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Alien Abduction: A Myth Or Reality Of Someone's Night?

Humankind has discarded every fact that cannot be proven. We consider ourselves as the creator of this high tech world and will never even consider a fact that might tend to challenge our beliefs. The bright sun, the calm moon, the twinkling stars, all the galaxies, and the limitless universe, we tend to consider everything as our belongings.

By InfomancePublished 4 years ago 6 min read
source: Google.com

But this world is probably more complicated and mysterious. Nature never takes long to bewilder us with all its capabilities, and it takes a moment to shake up all the perceptions and irrational beliefs that have been fed up to our brains over the centuries.

And that very moment came in someone’s life as a question that challenges all the self-assumed theories and postulates of science and cosmology.

It was 1952; the world was still effacing the bloodstains laid by World War 2, the wounds were still healing. People thought everything would get fine sooner, but the cold war did not allow people to live a peaceful life.

In a nutshell, every night was a bad night until the worst came!

September 16 1952: The night of cloudless, climes and starry skies!

source: Google.com

Stef and Vicini were trying to live a normal life amid all the chaos in the United Nations. Stef, being an English schoolmaster, mastered the art of romanticism. It was probably the recitation of Shakespeare's prose that made the beautiful Vicini fell in the deep blue eyes of Stef. The lovely couple exchanged vows on 16 September 1952, a special day chosen to make their love immortal. But the approaching night had different plans for them!

After wrapping up the party, they baid goodbye to all their fellow mates and wedding guests and took their Rolls-Royce Dawn Drophead to start the journey of their newly wedded happy life.

Drenched in love mixed with Champagne, the couple drove past New Hampshire, lost into each other's eye, until a sharp light sparked their eyes.

It took time for Stef and Vicini to sink in what exactly crossed their eyes. Stef kept driving, but his hands froze the moment he saw something unusual in the usual sky. He could see an object crossing the sky, fetching towards them. Vicini shrieked," What the hell is this Stef"?

Meanwhile, Stef sat frozen, as he could clearly see those flying saucers approaching him with speed. They stayed in the car, held hands, and were ready to face death together as they could not figure out what exactly was happening? As the flying saucer came closer, the light brightened, and Step and Vicini held each other firmly, hoping that moment was their last moment together. The object kept approaching them, and they kept falling for each other for one last moment. And all of a sudden, everything went white, and a bright light took over their car entirely.

September 17 1962: Who took the wedding ring- Aliens?

source: Google.com

Stef was trying to collect his senses as he found himself lying on the ground out of the car. He held himself and sought out for Vicini, who was lying a couple of meters away. He ran towards her and took her into his arms and waited for her to open her beautiful eyes. And the moment came, Vicini and Stef looked again in each other's eyes, and yes, they were alive!.

They were happy and celebrating the moment until Stef realized their wedding rings were missing!

But finding each other once again overtook the feeling of losing the rings. They came back home with the worst memory of their life on their best day and tried to make the rest of their days the best ones.

And did they come back?

All was going normal until 1967, when a piece of news shook the entire United Nations and more specifically, the Central Investigation Agency and scientists when another couple named Barney and Betty Hill claimed to be abducted by some extraterrestrials more specifically aliens in the same region of New Hampshire where Stef and Vicini almost lost each other.

What happened with the Hills couple was similar to what happened on Stef's and Vicini's wedding night.

Here, the Hills got a more precise observation of the flying saucer and compared it to an "odd-shaped" craft flashing multi-coloured lights travelling across the face of the MoonMoon that gradually approached them. This incident became a sensation and was publicized as the first report of alien abduction in the United States.

source: google.com

After that, the abductions were regularly reported. It made the scientists and investigation agencies much on their heads with various projects such as the Project Blue Book that registered 12,618 sightings of unidentified flying sources commonly known as UFOs.

Time went on, and NASA overtook the space and launched various spacecraft and missions to dig deeper into other creatures' existence. It included the Apollo mission, where humankind created history by stepping on the moon for the first time. Interestingly, Neil Armstrong and his companions were quarantined for days to ensure that no microbial aliens have entered earth with them. As we have no idea how they might appear?

Let the truth be a ‘tacenda’!

Stef and Vicini kept their eyes on each news that contributed to the evidence of aliens visiting earth. From project blue book to Area 51, nothing gave a concise conclusion of the probability of mankind encountering aliens. But Stef and Vicini were sure they faced one, but who would believe them? It was enough for them that they believed each other for all their lives. They were happy with each other, but the dreadful memory of that sparkling night was still somewhere beneath the memoirs of all the happy times together. Every time they held hands with each other, they found their rings missing, and with that, their memory was missing? The memory of what happened when the white light hit their car? Who threw them out of the car? Who took their rings away? Did the aliens land down that night?

The aliens probably got fascinated with the beautiful diamond rings and took with them to do research on human love for their counterpart; the couple would have giggled every time they thought of their rings.

source: Google.com

Many of you might wonder, Stef and Vicini are just fictional characters, and their story holds no truth, but they faced it, they saw it so only they can feel it. Not only Stef and Vicini, there might be thousands of people who abduct such a situation but never come out to speak as the world will not accept their experience without proof.

Unfortunately, for humans, we consider everything a lie that cannot be proven. But certain things cannot be proven, but they exist.

Are Alien Abduction stories merely for somniating?

Alien abduction is and will always be a hot sensational topic that is often declared as a myth. But imagine, a never-ending universe cannot be created just to house humans. And how far we have gone, the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and a few more parts of space, but that is probably a mini fraction of the entire universe. How can one conclude that we humans are the superior and only living beings, mastering the universe as the whole?

Definitely, there is a world beyond our imagination, who have

source: Google.com

different creatures who might not be dependent on oxygen, who have different life spans, different relations, and a completely different approach towards life. Or there might be a replica of the earth in another galaxy where there have been Shakespeare, Romeo, Juliet, and many other Stef, Vincis, you and me.!

The universe is vast and mysterious enough to turn all such myths into reality and challenge all our existing beliefs. And the question is how far we will go in search of our neighbors in space, there are high chances that they might be looking for us and will land with a bouquet inviting the members of the earth to have a dine-in, on their planet!

The universe is beyond science; it is far from our imagination; it has theories that can never be proven, but

They exist, and such a theory is- Alien Abduction!


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