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Anja (Ch. 3)

Chapter 3: The Third Eye

By Sweet NothingsPublished 5 years ago Updated 8 months ago 2 min read
“You are not limited to this body, to this mind, or to this reality—you are a limitless ocean of consciousness, imbued with infinite potential. You are existence itself.” ―Joseph P. Kauffman

In an unfamiliar realm, the landscape stretched endlessly, punctuated only by the vibrant hue of an amethyst sun. Amaranth’s voice, filled with surprise and a tinge of fear, broke through the otherworldly serenity. "This isn't home!" She pressed her fingers into the soft grass beneath them, as if the tangibility of the blades could offer some comfort.

Struggling to move, I managed, "No, it isn't." The sun's unusual color intrigued me, but my head felt trapped, restrained by some unseen force. The air around us was thick with mystery and uncertainty.

Confused and trying to grapple with our sudden displacement, I asked, "Do you believe in astral projection now?" My voice wavered, a mix of curiosity and unease.

Amaranth's face tightened. "Astral projection is just extreme psychosis. My parents have schizophrenia; I could easily have it too. Why am I even acknowledging you? Are you just a figment of my troubled mind?"

Her words stung. Angrily, I poked her, a bit harder than I intended. Her yelp of surprise followed swiftly by a retaliatory punch. "Why the aggression?"

I smirked, rubbing my shoulder, "Felt real, didn't it?"

She shot me a glare but was too distracted by the horizon to hold onto her anger. "Look at that town. It's a fraction of Angele Emerald's size... but it seems... vacant."

Intrigued, I proposed, "Shall we explore?" But her face was awash with dread.

"My hallucinations haven't been this vivid in months. Dr. Glitz assured me I was improving," she whispered, as if admitting a dark secret.

I tried to console her, "Let's tread cautiously. There's an unsettling aura about this place." The ghost town in the distance seemed to beckon and repel us simultaneously.

A few moments of contemplative silence passed before I noticed Amaranth’s forehead emanating an ethereal glow. Her third eye, large and radiant, mirrored the sun's purplish hue. My mouth fell open, "Three eyes?"

She snapped, irritated, "Do you always state the obvious? Yes, it's how I perceive myself, a manifestation of my mind. Dr. Glitz claims our brains concoct vivid illusions. Maybe you’re just one of them."

Her dismissal stung. While she staunchly believed in scientific explanations from Angele Emerald's advanced teachings, I couldn’t ignore the mystical aura enveloping us.

Attempting to ground herself, Amaranth murmured, "I must remember reality. I'm at home with the true Adrien. Pop-pop's cooking fills the air." The essence of blue lotus chicken teased my senses, pulling me deeper into our shared experience.

Curiosity piqued, I asked softly, "How long has it been just the two of you?" referring to her grandfather.

Tears shimmered in her eyes as she whispered, "Since I was eight. My only memory before my parents' institutionalization."

Wanting to divert from the painful topic, I gestured towards the distant town, "Ever seen a place where every street has an identical number of buildings?"

She seemed distant, her mind elsewhere. Concerned, I prodded gently, "Are you okay?"

She hesitated, then with newfound determination said, "We need to investigate that town."

With a deep breath, we began our descent, the mysteries of the unknown town stretching out before us.

science fiction

About the Creator

Sweet Nothings

Alias Duece Lee Vizzini III

Now, Sweet Nothings, my blog is a sanctuary for love notes and human emotion. Each post is a step toward telling my own intricate, beautifully imperfect story.

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