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A plea for the sea

Stop toxic pollution and help rehabilitate our oceans

By Marissa Luna ☽❁Published 4 years ago 5 min read
Ocean Ambassador

Ring the alarm~

To whom it may concern, I write to correct a fatal mistake. My soul screamed when I learned the oceanic temperatures were rising and the once vivid coral reefs whispered betrayal through the waves. Tears fall as I think of those now displaced inhabitants swimming miles each day through a toxic sea searching for someplace safe and clean to breathe. I once saw a picture of a sea turtle saying, “ I thought my breakfast was a jellyfish... instead I almost choked to death on a plastic bag.” With the starfish story still fresh in my mind, I knew I wanted to make a difference even if it was small, I had to try. Their plea has reached my ears and is now mine to make heard. Their pain is deeply felt in my heart as I write these words. I am them and they are me. We are one, all of us connected to each other and the elements. Which is why I’m writing you, to say that this is out of hand and the time for change is now.

Trash Talk~

The expression “out of sight out of mind,”rings true in this fight to turn the tide. So many people remain uneducated about how our oceans and all the life contained within are being effected by our careless dumping of trash, toxic waste and pollution. Why? Because unless documentaries like “Saving Coral,” and “A Plastic Ocean,” are shared by the masses along with pictures of dying marine life, or facts about the great pacific garbage patch which is a pile of trash floating in the ocean three times bigger than France, people go about their daily lives as if there wasn’t an entire world below us suffering from our bad choices. To make matters worse, the people in power who are educated about these issues with the finances to create lasting change have adopted the attitude “ As long as I don’t have to live in it, it’s not my problem,” leaving it up to the little fish in the pond to fix it. This is why I chose to become a marinelife ambassador for two companies trying their best to clean up our oceans and educate those who are unaware of how the ocean effects all life on Earth.

#savethefishies & #pullyourpound~

It all started one year on summer vacation in Corpus Christi, Texas when I saw a cigarette butt sharing my relaxation space floating in the waves. I remember thinking how sad the lack of respect was for a home that we spend the majority of the time just visiting. Not dissimilar to trashing your hotel room for the maid to clean up later when you could’ve made her job a little easier that day. I swam back to the beach to catch some rays when I realized while casually running my hands over the sand that there was a buried beer bottle right next to my beach towel. I began to wonder exactly how much trash was hiding below us and what I could even begin to do about it. After heading back to my room, I fired up my search engine and began to research companies that help clean oceans and support marinelife. This lead me to two companies I could not only support but become an Ambassador for in order to help raise awareness. The first was Sand Cloud. As seen on shark tank, this company sells stylish eco friendly merchandise that not only helps #savethefishies by supporting a more sustainable future but also gives a portion of their profits back to marine life conservation. So I dove head first into championing this company. The second I found, was still new when I chose to become an Ambassador for them but I have been with 4Ocean pulling my pound ever since. Founded by two surfers tired of seeing trash ruining our world oceans they started a company that devotes the majority of its time to massive underwater cleanups, having pulled 8 million pounds of toxic waste to date. These cleanups are funded by bracelets made from entirely recycled plastics, the cost of which is enough to pull exactly one pound of trash from the sea, hence #pullyourpound was born. To date, 4Ocean has 2 million Instagram followers since its inception in 2017, 4 global locations and is still actively cleaning our world’s oceans daily. I am proud to have aligned myself with this fight. I have always felt most at home in the waves and I would like to keep that home beautiful, not just for myself but for all the voiceless aquatic life. The future is in our hands.

Simple facts~

I could’ve written about the trees. In the past people have chained themselves to giant oaks in an effort to stop climate change, deforestation and the depletion of oxygen levels. But had I not written this, who would know that over half the Oxygen you breathe is produced by aquatic plants?? People of the world have been so forest focused that we’ve neglected our other major source of life for years!! The world is covered by over 71% ocean. Those same oceans are predicted to be full of more trash than fish by 2025 if we don’t course correct with more than 100,000 plastic injection and entanglement deaths happening annually. Those same oceans regulate and disperse heat from the sun across the entire world keeping our planet at optimal temperatures to support life. Those same oceans which are the primary influencer of weather patterns that help us grow food to feed our families. So now that you have been made aware of all this I will ask you simply: Do you like to drink clean water? Do you like dolphins? Do you like food? Do you like the rain? Do you like to breathe? If the answers to those questions are yes... this is now your fight too!! It’s time we speak up for change!!

Ps~ For anyone wanting more information on how to get involved with these companies, aquatic cleanups, ocean conservation, becoming an Ambassador or even just how to eliminate single use plastics in your daily routine please feel free to message me on Instagram @musingsofamoonflower.


About the Creator

Marissa Luna ☽❁

*Celestial Creatress

*Heartspace Healer

*Maker of Magic

*Weaver of Words

~May you find inspiration, encouragement, safe haven and soul resonance here~

Follow me on insta: @musingsofamoonflower

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