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Best Alien Documentaries on Netflix

Unlock the vast secrets inherent within the cosmos while meeting our closest planetary neighbors and the most interesting facts on UFO sightings with these alien documentaries on Netflix.

By Gerald OppugnePublished 6 years ago 8 min read

The potential for alien life has continuously fascinated the human race, so much so that it has garnered a multitude of followers far and wide in search of answers and to better the truths that surround it. While alien life may not be a proven scientific fact, the obvious notion everyone seems to take (often believing in it, or not) is that the total vastness of space and infinite dimensions of time in themselves stipulate the answer we all seek: yes. Life outside our known realms certainly may exist, but does it actually, though? This is why documentaries and polls are necessary; just look at CNN's own opinion piece recorded last January, called "Does alien life exist?" The article seems to pinpoint various evidences and theories ranging from past to present on what extraterrestrial life might truly mean, but nowhere does it seem there to debate or question the actual reality of their existence.

It's pretty much a known fact that alien life probably exists, but where and how? What do they look like? How do they speak? These are questions better left to the experts in various alien documentaries on Netflix. The following movies and television series either dig deep into, or simply outline specific causalities surrounding the nature of extraterrestrial encounters, UFO sightings, and everything else alien in between. Examples include the Fermi Paradox, which stipulates the very question as to our aloneness in the cosmos, or historical accounts from Roswell and Australia will be explored in great detail. None so much as aim to answer the revolving question of "are we alone in the universe," but rather tend to look at the qualifying elements for life beyond our planet. Whether you believe in aliens or not, these documentaries will prove to you that we are nowhere near alone in our universe.

Ignoring the biases and stipulations bred by critics, Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret takes us all on an adventure through one of life's most grand and treasured connotations: life's ancient and cosmic brethren. Interestingly factual and insightful, the documentary highlights the various histories of what has led us here, to a world of lies and constant cover ups.

This is among the most in-depth alien documentaries on Netflix, for it provides a berth of testimonial evidence, historical recordings, and past files involving UFO sightings, alien encounters, and more. It's a striking film deserving of it's place among the best extraterrestrial documentaries, but the real question I want to know is: are the aliens the unacknowledged, or are we?

UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever (Caught on Tape)

Underlined by two fantastic episodes, UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever (Caught on Tape) is more of a vintage take on alien documentaries on Netflix. Released back in 2000, the postulated theories and other evidences shed throughout the film are typically old and outdated, but that doesn't mean it's unwatchable.

If you're into UFOs and love the reality behind UFO sightings, this documentary series is a great chance to look at how it has evolved into the new century. With the release and widespread usage of mobile devices, constant connectivity of the internet, and ranging new technologies in video recording, UFO sightings had in that time seemingly evolved into a hobby for some people.

What hidden secrets and various CIA evidences point out the truth behind UFOs and alien life? Unsealed: Alien Filesdelivers an astounding take on the ways in which we have documented and analyzed various record over the years pertaining to aliens and their role upon our society.

Most obviously presented through the likes of conspiratorial beliefs, the episodic documentary series undergoes a strict course in rectifying what is and isn't real. While certain things surrounding extraterrestrial existences may be placed only on theoretics and the like, it's nice for a change to get more alien documentaries on Netflix that don't harken too much on the people, but identify the facts, evidences, and histories surrounding it.

It doesn't so much as answer if life beyond is real or not, but simply poses a look into one man's life as it's followed by the supernatural and unexplained. Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Storyis unlike any other example of alien documentaries on Netflix, simply for the unrelenting strangeness and creepiness it so involves.

Stan's adventure is not like the typical stories of seeing lights in the sky and soon not remembering where you are; it's a lifelong battle he carries seamlessly through an unending spiral. Stan's experiences, as so documented, are not meant to make you or I prove in extraterrestrials, but to more or less see the way it can andhas ruined the lives of many people.

Alien Contact: Outer Spaceis an hour long video that discusses how us humans ourselves have undergone the science and discovery of alien life forms. It's actually an interesting example of how how we utilize the science we have today to examine the realities of tomorrow and even beyond.

