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Future Technologies and their Possible Impacts - Predictions for the Next Decade

A look at what is coming in the next decade - Predictions for technology and its impact on humans

By Jennifar BrownPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Future Technologies and their Possible Impacts - Predictions for the Next Decade
Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash

The next decade will be marked by an explosion in new technologies and discoveries. There is no way to predict exactly what the future holds, but there are some things that we can reasonably expect to see, and they could have a profound impact on our society.

In the era of technological advancements, humans have found new ways to amuse themselves. Tech has become a central part of our existence; it is hard to be bored when you have access to fun games & tests and other entertaining resources! Our devices entertain us and allow for easy access to information that we need in our everyday lives.

In this blog post, I'll share my thoughts about ten technological advances that may happen over the course of the next ten years.

How to prepare for the future

The future is difficult to predict, but it's even more challenging when you're trying to forecast the effects of new technologies. The truth is that we don't know precisely how these innovations will change our lives, but one thing is for sure: they'll change them in ways we could never have predicted.

These are some possible impacts on society and culture and other areas of life (like education) because of the introduction of some relatively recent inventions like social media networks, smartphones, and virtual reality technology.

Future technologies that are coming soon

It's no secret that there are plenty of new technologies on the horizon. The future is always changing, and we're constantly seeing improvements in technology to make our lives easier. Here are few advanced technologies that will quickly become part of everyday life or have become already:

Artificial intelligence

People can use AI for more than just controlling your TV or getting Siri to help you find that one song. Androids may not be too far off, and Google is even working on self-driving cars! And Tesla has already developed self-driving vehicles that are far superior in performance to their predecessors.

Autonomous vehicles

We already see these in some states, but fully autonomous vehicles are just around the corner, with companies like Lyft investing heavily into them. These cars will need sensors to work correctly, but technological advances mean that these sensors are getting smaller and more affordable.


Drone use is rising with commercial applications and personal benefits for taking photos from a new angle or delivering packages. These devices can now even be used to take selfies! This tech will only get better as we start using them for search and rescue, medical supplies, or even pizza delivery.

Virtual reality

This tech is just getting started, with many people using it as a way to explore their fantasies via Oculus Rift headsets. The future of VR could include virtual travel where you can visit the pyramids without ever leaving your living room!

Augmented reality

When you combine VR with AR, the possibilities are endless. You could use augmented reality to get a preview of what your new home looks like before ever moving in or see-through clothes while shopping online!

The impact of new technology on society

The impact of new technology on society is a hotly debated topic. While many people see the benefits that come with these advances, others worry about what they can do to our health and well-being.

Some people are concerned about how much time we spend staring at screens as it has been shown this can cause muscle stiffness or neck pain, reduce the amount of REM sleep, and even lead to eye strain.

Benefits of the Technology in daily life

On the other hand, technology can help us stay connected with people around the world. It also provides a means for entertainment that is both affordable and accessible and educational opportunities for all levels of learners.

Technology enables people who are unable to go to school or who are living in remote areas to still be able to learn and study.

Examples of how people have reacted to new technology in the past

People and Planes

The first time people heard about the idea of airplanes, they thought it was impossible. They believed that an airplane would drop out of the sky because gravity is so strong, and heavy things can only fall down.

How people reacted towards mobile phones

People used to think that having a phone with internet access was ridiculous and such a waste of money. Now we all have one.

Public opinion of TVs

When the first TV was introduced to a small town, it caused an uproar because some people believed that they would be able to watch their neighbors and learn all of their secrets.

The reaction of masses on Microwaves Technology

The first time people heard about microwaves, many feared that they could cook food without destroying its nutritional value or cooking qualities. People also thought microwaves would cause cancer.

The reaction of people on some other famous inventions

When the first laptop computers were introduced, people saw it as a fad and believed that they would never catch on because people couldn't do everything with them like with desktop computers. Now laptops are used by many for their work and schoolwork while desktops have been phased out due to form factors being too bulky.

When the first typewriter was introduced, people argued that it would never catch on because handwriting is natural, and writing with a machine will get monotonous. But now, we use cursive instead of printing or type for many things in our lives - signing documents, taking notes during meetings, etc.

There are plenty more examples of reactions to new technologies in the past. It is essential to keep this perspective when thinking about our responses as society moves forward with new innovations.

Ways we can prepare for the future now

As the world continues to evolve and change, we all must continuously adapt in order to succeed. One way you can prepare for this future is by learning how artificial intelligence will affect your work life. We'll discuss what AI is and why it affects everyone differently, as well as ways you can be prepared for an AI-driven workplace.

Why is it challenging for most of us?

Preparing for the future in modern times can be difficult. With globalization, rapid technological advancements, and changes to almost every industry imaginable, it's hard to keep up with what is next on the horizon, let alone prepare for it! However, there are many ways you can prepare for the future by learning about some of today's most pressing issues.

What is the possible solution?

The world is changing, and so are our jobs, but we can prepare for this change now! We'll be talking about how artificial intelligence will affect your work-life, what AI is and why it affects people differently in different industries. Then you'll learn what steps to take to be prepared for a future workplace with AI.

How we can potentially save our future generations

Moreover, we need our world to be a livable place for our future generations, for this purpose we should change our lifestyle and opt for some of the suggestions I have compiled from the experts

Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

You can help reduce your carbon footprint by taking small steps at home. This includes turning off all lights when you leave a room, unplugging appliances and electronics that are not in use, recycling waste like paper or plastic bottles, using environmentally friendly cleaners around the house, which will save money too!

Ways to Reduce Your Food Waste

You can also make changes at home by avoiding food waste. Start by planning out your meals for the week and grocery shopping once a week or every two weeks, so you don't buy more than you need. If produce is nearing its expiration date, give it away before throwing it in the compost pile or compost bin.

Ways to Reduce Your Waste

The more you recycle, the less waste will end up in landfills or oceans. Start by recycling paper and plastic bags that are used for food packaging at home, and when out shopping, use reusable water bottles instead of buying bottled water from a store. Recycle all-metal cans as well.

Ways to Reduce Your Water Usage

You can also conserve water at home by turning the tap off when you brush your teeth, do dishes or wash hands - this uses an average of five gallons per minute! When showering, use less than ten minutes and install low-flow faucets in your kitchens and bathrooms.


With so much change happening in the world, it can be difficult to keep up with all of the latest trends and predictions. It's important that we continue preparing for these changes now, while there is still time. What are your thoughts on this comment below? "It’s only when I start looking back at what was predicted by futurists 20 years ago that I realize how accurate they were." How do you feel about trying to predict future technologies or events? Do you believe current predictions will come true as well? Let us know!

artificial intelligence

About the Creator

Jennifar Brown

I am a writer who is passionate about writing and sharing information with the world. I have been published in multiple publications and hope to continue to share my knowledge of the world for many years to come!

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