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Blame the stars!

Take a peak inside a Gemini's mind.

By Lara HayesPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Blame the stars!
Photo by Seytu Naltis on Unsplash

I was born on a lovely 19th of June. Since then, I've experienced my fair share of judgy looks and weird stares from people whenever I tell them I'm a Gemini.

"Oh, God", "Good luck", "Really? Tough luck to those around you" are only a few of the remarks I've received. And to be frank, I don't blame them. I bet that there are many fellow Geminis out there that are insufferable and irritating. However, I don't think that we have been fairly judged, as there is much more to us than what meets the eye.

I have always been curious about astrology, but to be honest, I was a little bit sceptical in the sense that it can predict how my week is going to pan out, aka the horoscope. Nevertheless, a couple of months ago I decided to really dive into the whole natal chart shabang, and to my surprise - and disappointment for the more rational part of my brain - mine was remarkably accurate. I expected more discrepancies or vague statements in my star sign description, but I was wrong.

Let's recap first. Just like Libra and Aquarius, Gemini is an air sign. Air signs are the thinkers, communicators, and doers of the zodiac. They analyze and synthesize everything. These signs are the leaders of society because they have the ability to see situations from an intellectual perspective without being clouded by emotion.

About Gemini

Contrary to popular belief, Geminis have a lot of strengths aside from weaknesses that make us a very fun companion and character to be around.

Geminis are very outgoing, which is something that I never thought related to me until a couple of days ago when I was doing some research. I'm a bit shy and self-conscious at first - thanks to the Ascendant Leo on my chart - but when I get comfortable with people, there is nothing that can stop me from being extremely conversational. Geminis are always the life of the party, and one of this sign's strengths is the ability to be talkative yet not annoyingly chatty. Therefore, Geminis make great wingman and wingwomen because we can easily strike up interesting and engaging discussions. But be careful, though, or we might outshine you in the process!

This sign is considered to be one of the most intelligent signs, and the main reason for that is that we love to learn. We relish fun facts, reading books, and absorbing knowledge everywhere we go. That's why, for me, having a partner that stimulates my brain is essential.

Not to toot my own horn, but we have something that doesn't come as easily and effortless to any other sign: sarcasm. Yes, Geminis speak fluent sarcasm, which, according to my friends, is a 100% Lara thing. I cannot go more than ten minutes without letting out a sarcastic joke. Besides, I absolutely adore taking part in witty banter, which Geminis are also known for. This banter and clever humour would not be possible if we weren't smart and quick on our feet.

Gemini is a very adaptable and versatile sign, which means that we are quite flexible and able to change on a dime - as do our minds. But to be honest, to what people call two-faced, I call never getting bored.

Enough sweet talk for now, Geminis have some weaknesses too.

We are very indecisive - trust me, it takes me a good fifteen minutes just to decide what I want to eat, so do not even think of letting me choose where to eat, we will never do! I think that stems from being an overly analytical sign, and even though we are very impulsive, we struggle with making decisions because we don't want to mess up. Indecisiveness makes us struggle with commitment, which is one of the most hated things about Geminis - and the motive behind many love songs.

One of the things that gets on my mum's nerves all the time is how impulsive I am, another Gemini special. My impulsive nature has caused me to make reckless decisions, which have generated many problems and regret later on. I feel like we change our minds in a heartbeat, which is something that people tend to despise about us.

However, one of the opinions that I completely disagree with, is the fact that people call us unreliable. Lucky for me, this comment has never been said to me, as I am actually a very loyal and trustworthy person. Nonetheless, social media can never seem to get enough of telling people that Geminis are unreliable and flighty. Keep in mind that we are not mean-spirited, just maybe a bit irresponsible, so don't take it too personally if we cancel at the last minute.

Another thing that runs in my blood is nosiness. I have a profound fondness for knowing everything about everybody, which has caused judgy astronomers to call Geminis gossipy. To that though, I will not say I disagree with, as I'm sure Gossip girl was a Gemini.

In addition, Geminis are always labeled as too honest - but I mean, how is that bad? Sure, being honest has caused me some disagreements and hurt feelings, but it has also saved me countless misunderstandings. I keep it 100% real with people, and it's one of the things that my friends admire about me. They say that being straight and unbiased is one of my greatest strengths - and of course, the Leo in me needs to believe them.

Gemini in love

To be fully honest, the love aspect of my sign is the one that I least identify with. It's probably my Venus in Taurus, which craves predictability in relationships, a lot of physical affection, long-term and stable relationships, and is very loyal. Therefore, I don't truly identify with the whole 'fear of commitment' trait, which is one of the most hated qualities of Geminis, as we are regarded as players and capricious.

Whilst one of Geminis' - or most Geminis - biggest weaknesses is fear of commitment and being tied down, aka, monotony and boredom; we have something great: open communication. And I completely identify with this notion. Geminis are big communicators, and we want honest and genuine interaction in relationships, whether they are family, friends, or lovers. We hate secrets, so talking is the way to go if you want us to trust you.

As I said earlier, Gemini is considered to be an intelligent sign, so it's normal that we want to be intellectually stimulated in relationships too. If you want to get through to a Gemini, remember that a pretty face and a nice body isn't enough, you will need charisma, playfulness and knowledge on many subjects - date night will be like Trivia night for some of them!

Love encompasses family too, and despite being labelled as flighty or unreliable, family means a lot to us. For me, this is 100% true, as I am a very family-oriented person and very close to all people in my family. I surely adore spending time with them.

My birth chart

I have a lot of Gemini, and some Aquarius and Sagittarius on my birth chart, which explains why despite being a textbook Gemini, I don't fully identify with all the traits that this sign has.

I'm also a Rising Leo, which is a fatal combination with Gemini in some aspects, as both signs emanate mesmerizing energy that makes people interested in us and what we have to say; thus sometimes being a little bit obsessed with attention. However, one of the things that really surprised me - because it is remarkably accurate to my personality - is the fact that Leo Ascendants are especially self-aware and body-cognizant, which makes us insanely mindful of others and how we come off.

People say that many Geminis are not attached to their opinions and can be easily persuaded, which is something that I don't identify with. Despite being indecisive and prone to changing plans, I am actually very stubborn, and it's hard for me to quickly change my opinion once I'm set on something.

By Isi Parente on Unsplash

All in all, just like countless people, I mostly identify with my sign. However, even though some things are a tiny bit off, in the end, that's what makes signs exciting and enigmatic.

I feel like Gemini is the most misunderstood sign. We get so much hate and I don't quite get the reason why. Yes, we can be impulsive and too blunt sometimes, but we are also very fun to be around, interesting, and very adaptable people. After all, if there are songs written about us, we are doing something right!


About the Creator

Lara Hayes

Hey, I'm Lara! Welcome to my 3 a.m thoughts and sometimes unpopular opinions.

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