blog topic generators. Simply type a keyword into the search box and with a few clicks, many blog topic suggestions are generated.

It takes the time off researching topics

Do you want to write a good quality article, on a particular topic? Definitely, this will require you to do some in-depth research. Well, researching a topic and writing about it, especially if you want to give value to your audience, will take up some time.

AI assisted writing, can eliminate the problem quite easily and reduce the amount of time it will need to do research.

It sounds all too good and promising, right?

Yes, and definitely you should be happy that what will take you more time to achieve, can be done in a few minutes. With the help of tools like Rytr, Inkforall, and other similar tools, content creation becomes easy. But how good are they at replacing human writers, and, can they?

Can they replace human writers?

With more and more AI writing tools on the loose, it seems that they are certainly going to replace human writers, for sure. But there are challenges with using them.

Creativity vs content creation.

You can use any AI content writing tool to generate lots of content. The content creation process is quick and immediate, but it lacks human creativity.

Employing creativity, as opposed to simply generating content, means adding a human touch to the content creation process, where you can express emotions by telling touching and personal stories.

For marketers, presenting yourself to your audience with AI generated content may have drawbacks. This is especially true, if you intend to have a personal connection with your audience, to understand their pain points.

Rewriting Content

An AI writing tool does a great job in content generation. However, some of the articles may require rewriting on the part of the content writer. This is because they sometimes contain visible errors, such as erroneous content or sentences that do not make sense.

Final consideration

In conclusion, I must admit that using AI is helpful to speed up content creation, even though their presence will definitely lead to a loss of jobs for human writers.

But replacing humans completely might not be a thing that will happen in the present or near future. For one, the technology is still in the infancy stage, even though it is rapidly on the increase.

With improvements in the technology, the world of creative writing may soon give way to AI generated content on a massive scale.

And then what?

techfutureartificial intelligence

About the Creator


Someone who cares about others and ready to help in considerable ways. i write for fun and don't consider it a hobby- it's just a way of telling myself that I can do this.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • Angelina F. Thomas2 years ago

    great job. keep it up.

solWritten by sol

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