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Astrology.tv Review by Kelli Fox

You can Watch FREE Astrology video clips on ASTROLOGY TV that reveal all about your Horoscope Readings, Astrology Sun & Star Signs.

By Imprint ManifestationPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Astrology.tv Review by Kelli Fox
Photo by Tania Medina on Unsplash

There is no doubt that you are already interested in astrology and would want to learn what Astrology.tv can do for you in 2022. Astrology, as you may or may not be aware, is the ancient study of the planets, including horoscopes, zodiac transits, compatibility, as well as how different astrology signs affect us.

Astrology is a centuries-old art form that goes far beyond your individual horoscopes. Celestial body movement and positions can have a serious influence on your current relationship, work-life, and everything else in between! Life is easier to navigate when you have an understanding of the patterns of the universe at your fingertips.

Astrology provides insight into your astrological signs, birth chart, love compatibility, tarot, horoscopes, and answers all of your questions about number reading, the sun sign, and how you can change your future today.

What exactly is Astrology.TV?

You can Watch FREE Astrology video clips on ASTROLOGY TV that reveal all about your Horoscope Readings, Astrology Sun & Star Signs.

It is a one-stop shop for all stuff astrological. It offers free online tarot readings, daily horoscopes, Chinese astrology, psychic readings, compatibility readings, birth chart readings, weekly love, birth chart readings, romance readings, and much more via videos.

Who exactly is Kelli Fox?

Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Kelli Fox first became interested in astrology as a child. Taking notes on everyone’s birth dates and sun signs from the time she was eight years old is something she has been doing since then. Since then, Kelli has established herself as a household name in the world of astrology, where she is renowned for providing absolutely precise horoscopes & forecasts.

Kelli Fox is a graduate of the College of Humanistic Astrology. She is a member of the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA), the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR C.A.P), the American Federation of Astrologers’ Professional Member (PMAFA), and the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR-PAA).

Astrology TV Review – What Can You Find There?

Unlike most Astrology websites, Astrology.TV focuses on providing you with a personal experience through videos. All individualized readings and reports are presented to you through video and are customized to your astrological sign and personality.


Daily Horoscope gives you daily advice based on your zodiac sign. All Zodiac signs are covered, and if you subscribe, you will get a piece of personalized video advice on what the day has in store for you, as well as how you can make the most of it. This section also includes horoscope readings for yesterday, today, & tomorrow.

Weekly Horoscope gives you weekly readings and advice, whereas Annual and Monthly Horoscope gives you monthly and yearly readings and advice.

Click here now to get your free personalized astrology reading. You’ll get it right away.


Every new year brings its own set of signs. What is in store for you in 2022? This section will tell you what to anticipate from the year in terms of love, career, money, and health. With The AstroTwins, you can find out what the stars have in store for you in 2022, from Capricorn to Virgo, Aries to Pisces, and every zodiac sign in between.


Are you looking for more personally tailored guidance in certain areas of your life? This section gives you personalized astrological advice for living your best possible life.

Here are some examples of personalized reports.

  • Personalized Video Report: If you want to learn all there is to know about yourself, this video report is a must-have. It explains why you act, think, and speak the way you do. Why do you approach love, friendship, and work the way you do? It gives you an astrological video about yourself as well as advice on how to start living your best life.
  • Romantic Personality Profile: Do you want to find new love in 2022 or strengthen an old one? This report delves deeper into your love character traits and picks up on the high points of your natal chart to reveal what you need in a partner, as well as how to love yourself.
  • Romantic Forecast: This gives you a month-to-month love prediction. It provides a personalized romantic experience by providing you with an astrological love guide. Use this guide on a monthly basis to help you steer your love life. Make 2022 the year that you get everything you want and deserve.
  • Relationship Forecast: Love is better if you know what’s coming and are ready to accept what comes, even if it’s bad. This report will give you an inside look at why your relationship isn’t working the way you want it to and what steps you can take to create the loving relationship you want and deserve.
  • Forecast Of Destiny in 2022: With the help of our 2022 Destiny Forecast, you can make 2022 the best year of your life.

Some Other Personalized Astrology reports are available, each tailored to a particular area of your life and providing you with guidelines on how to deal with the situations and achieve beneficial outcomes.

For Immediate Access to Your FREE Individualized Astrology Reading, Please Click Here.


About the Creator

Imprint Manifestation

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  • John2 months ago


  • Updated 2023 Free Personalized Reports! GET YOUR TODAY!! Numerology Reading https://numerologist.com/mesl/kprasanth Astrology TV: https://astrology.tv/avr/kprasanth

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