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Dystopia Fallen

Hereafter: In The Wake

By Maryam Alima WarithPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Fresh morning dew laced the blades of ever green grass as rivulets glistened from love kissed rays breaking through the coming dawn. The air was thick with pungent aroma from the lilacs dancing in the distance. Meandering through the field of purple, orange, and canary yellows, Fard eyed something that he had never seen on his morning strolls of centering his being. Strange how something as beautiful and vibrant as this mystery treasure was, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd never seen it. Out of an earth covered mound he plucked a heart shaped locket made of what he could only presume to be an amethyst stone from the deep pigments of eggplant and onyx twinkling as he turned over the gem in his hands. He opened it to find something else his eyes were perplexed to be fixed upon. They were people, a tiny image of a smiling couple. A man with his arms wrapped around a woman in an affectionate embrace. Fastening the locket back, Fard placed it in his linen trousers deciding to make his way back to the Palace where he would find his father to inquire of the enigmatic image he couldn’t quite understand.

Nine families govern the land of Al Furqan in which Fard resides. A land mass once known centuries ago as the Americas, was incinerated for a millennium due to iniquities of the people that once called it home. Many years passed before the people of Al Furqan came to restore the land to its natural state of balance and harmony as it once was in the beginning of time. His family being one of the oldest families of the council of nine, lived in the seventh region. To him of course it was the best of regions, lined as far as the eye could see with Baobab trees, children and animals plodded the lands in the fields adjacent from the businesses and homes of the civilization that bustled within the compound. As Fard hastened up the Palace stairs through the veranda he was jolted from the unexpected embrace from his older sister Maymoonah. Grabbing up her favorite face to see every morning, she squeezed him to the point a breathlessness after planting more than enough wanted kisses on his forehead.

“Mother has been looking for you for an hour you know.” spoke Maymoonah with a voice reminiscent of waves lightly coming into shore. She was such as soft and delicate being, that Fard was always mystified at how strong her hugs could be. “Is she upset?” he asked raking through his mind of all the chores he was for sure he’d completed the evening before. “No, of course not, she just was wondering where her favorite nine-year-old had ran off to for so long this morning,” “Alhamdulillah!” he exclaimed with a sigh of relief. “Is she in the glass greenery?” he asked running off knowing the answer before Maymoonah had the chance to speak. “Yes!” she called after him in amusement. His mothers’ private greenhouse was on the southeast side of their home, racing along the path he barely heard the greetings being called to him from the elders working in their own personal gardens that morning.

Bursting through the door short of breath “UMI!” he called out looking for his mother. Up she rose with earth covered hands all smiles, with two beautifully chocolate faced twin girls on either side of her no more than five years of age. “Salaam my handsome young man, come and give your mother a proper greeting.” Smiling she stood there, tall and lean wrapped in her golden gardening jacket and gloves to match, hair draped with a lavender chiffon infinity scarf that covered her long thick curls of hair she wore braided down her back. She’d only let a few ringlets frame her face whilst she worked in the garden. The picture of perfection, or so Fard thought at least. Perfect she was in her love for her family and Nation that she would live and die for. “As-Salaam Alaikum umi” he said as they embraced. Looking down at his hands she said “you seem to have been gardening yourself this morning I see.” He looked down at his hands covered in the remnants of earth left from polishing off the heart shaped locket he found earlier.

“Oh no ma’am,” he chuckled, “just was out on my morning walk and found something and I want to take it to Baba.” “Well alright then my love, make your way to him. I believe he is in the library finishing up his morning studies.” she said. After giving his mother another embrace and kissing the foreheads of his twin siblings he raced off again with rumbling eagerness to show his father what he had found. On the second floor of their estate facing the southeast lawn was the library. Opening the large oak doors, he entered into the study where books lined the walls fourteen feet high. His father a tall, lean man with a physique of a fighter skilled in combat for both sport and necessities, sat at the window gazing down upon the greenhouse where his wife beamed with joy as she instructed their youngest two on the ways of building up a green thumb.

