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A Small Escape

Tuesday afternoon

By Becca HoltPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Narrowing my eyes against the midday sun shining through the open curtains, I sighed as I dug through yet another box filled with old photos, and what looked to be drawings from a small child, dated with names. A sad memento from the family that must have lived here. Cute but not helpful to our continued survival.

Still hoping to find something useful I continued looking through the personal items until a small shiny black book caught my eye. Having been buried in this box for who knows how many years, I found it amazing how it still seemed brand new, barely worn, no tattered pages. Riffling through the pages I realised they were all blank except for the very last pages, which stated cryptically, "the corner of Weston and Mills, building 3582, last locker on the left. Combination is 07-26-01".

I debated with myself for about a minute before deciding that we were going on an adventure on the way home. Not having found anything of interest in the house it was time to call it a day.

Tucking the book into the back pocket of my jeans, I put the box back onto the dusty floor and whistled for Pablo. Hearing the clicking of his nails on the tile floor I turned to meet him at the doorway leading into what I assumed was a den.

"Well boy, there is nothing here for us except for maybe a treasure hunt." I mused as I cast one last glance around the dark house, shrugging my backpack on, before letting myself out the front door. The quiet street was bright with sunshine as I went down the pathway onto the road, hiding in the shadows, avoiding the overgrown shrubs and tall grass hanging over the sides.

"Come on, lets go see what this is before it gets dark. Will take us a bit to get there so better get a move on." I stroked Pablo's dark head as he sat at my side and gazed at me questioningly, before setting off down the middle of the road.

Avoiding the rusted relics of metal vehicles that lined the side, we headed out of the quiet neighbourhood back to the high rise buildings that comprised the downtown core of Vancouver. Currently we were calling a 5th floor apartment home. Having some security nowadays was not always possible so I had been finding it hard to move on now that we were comfortable. Almost no one lived in the cities anymore. At first because it was too dangerous, and then because it was picked clean by all the looting, people moved on to places that hadn't been so populated.

Finally walking into the long shadows of Mackenzie Drive, I froze as I heard the faint rustling that was coming from the store front to our left. Hearing Pablo's low growl I rested my hand on his head while crouching down on the hot pavement behind a large metal bin which rested against the curb.

"Shhhh, its okay" I muttered as I strained to see in the tinted windows, sucking in a breath as I saw two dark shadows moving between the shelves. "Well shit. Guess we are taking the long route to Weston Street then."

Turning back the way we had just come, we backtracked, carefully crossing streets until we cut through the narrow alley leading to Weston Street. Carefully checking the 4 lane road before stepping out of the shadows, I jogged carefully, wanting to put some space between us and the ghouls. No one knew what they were really called, but ghouls seemed to suit them just fine. Shrivelled up shells of what used to be men, gaunt, skeletal beings that existed only to eat and cause havoc. Problem was, we were their preferred prey, not a comforting feeling when we were out in the open.

Finally reaching the corner of Weston and Mills, I scanned the tall buildings until I found one that had a half hanging number sign that read 3582. The building was only 4 stories high, the glass windows covered with ivy vines that had completely overtaken the roof, the bright green foliage cascading down the side like a living waterfall. Proof that nature had started to take back its own. I silently said thank you to the person with the green thumb that had planted the ivy who knows how long ago.

Gesturing for the grey and black dog at my side to stay low, I crouched down and ran across the open road to cower in the doorway as I held my breath. I watched Pablo's pointed ears as he intently listening for any sounds, not seeing any indication that we had been spotted. When he relaxed enough to sit and pant I breathed out a sigh of relief before reaching for the rusted handle. Crossing my fingers that it wouldn't screech at me, I gently turned the handle slowly. Silence and slightly musty air greeted me as I pushed the door open. The lettering on the door had been worn down until it was unreadable, but the weights and cardio equipment made it very evident that it had been a gym.

Which meant that the lockers would be in the change room. Spotting the signs indicating male and female change rooms, the question became, had the little black book belonged to a man or a woman? Pulling it out of my back pocket I turned to the last page, reading it through before deciding the large block letters almost seemed masculine to my eyes. Taking my chances I moved to the left, through the maze of equipment, into the pitch black locker room. Groping in the right side mesh pocket of my backpack, I pulled the small flashlight out, covering the front, before turning it on just as the slightly foul odor hit my nose. That particular stench usually meant things were about to go sideways for me.

Cringing, listening for the slightest noise, I carefully moved my hand a little at at time until the light was fully exposed, revealing low benches and long rows of lockers. And one grotesquely twisted dried out husk of ghoul resting on the floor by the showers. With my heart trying to jump out of my chest I froze until I realised it wasn't living. Probably starved to death long ago.

Grabbing Pablo's collar, trying to ignore the panic I was starting to feel, I moved us both away from the corpse towards the very last locker on the left, inching carefully across the floor until we moved out of sight of the ghoul and followed the lockers to the end. The combination lock on the last one had seen better days, but was still locked. Holding my breath, I gingerly twisted the dial, entering 07-26-01, until finally with a small noise, the lock popped open.

"Ready?" I whispered to Pablo, feeling a sense of excitement that I hadn't felt in a long time. Pulling the locker door open I found 2 things, a dark blue duffel bag and a large black hoodie. Finding no holes in the hoodie I stuffed it into my backpack before setting the duffel bag on the bench in the middle of the row. Easing the zipper open, I shook my head in disbelief as stacks of cash met my eyes. Seriously? Quickly counting it, I realised it was $20, 000 in small bills. Tucking them back into the bag I zipped it shut, grabbed Pablo and got the hell out of there.

Once we were back on the road, halfway to our apartment, I allowed myself to laugh. That was a lot of cash, it was really too bad that it did me no good. Cash had no meaning anymore since the collapse of society. However, it did make a good fire starter. Maybe I would keep a few just for a keepsake, after all, who knew when we would see real cash again?

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