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In The Stars


By Terrance JacksonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
In The Stars
Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

In astrology, the 12 Zodiac signs are a loose guide to personality traits, which are a reflection of the behavior, attitude, passion, strengths, and weaknesses of people under each classification. Individuals are associated with a symbol or a sign depending on the date and month on which they were born.

The 3 zodiac signs that make the best friends for you, according to your sign.

Taurus: Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.

Gemini: Libra, Aquarius, and Aries.

Cancer: Scorpio, Pisces, and Taurus.

Leo: Sagittarius, Aries, and Libra.

Libra: Aquarius, Gemini, and Leo.

I myself have Scorpio traits. Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend. Independent, and unafraid to blaze their own trail no matter what others think, Scorpios make a statement wherever they go and get helpful advice to assist you in interpreting the trials, challenges, & mysteries of your daily life. Annually, approximately between October 23 and November 21, the sun moves through the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio. Scorpio, your spirit animal is a phoenix. Like this animal, your personality is two-fold. There is the outer personality that you may use as a way to protect yourself from danger or heartbreak, but underneath that part of you, there's a softer, gentler side that is open and vulnerable.

Personal Note:

I’ve noticed the movements or choices that I’ve made does resemble a lot of my characteristics shown in a couple articles that I have read. Additionally there are a few that don't at all fit my personality. And there are some that actually fits other signs from my zodiac sign that relates to others.

Naming of what’s Fun About Our Signs

  • Aries: Fire-Bender
  • Taurus: Time Travel
  • Gemini: Shapeshifting
  • Cancer: You're A Healer
  • Leo: You Glow
  • Virgo: Fortune-Telling
  • Libra: Telekinesis
  • Scorpio: You're Psychic
  • Sagittarius: Unlimited Expansion
  • Capricorn: Invincibility
  • Aquarius: Air-Bender
  • Pisces: The ability to Heal

According to a study conducted by Pew Research in 2017, more than 30 percent of Americans believe in astrology and that number is growing. On the one hand, zodiac signs may offer glimpses into a person's basic human nature, their personality traits, impulses, interests, etc. On the other hand, judging someone based purely on their astrological sign is never advised, much less so when it comes to finding a love partner.

By Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) go together because water nourishes earth. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) and fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) go together because air feeds fire.

Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions. Where astrology has made falsifiable predictions, it has been falsified. The most famous test was headed by Shawn Carlson and included a committee of scientists and a committee of astrologers. In astrology, the 12 Zodiac signs are a loose guide to personality traits, which are a reflection of the behavior depending on the date and month on which they were born. Why should we believe in astrology? You leave it up to yourself so you would extract something positive from astrology if you have a belief and if not, do research before you decide to reject it. Astrology is the science of stars, and is based on the belief that the position of the planets and stars in the sky influences human life. Many people believe that zodiac signs mean nothing, but there are many others who do believe in them, myself included. Even for those who believe, however, these compatibility charts are just not accurate. Zodiac signs are not individualized and specific all the time, and that has to be taken into consideration.


In galactic astrology a relation is established between Milky Way band and the zodiac signs leading to the creation of birth chart for prediction purposes. The galactic chart used for astrology has certain rules and principles. In this chart the earth is found opposite to the Sun which has been placed at the center of you being very lucky. You were born into a universe of endless mystery and wonder a vast and busy place where galaxies eat each other for fun. Guardians of the Galaxy is a ragtag team of heroes who each have their personalities and skills its not just a movie. It's also a place or existence that possess an eclectic mix of personalities, but which one is mostly like you?

Fun facts about Galaxy

  • 10 Interesting Facts About the Milky Way
  • It's Warped: ...
    • It Has a Halo, but You Can't Directly See It: ...
    • It has Over 200 Billion Stars: ...
    • It's Really Dusty and Gassy: ...
    • It was Made From Other Galaxies: ...
    • Every Picture You've Seen of the Milky Way Isn't It: ...
    • There is a Black Hole at the Center: ...
    • It's Almost as Old as the Universe Itself:

    Galaxies can range in size from a dwarf with as few as ten million stars to massive giant galaxies with a hundred trillion stars. Each star orbits its galaxies own potential for more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. For example: Take a good long look at yourself and throw some light around your bedroom with this sleek, modern mirror. Light Your Look From Head To Toe With The Beautiful Illumination Of A Full Length Mirror

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    Terrance Jackson

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      Terrance JacksonWritten by Terrance Jackson

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