“As-Salaam Alaikum Baba!” Fard greeted his father entering the library fully. Sabir Alim Warith Ibn Alphonzo was one of the wisest, gracious and most humble beings among the council. He ran his home with patience and care, always ready to have an ear to listen to his most precocious of offspring. “Walaikum Salaam Fard,” said his father turning to greet his son with a smile of white teeth beaming in amusement. “I thought you were going to fly the way you ran out of the greenery moments ago, my son what is all this haste that has you in such a state?” Fard made his way over to his father retrieving the gem from his pocket, he eagerly opened the locket to show his father its contents. Incredulously taking the locket from his son, Sabir Alim could hardly believe his eyes. How could anything survive through the Great Burnings as they called it. From the image of the picture, he could tell that it was from a time long before Al Furqan came to restore lands that they now called home.

“Where did you get this son?” he asked. “I found it in a mound while I was out this morning, I’ve never seen people look that way before baba, why is their skin like that?” There in the picture stood a man and woman with skin pale as the underbelly of the cattle that produces the milk poured into Sabir Alim’s tea just that morning. “Well, my son there was a time millennia ago before the Great Burnings that this land was brimmed with people from all over the great earth. People as far east as Mecca the best part of the earth as you’ve been taught, and to the left of that was Europe, the worst part of the planet earth. The people that came from Europe were prophesied to rule over the entire planet for six thousand years, in which they did. They were made to rule contrary to the natural order of righteous harmony, so for their entire reign over the people of the earth they blinded the people by making all truth into falsehood.

They led them to believe that they were the Gods that make the sun rise and set. They destroyed histories of our original people that walked the earth long before they themselves took their first breaths of the air they would soon fill with toxic gas and chemicals. Lies and desist were the order of the day by the ones who held power and were entrusted to govern the people. Debauchery filled the air, while the clergy sinned in the houses of worship under the name of the Lord. Too much blame must not be placed upon the fair colored man and woman of yesterday, as they were made for the purification of us all. We had to see the worst that man could be, see the darkest and most unclean parts of ourselves in order to rid self of what was known as the brown germ. The brown germ was something within the original people from the making of man from the originator as He created Himself trillions of eons ago. Also known as jinn, it was a fiery spirit within the original people that would at times incline them into unrighteous egotistical behavior.

The fair colored man and woman was given the opportunity to repent, change their ways and follow the God of today in righteousness, but they could not run from their nature. They were grafted from us, only to be left stricken of the hues that trace our skin, to possess only the brown germ within. From their nature they reign and by their nature they met their demise. The great gods descended from the clouds with their mighty planes to round up the few original righteous people they could find. They rose a gravitational barrier that enclosed this land for nearly a thousand years as it burned in flames likened by the sun to rid itself of the burden of wickedness. Some of the fair people were able to escape and return back to Europe to strive to live a life in harmony and balance. This my son seems to be a gift, a remnant blessed to have survived such a dark period of the world of man and mankind. Left to remind us that we must forever remain grounded in balance, tranquility and in harmony with the oneness of the Originator.”

Sabir Alim rose holding the gem in his hand as he walked to the glass armoire on the far-right side of the library and placed the locket on among the other treasured artifacts within his collection. “Baba?!” asked Fard earnestly heat rising in his chest as droplets played along his eyelids. “Whaaaat, what if I still have the brown germ in me?!” Bending down to his knee to meet his son’s gaze he asked “Do you tell untruths?” “No sir!”, “Do you steal?” “No sir not ever!” “Do you think of ways to do wicked things for your own benefit?” “No sir!” “Son it took a very long time for the earth to cleanse itself of wickedness, it does not mean that you won’t make an error every now and again, but the earth could not continue on the course that it was on. I am sure that the extraction of the brown germ is complete, though we must always stay in submission to the One God so our ego does not over take us.” Slightly placated Fard calmed himself and embraced his father in a loving hug. “Now off you go, retrieve your three brothers for me that always seem to mysteriously find themselves lost when it’s time for tending the herds each morning.” “Yes Sir baba,” chuckled Fard as he raced through the great halls once again.

His mind was still whirling from the histories his father just laid upon him, but his heart was at peace to know the fields of grass that tickled his feet as he ran to find his brothers would forever glisten with rivulets of sun kissed rays from the horizon.


About the Creator

Maryam Alima Warith

Words have weight...I wish to use them wisely.

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