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The Mage and the Faery

By michelle ramirezPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Art by Michelle Ramirez

It's been twenty years since Silnór left Azos. He went North to die alone. He disappeared when his older brother, Maldor, murdered their father. For years, Silnór lived deep inside of the old forest with many dark secrets and creatures that lingered around. Another day has passed, Silnór walked down a lonely path but he still loved the beauty of nature and the strangest animals. Somewhere in the Old Forest, where the elves are hidden from the world, Silnór came across what appears to be a forest maiden or also known as a faery. She is as beautiful as nature and very protective of her earthly creatures. The faery left with no words. There Silnór sat underneath a willow tree. Tired of walking and tired of living. He fell asleep hoping he doesn't wake up. He dreamed of his brother killing their father over and over again. The same dream he always dreamt of. If only he could have saved his brother from the darkness but Maldor has consumed so much, Silnór doesn't recognize him anymore. Every day he would walk back to the lake and sit under the same old willow tree. Then, something changed. The forest maiden returned but not by the other side of the lake. She sat under the willow tree. Silnór didn't say anything to provoke her. So he sat by the lake, lied down, and closed his eyes to rest.

"The trees talk," said the forest maiden. "Even animals."

"Yeah, I hear them," not glancing back at the faery. Silnór didn't say much. He just lied there waiting for the day to die. She walked closer and sat beside him. Deep down she cares about the weak man. She strokes his golden hair as he sleeps. Silnór didn't make a fuss he just let her. He opens his eyes. She had already left. The next day, Silnór decided not to go to his usual routine. Instead, he went up to the mountains. He climbed and climbed where he finally reached the top. The wind blew, the view became a painted picture in his mind. He loved the view yet it looked very sad to him. He remembered watching the same view with his father and brother. Silnór noticed the forest maiden followed him to the mountains. She stood in silence and curious to know about the strangely beautiful man who is always alone and sad. Usually, faeries are shy to approach strangers but she was different. Most forest maidens are like goddesses, they protect their territories from invaders but since the Elves granted permission to the Maesser to stay in the forest. The Faery didn't mind at all.

"What is your name?" Asked the faery.

"Silnór," said the man. "And yours?"

"Elífaen," said the faery. For some reason, the faery wanted to be by his side. "You are not human?" She sat by Silnór.

"I'm only half-human," Silnór responded. "My mother is human but my father is a Maessér, son of a Celestial God is what he told me."

"I have heard stories about Celestial Beings coming to earth long ago," said Elífaen. "The trees tell many stories. The good and the bad." She suddenly became quiet and then," they also told me yours. I am sorry." The forest maiden left in tears. Silnór didn't say much. He just sat there watching the sunset as if his past didn't bother him. The pain he once felt has vanished and he will too be gone as well.

As the days went by, Elífaen, the forest maiden, hasn't visit Silnór. The trees have been whispering odd conversations. The shadows have been growing ever since the Dark Lord has been sealed away deep beneath the catacombs of Dézûrdal.

He's coming. Whispered the Lord of the Trees. But not alone. The forest maiden became worried. "How long?" Asked the faery. Less than a year, he said. Elífaen began to search for Silnór. She went to the mountainside. He was not there. She went to the lake. He wasn't there either. She looked everywhere but he was not found. The faery saddened. He left. Perhaps he knew the day will come but then the faery remembered. She went to the lake again and under the willow tree where he was waiting for her. He gave her a smile that was never seen before.

"The trees talk," said Silnór.

"Silnór," the faery suddenly hugged him. He could tell that the faery missed him and they have gazed into each other's eyes. The faery and the Maessér have fallen for each other. They spoke in an ancient tongue. The trees described of those who have fallen for each other will never leave their side until death parts them. And so, it is written. A year has passed, Elífaen is seven months pregnant, Silnór often traveled outside of the Old Forest to gather medicine and food for their unborn child. Silnór finally returned yet he has missed the due date. He sees his beloved wife, Elífaen, carrying their child in her embrace. Silnór rushes to see them.

"My love, it is time," said the faery.

"Yes, I believe he is coming soon," Silnór saddened. "I have brought, Balar, a dragon from Mylyrra."

"Lady Elífaen," the dragon bowed. "I am here to take you and your child to Mylyrra." The Faery frowned.

"Silnór what of you?"

"I cannot go with you. I must put an end to my brother," the Maessér angered in silence. "I cannot lose you or our son. Please go." Silnór vanished like the wind without giving Elífaen a chance to say. She kissed her beloved son one last time and handed over to Balar, the dragon.

"Do not regret this...Lady Elífaen!" Balar shouted but it was already too late. She had already disappeared into the forest. Just over the trees, dark clouds surrounded the Old Forest. The faery saw a glimpse of the dragon fleeing away with her son and then lost sight of them within the clouds.

As Silnór waited for the arrival of his evil brother. Out of nowhere, a stroke of lightning came towering down on him. His death has come for him. He closed his eyes thinking of his beloved wife and son. We didn't get the chance to name him. Silnór thought. Perhaps, Ithaen, Selíos, Or——he slowly opened his eyes. Elífaen used her magic to protect him. Unfortunately, Elífaen did not survive. Silnór's heart sank. He held his only love in his arms crying in agony. He looked up at the sky. He saw another Meassér fighting his older brother, Maldor. It must be Nélnuir, his father's kin. He had heard stories of his father and her coming to Midgard by the order of the One. Nothing could stop Maldor. The darkness became his strongest power. He had to help Nélnuir. Silnór carried his wife's body to the trees where they had taken her within them, to become a tree herself. He hurried to help his kin. Together they used their life to activate a powerful magic spell to seal Maldor far away from Valoría.

"You will never be as powerful as Lélerë, traitor!" Nélnuir shouted. Maldor has been captured and sent to Derzûrdal, the Kingdom of Demons. Nélnuir accepted her soul to be ascended into the stars while Silnór refused to ascend as he is supposed to but he chose to stay in the Old Forest where he can be reunited with Elífaen for together they will become trees to one day tell great stories to their beloved son.

"Élluar, that is your name my son," Silnór then dies.

The End.


About the Creator

michelle ramirez

IG: noodle.uwu

Webtoon: aztekis

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