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Astrology Crash Course Ch. 4

Getting to Know Venus, The Loving Planet

By Amargeaux RaiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Astrology Crash Course Ch. 4
Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Number : 6 Day : Friday Colour : Green Parts of the Body : Throat and Kidneys Metal : Copper Stone : Emerald Herb/Incense : Strawberry & Raspberry Plant : Rose

Anytime anyone mentions Venus, the first thing we think of is love... and, of course, sex. But she is more than that.

Venus delights our senses with all things beauty, grace, charm and taste. She symbolizes all these things and loves filling up your world with all the best sights, sounds, smells, flavours and sensations. Venus loves to get creative with it, too. She wants you to value every idea, object and experience that comes your way.

But you should know; Both the Goddess and the planet have a Darker side.

By Emily Underworld on Unsplash

Venus is irresistibly charming and alluring, yes, but if you're not careful, seduction can turn into poison. Both of sides, harmony and conflict, can come from beauty, love and desire, the latter when there isn't enough self-love to balance it all out.

Venus married Hephaestus and had many affairs, especially Ares (Mars) as well as with mortals. Her personification of both harmony and conflict, is evident from her children : Eros (Cupid), Harmonia (where we get the word "harmony"), Deimus (fear), And Phobus (panic, where we get the word "phobia"). Both sides of love, the light and the dark, come from her.

If we don't see the abundance around us, it can turn to an imbalance very easily and become a serious problem.

And the imbalance of it all is that sense of lack within us that becomes an unhealthy need for the possessions -- and by "possessions" I'm including people and relationships -- that's so intense it becomes nearly impossible to let go, because in reality for these types of people, contentment is unattainable.

By James Beheshti on Unsplash

In normal English, when we're never happy, the idea of letting go of anything or of anything changing is like asking someone to let go of the buoy their holding on to while floating in the middle of the ocean. They think you're crazy for telling them to let go, but YOU see a whole island behind them, and the ship YOU'RE STANDING ON in front of them. Now, you know they see -- at least -- the ship, because they're staring at it, and the island isn't far from where you're standing, but to them, it's just an illusion... they've been through too much to trust letting go, and because of this, to them, there's no relief in sight. So now, this rusty-ass buoy is their only solace.

I call it "Buoy Syndrome". I'm patenting it.

What's the point to all this? It's important to recognize when we're not experiencing all that the energy of Venus has to offer. This energy, as I've already mentioned, is about EXPERIENCING life, love and beauty, not striving for it. There's no need to strive for something you already have.

Okay, back to the Goddess.

By Andrey Andreyev on Unsplash

Venus, A.K.A. Aphrodite, was "born of foam", as her name means, because she emerged from the blood and semen of the castrated god Uranus, when his genitals were thrown into the sea.

And I know what you're probably thinking; "But Amargeaux, that makes no sense!!! How can a man have a baby AFTER his junk was cut off!?"

Because they're not mortals.

Human rules/laws of nature don't apply to non-humans.

Example: Leto is the mother of gods Apollo and Artemis, twins. When Artemis came out first, she THE NEXT MORNING helped her mother give birth to her twin brother! Does that make sense? Not by human standards, no! But like I said, they're not human. They have different standards of nature on THEIR plane of existence. Cool? Okay.

By Cait Stott on Unsplash


Venus on our birth chart shows others how we love; our passions and sometimes our obsessions, using it to understand how intensely our attraction is towards people and material possessions.

We can also discover how, and even when, we fall in love depending on its position. The position of Venus also tells us who and what we value the most and how we tend to express appreciation for them.

Being a strong, intense lover can make us strong in turn, making our desire for happiness, even temporary happiness, stronger than our fear, and because of this, we're brave enough to take risks, and put up with the hard times, if it means satisfaction.

The only downside to this is when we forget our why somewhere in our pursuit, and start to get hung up on the hard times every single time we fail. Disappointment is inevitable, it'll happen every once in a while, especially when your whole heart is in it. But when you forget to take a step back and regroup from that heartache, we can end up jealous of where others are in life, letting our ego get caught up in whether or not we're good enough.

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to notice when we're starting to grow and attachment to a certain outcome and let go. Accept that loss by welcoming the growth gained from experience, and remind ourselves to remain loving, even in those dark times. That's what makes us endearing to others, and gains us support.


Follow For more Astrology and other mystic subjects.

Here's another chance to read about the Mercury!

Next Chapter: Mars; The Energy of Force : How We Act

Thanks for reading!



About the Creator

Amargeaux Rai

I am a freelance writer, blogger, poet and artist who studies Holistic medicine, palmistry, herbalism, and astrology. I also love interpreting dreams, eating chocolate and giving hugs.

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