It's a slow one and probably the most narrow of all alien documentaries on Netflix, but don't let that fool you. Especially if you're thinking about going into NASA or even engineering itself, Alien Contact is a good movie to watch. It's filled with insight on the variety of science used in uncovering our place among the cosmic expanse.

The Truth Behind: UFOs

If Star Wars or Star Trek taught us anything, it's that a sleek interstellar ride, like the Millennium Falcon or the Enterprise, is of utmost necessity when traveling at break neck speeds across the expanse of the galaxy. As we all know (or think we know) the observance of aliens are usually precluded by a UFO sighting, or UFO phenomena.

To understand these concepts more fluidly, The Truth Behind: UFOs takes all of the most talented alien documentaries and simply unlocks the reality of the unidentified flying object. Rising since the 1940s, UFO sightings as perceived by the director, Paul Nelson, and the National Geographic documentary are an ongoing example of what our imaginations can create, but more often not show us a way to transcend that barrier. While the "truth" isn't so accurately identified, it's still among the coolest alien documentaries on Netflix.

Australia is known to be a massive hotspot for UFO sightings and other cosmically weird anomalies that have all been greatly unearthed in Australien Skies, a classic among alien documentaries on Netflix (because how many Australian alien movies are there? Exactly, none) and is sure to brighten up the sky wherever you are. It was released in 2015 and is hosted by Don Meers, an excellent storyteller who asks the perfect questions and engages the audience with insightful inquiry.

Just this January a sequel was released, titled Australien Skies 2: Contact of Interest. It's loaded with UFO sightings, conspiracy theorists, and academics with various claims and ideas all percolating under the mesmerizing Australian vistas. Not every light in the sky is a satellite or star...

Do aliens walk among us? That's what the show Unsealed: Conspiracy Filesembarks upon answering. It's no easy question, and sifting through all of the bs and made up phenomena can be unfavorable, if not downright annoying. Since 2012, Unsealed has been uncovering a nature of remarkable stories, as so well-displayed here with the "Nazi Rosewell" episode.

It's got the most to watch among alien documentaries on Netflix, simply because you have over four years of awesome unsealing; not just on alien life, but on various concepts on conspiracy, like flying saucers, zombies, and the New World Order.

When first coming uponThe Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs, I'd first advise not to judge a film by its cover. Second, I'd recommend not to judge in general, whether it's on people or films (or, quite possibly even on someone else's conspiratorial beliefs), because this sentimental piece not only breaks down the entire reality of UFO sightings, but unravels one of the many people who sees them regularly.

It's more comedic and heartwarming than anything else, which in my mind makes it one of the funniest alien documentaries on Netflix. If extraterrestrials ever do watch human TV, I hope this would be their first pick (and not their last).

The Search for Life: The Drake Equation

First broadcasted on BBC, now rendered among a plethora of alien documentaries on Netflix for its sheer capacity to insight wonder and awe, The Search for Life: The Drake Equationdoesn't so much as look at the all-too typical idea of alien life that we all may know, but seems to unravel a deeper, or more fundamental guess at the nature of the cosmos and the science behind what may (or may not) live out there.

The 1960s radio astronomical tests done and examined by Dr. Frank Drake paved the way for innumerable understandings in extraterrestrial existence, but none is as praised or discussed than the Drake Equation. Resulted from the Ozma project, and now more documented than ever in this series, the Drake Equation stipulated seven different qualities necessary for alien intelligence.

No, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with aliens or extraterrestrial life, yet it still finds itself among the best alien documentaries on Netflix. Why? I saved this one for last just so I could make this point.

The Farthest: Voyager in Spacediscusses in great detail the Voyager routes and their mission, from creation and design, to infinity and beyond. Look at stunning arrays captured of Jupiter's Red Spot, or Voyager 2's remarkably enhanced photos of Saturn and its many rings. Traverse the known lengths of the solar system and unlock the fathoms of time and place like a dream that seemed real. You'll get inside scoop from various technologists, scientists, and technicians all working on this immense project to design a more in-depth cosmic map and an examination of our place in the universe. Is all this not alien to you?

scifi movie

About the Creator

Gerald Oppugne

I have no idea why I'm here, but let's make the best of it shall we? I like to drink and smoke, so I'll keep you up to date on those worlds if you like em as much as me.

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