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Gemini Horoscope

Are you ready for some big changes?

By Noemi TubaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by willsantt from Pexels

We are entering into Gemini season, which means you, dear Gemini, will experience some significant changes. However, most of the planetary moves of the month will favor your sign, so things are looking rather good! Before we dive deeper into your monthly outlook, let me say a big Happy Birthday to you! It is your month, after all!

But now, let's get into all the details and some of the important dates!

Until the 20th of June, the Sun is moving through Gemini, the 1st house of your birth chart. This area is all about your true Self and your physical body. While the Sun is shining on you (literally and figuratively), you might want to spend some time contemplating your core values and how you show up in the world. Since you are just about to get another year wiser, it's an excellent time to do just that.

On Jun 3, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance, will move into Cancer, your house of money and Self-worth. So what does it mean for you? It means you will have a significant boost in the area of Self and material worth. You might receive an expensive birthday present or an unexpected pay rise. Getting a loan approved is also very likely at this time. Cancer also represents our living space and home environment, so you might find yourself decorating your home and, thanks to Venus, enjoying it too!

Besides your special day, another major astrological event is happening this month, namely the Solar Eclipse, which will occur on June 10. Astrologically speaking, eclipses (both, Lunar and Solar) always represent essential changes in our lives. Although it's not always the change we want or wish for yet, it's always what we need. Eclipses are reminders from the universe that we need to make some necessary course corrections. For you, this Solar Eclipse will happen in Gemini, which, once again, will highlight the 1st house of your chart. Hence, questions like who am I and your deeper purpose might occupy your mind more often than usual. While these are complex questions, you will also have an excellent supporting aspect from Saturn, giving you the feeling of stability.

On Jun 11, Mars will enter Leo drawing attention to the area of communication and daily interaction. Topics like media, writing, and publishing will likely be at the forefront. It is also the sector of short trips, siblings, and neighbors. Since Mars and Leo are both very fiery, you will have all the necessary strive, focus, and discipline to succeed. So if you have any ongoing creative project involving writing, speaking or, social media, this is your time to shine! The downside? With all these fire elements, you need to be extra mindful when sharing your ideas. Although there is nothing wrong with being passionate when expressing yourself, just make sure you don't burn any unnecessary bridges along the way!

On Jun 14, the ongoing year-long battle between Saturn and Uranus will come to another peak which will likely result in some confusion and conflicting feelings regarding your spiritual and subconscious beliefs and your higher mind and higher education. But don't stress if things don't make much sense just yet! Because this same configuration (called the square) will occur once again in December, and hopefully, you will have more answers than questions by then.

On Jun 20, the Sun leaves your sign (sorry, no more birthday celebration) and joins Venus in Cancer, strengthening your money and Self-worth sector. If it sounds great, it's because it is. Increased Self-belief coupled with an increased size of bank account is quite possible this time. Jupiter will turn retrograde in Pisces on this very same day, encouraging you to re-think your professional life and re-evaluate some projects and tasks.

And when Neptune visits this same area of your chart two days later on the 25th such topics will even be further highlighted, such as work, career, and public reputation. Just a reminder that Neptune has nothing to do with logic and anything with feelings and emotions, so contemplating your career choices and work in general can be very likely.

To sum things up:

This month will give you plenty of opportunities to do some deep soul searching. Having a Solar Eclipse in your sign around your birthday will strongly encourage you to look deeper within you regarding your true Self and the things that matter the most in your life, especially in the area of Self-worth and career. Thanks to the overall favorable planetary transitions throughout the month, you will certainly have the chance to come up with some great answers and create lasting positive changes!


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