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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio — Revisiting the Past and Passing the Tests

Have you learned the lessons?

By Erin MixonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

One of the main themes you will likely notice during the upcoming full moon lunar eclipse (on top of the fact that it coincides with Mercury Retrograde) is the theme of things coming back up from the past.

Most likely you will be presented with people, thought patterns, struggles, and triggers from the past.

The purpose of this resurfacing is to revisit, analyze, heal, and learn the lessons from these situations.

Hopefully, you will make better decisions regarding these revisitations from the past and hopefully, you have learned the lessons from the past.

My Experience

Today, I received a call from my father about a job fair taking place. He let me know where it was and encouraged me to take my resume and go down to the fair.

I asked a few questions, thanked him for the information, and then hung up the phone.

Immediately, I felt uneasy. I thought about going to the job fair, but in my spirit, I knew it was not the right decision for me.

So, I decided not to go.

The parallel experience from the past

Many years ago, after college, I took the advice of my father and signed on to a career that I was very unhappy in.

I decided to listen to my spirit at the end of the first day of the job and made the decision not to return.

When I told my father about my decision, he started lecturing me. The lecturing turned to shouting and intimidation, and I (overriding my own spiritual compass) went back into a place that made me miserable for many years.

I regret that choice even to this day.

Making New and Better Decisions

So needless to say, I’m very proud of myself that I made the decision not to go. Mind you, it was not an easy decision.

Making the choice to be an entrepreneur and to work a non-traditional job is not always easy. It can be unbelievably difficult because the money is not consistent, and things can get really rocky and tight.

But my intuition, spirit, spirit guides, and the many synchronicities I see on a daily basis let me know that I’m making the right decision and that things will improve in time.

Have you learned the lessons from the past? Will you make the right decisions?

Passing the Test

So this lunar eclipse is helping you to continue your growth and healing work. It is giving you an opportunity to make better decisions than you did in the past.

When your ex-boyfriend that verbally abused you in the past calls and asks if you want to hang out, what will your answer be? Will you cave in due to loneliness, or will you choose self-love?

Will you fall back into the pattern of giving into binge eating to comfort yourself when you’re feeling bored and lonely and end up feeling miserable afterward? Or will you opt to utilize the healthy strategies you’ve learned over the years?

The choice is yours.

But if you choose right, you will be sending a message to the universe that you have passed the test and are ready for new and better.

What If I Mess Up and Choose Wrong?

We are humans, and we won’t always make the right choice. If you make the wrong choice, don’t fret.

Forgive yourself, learn the lessons, and do better going forward.

If you don’t pass the test, the universe will continue to give you certain experiences to help you to grow and evolve.

The Lesson and Main Takeaway

Remember, whatever comes back up from the past won’t be easy to resist. You will likely be tempted to fall back into the trap because choosing this thing will fill an immediate void and need. But remember it will only be a temporary fix but will cause you more pain in the end.

But if you resist the “immediate fix” and rather choose what may seem harder in the temporary, it will pay off big in the long run.

That’s why I decided not to go to the job fair. It would have been quick money now…

But at what cost?

I know if I follow my heart, instead of the quick money, I will gain so much more in the long run.

You have to know this too. It won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it.

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Thank you in advance!

Thank you all very much for your support!

Happy Writing!

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About the Creator

Erin Mixon

I am a blogger and inspirational writer.

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