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An Interstellar Epistle

Channeling Diverse Frequencies

By EyekayPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
An Interstellar Epistle
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Dear Interstellar Friend,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits,

As I ponder the state of our planet and its merits,

And our place in the vast universe,

'tis the bed we made, for better or worse.

I hope you won't judge us too harshly,

As we try to coexist only partially.

Reaching Out

As I reach out to you, I must extend,

A n inquiry of which I hope you'll lend,

Your thoughts on how I refer to you, my dear,

Is 'alien' an acceptable term to hear?

Or perhaps you have a name of your own,

One that represents your world, yet unknown,

I'm open to any suggestions you may give,

For I'd rather refer to you in a way you'd live.

As I ponder our connection, far apart,

I wonder if there's something we have in heart,

Something that pulls us towards each other,

Despite a cosmic chasm that's sure to bother.

Our Way of Life

We consume scarce resources at a staggering pace,

Without a second thought for our future's trace.

I wonder what you make of us,

As we pollute and waste, making a fuss.

Blind to the beauty that surrounds us,

Unable to cherish the planet that grounds us.

I must ask, do you find us tragic,

As we divide and bicker forgetting magic,

driven by wealth and personal gain,

without thinking about the cost and pain?

For what is wealth and riches worth,

If we destroy the only planet that gave us birth?

Leaving it uninhabitable for all,

Including those who watch us rise and fall.

I'm curious, do you have a different perspective,

On the way we live and remain selective,

Of our impact on the environment and beyond,

a tango between the grifter and the conned?

On Religion

Here on Earth, religion can be a source of hope,

But it can also lead to hate a slippery slope.

I hope that we can learn to respect and understand,

The different beliefs we hold in this cosmic land.

I'm curious if religion plays a role in your world,

And if it's helped, hindered, or gnarled.

Do you find it brings you closer or divides,

as you journey through the universe's tides?

I hope you'll take the time to share your thoughts,

On this topic that's often fraught.

For understanding each other's beliefs and strife,

Is key to living together in cosmic life.

On Exploration

And considering recent space exploration,

Are you worried about the future's implication,

Of narcissism, wealth, power and influence,

Impacting our free will and destiny's sequence?

I hope you'll take the time to respond,

To questions that we can forever bond.

On War

For understanding each other's fate

before we cry,"too late,"

I hope this view finds you in good stead,

As I contemplate our planet's history and dread,

The many wars that we've waged and fought,

And the lessons we've learned or not.

War has been a recurring theme in our past,

With conflicts that last and cast

long shadows of destruction and pain,

awarding scars that still linger and remain.

I wonder what you make of our warlike ways,

And the destruction we've wrought on our fateful days.

Do you see us as a violent species,

Or are we merely history's chess pieces?

As we ponder the possibility of cosmic travel,

And the potential for conflicts and battles,

I hope we can learn from our past mistakes,

And find a way to live in peace, for our sakes.

I'm curious if you've experienced war on your world,

And how you've coped and how it's unfurled.

Is this a necessary evil, a last resort,

Or something that should be avoided at all cost?

I hope you'll take the time to share your view,

On this topic that's pertinent and not new,

For understanding each other's perspective,

Is key to a peaceful and harmonious directive.

On Love

Love is a force that we Earthlings hold dear,

A sentiment to the heart very near.

It knows no boundaries of race or creed,

Bringing us together in times of need.

Love can take on many a form and hue,

Inspiring us to selflessly help and pursue

causes that we care about with all our might,

Guided by a desire to do what's right.

I wonder, does love hold sway on your world too?

Or is it a concept that's entirely new?

Does it bring your community together,

Or is it a source of conflict, tearing you asunder?

Perhaps love can be the bridge we need,

To span the vast cosmic distances indeed,

Bringing us together, despite our differences,

Guided by the transformative power of love's influences.

So, can love become the universal language we seek,

A bridge that transcends time and space, so to speak.

Can we learn to understand and appreciate,

The unique perspectives of each other, without hate?

I hope you'll share your thoughts with me,

As we explore the vast universe, endlessly,

For perhaps love is the key we need,

To build a bridge that connects us, indeed.


Perhaps we share a common thread,

A yearning to understand and be ahead,

Or a quest to explore the unknown,

And find a place that's safe and our own.

So, dear extraterrestrial friend,

As our communication begins to extend,

Let's find a way to connect and relate,

In a manner that's free of bias and hate.

Together we can a common ground trek,

for in this vast universe, we're both a speck,

With hope, a prayer and a missive of love,

Another pondering Earthling.


About the Creator


I write because I must. I believe each one of us has the ability to propel humanity forward.

And yes, especially in these moments, Schadenfreude must not rule the web.

Reader insights

Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (2)

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  • Meera Dimbaabout a year ago

    Wonderfully written poem. Gives you thoughts about conservation of the planet and our connection with visitors from the past whom like you said we might call aliens who gave us in depth knowledge of mysterious and unexplainable subjects. But bottom line we need to conserve our natural resources to leave a better planet for our future generations. Loved your in depth thoughts Bravo 👍👏👏

  • Kat The Girlabout a year ago

    stunning <3

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