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A Piece of the Pie (Chapters 32 + 33)

Chapters 32 + 33

By Justin MoorePublished 3 years ago 13 min read
photo by Dan-Christian Padure from Unsplash

Chapter 32 – The Getaway

"Alright, so there's probably a shitstorm headed our way by now, so let's get going," Jake waved his arms about in a random yet urgent fashion as he made this declaration.

With our new party members, we retraced our steps through the corridors, hopefully back to the surface. Our newest additions along with Feo were Yem, Devon, and Ray. Yem and Devon were archeologists, and Ray was a coach for a sport called u-ball – no I am not sure what that is but I hope to find out more later.

"So, you guys know the way out?" Ray asked.

"Not really, but we'll find it," Jake answered reassuringly as we rounded a corner and he blasted a hole through a shapeshifter blocking our path – I'm pretty sure he winced and closed his eyes while doing it, but it was effective nonetheless.

Our way back up to the surface was pretty easy going, we were only held up a few times, but Vera handled these occasions with some fancy acrobatic running-along-the-wall-and-back-flipping manoeuvres – those manoeuvres that you see in action movies and think are way over the top. Well, apparently those sequences are quite realistic for some people, just not for me.

"Hey Feo, why don't you do that air-blasting thing you did before?" Mouk asked her as we hurried along.

"It's too close quarters, I could hurt you guys or bring down the upper floors on us. And I'm not sure if I've got enough strength left to make it effective anyway."

"Fair enough," Mouk side-stepped and took a shapeshifter out at the knees.

Back on the ground floor, we began to encounter a bit heavier resistance. This was swiftly dealt with by our pilfered weaponry, and we headed for the door and freedom.

Stepping out into the bright suns, I breathed a sigh of relief, which was quickly turned into a gasp for air as something hard struck me in the back of the head and all the light went dark...

I came to only moments later, lying facedown in the sand. I tilted my head to get a look around, and then started a little prayer in my head as I saw there was a group of heavily armed shapeshifters in front of us, and they were all taking aim. There were even more of them, at least a hundred, gathered about to witness our demise.

I can't really say what I was feeling...

I couldn't tell if it was fear, hopelessness, or what...

I did find truth that there is more out there – I am there. I was involved in something big, and I was helping people.

Surprisingly, I realized I wasn't scared, but I did feel anger. Anger at these villains who attacked these people for no reason. I gripped Feo's hand tightly in my own, she lay facedown in the sand next to me, and next to her were the rest of my friends.

I convinced the guys to come back here...

"I guess this is it, eh?" Sam asked what we were all thinking, "life's been pretty good so far, and it's not too bad to go down fighting, right?"

It was the first time I had ever heard a hint of true sadness in my friend's voice.

"Not this one," a big shapeshifter walked amongst the circle. They had hardened pale skin that was glowing blindingly in the light.

They wore an armoured chest plate, dark pants, and heavy metallic boots, which came to rest right next to my head. I felt rough hands grab me by the hair and pull me to my feet.

"Don't take him!" Feo was still holding my hand and started to get up as I was dragged away, but a shapeshifter caught her in the ribs with a rifle butt and threw her back to the ground.

"Noruav wants to speak with him. Kill his friends, starting with this pretty one."

I struggled in the monster's grip, kicking at their shins. They just laughed and struck a blow to my head.

As I fell to my knees I watched in horror as a large shapeshifter dragged Feo to her feet, and another trained a weapon on her forehead. I tried to break free from the hands holding me, but I was just beaten further to the ground by a heavy boot.

She didn't even blink, not a single ripple of fear was showing on her face. She just stared fiercely at the shapeshifter pointing the gun at her.

A hum of electric static tore through the air. At first I thought it was just the ringing in my head, but then my captor fell to the ground, screaming in agony.

More noise exploded from far off in the distance as I tried to get my vision straight.

I had to stop the gunner trained on Feo.

I drew my sword and leaped from where I had fallen.

At that moment, I had one purpose. I moved as fast as I could, striking down Feo's assailant without a second thought. Then all around me I saw shapeshifters falling to the ground in tangled messes.

Coming over the dunes was our army, Strad sprinting at the helm, his mighty sword held over his shoulder, an even mightier cry issuing from his mouth. All around him Versanian's charged with a chorus of energy blasts and wild yells.

Vera and the others jumped to their feet and joined in the fight. By the time everyone else reached us, the shapeshifters were already decimated, any survivors retreating back over the dunes, changing into other shapes and flying or running away.

"About time you guys made it," I grinned at the king as he approached.

"We had some issues when a few of them were able to morph into dragons," he returned a grin, "that was seriously not fun... where's Feo?"

"I'm fine," she stumbled over and I was almost scared Strad was going to crush her in a bear hug, "I wouldn't be, if you hadn't come back for us."

"We never leave anyone."

"I know. Thanks dad," she hugged him tighter. "We especially have Dmitri to thank – he saved my life."

"Did he now?" Strad looked at me with wide smiling eyes. I just scratched my head, looked at the ground and mumbled something about it being nothing really.

"I guess we've got some heroes on our hands here," Strad directed his gaze and his thanks over my companions. The guys all just kind of shrugged, and Ray, Yem, and Devon offered their own sincere thanks.

The king smiled at his eldest daughter, "you've brought your sister back once more. I'm very proud of you Vera, don't ever forget that."

"I won't dad," Vera replied, smiling.

The king moved on to welcome back his captured men and congratulate his troops on their victory, and Feo walked slowly over to me.

"Thank you."

"Ah, don't mention it."

She kissed me softly on the cheek and then took a step back, but not too far back.

I leaned a little closer to her, and she leaned a little closer to me, and we proper kissed. Just like at the end of a movie.

Wasn't awkward at all.

"What about the girl you were seeing on Earth?" Feo pulled away, a little quicker this time but even less of a distance.

I think she already knew what my answer was going to be, she just wanted to double-check that I still wasn't that big of a douche.

"Oh, we're just friends now," I said, kissing her again.

Feo pulled out once more a second later.

"Hold up, is this an oh her, she's just a friend thing, or –"

"No, I swear."

"I won’t lie and say that I'm sorry," Feo smiled and put her lips to mine again.

"Wait a sec," it was now my turn to pull away, "Strad is the king, and your dad, and he's just over there, and I'm pretty sure he can snap me in two without breaking a sweat, and –"

"He's really a big softy, don't worry about him."

"Well I don't know, he might not like -"

"Just shut up."

So I did, and I kissed her more. And it was lovely.

From the corner of my vision I saw Jake roll his eyes as a grin spread across his face, and I'm certain I caught Vera winking at Feo.

Chapter 33 – Just a Barrel of Fun

We arrived back in the city, and at dusk a ceremony was held in the main hall of the castle for all the people who fell in battle today. Strad was in the middle of a short speech, honouring them for their bravery, as we stood in respectful silence.

They died for Luno Versa and its people.

For us, man.

"... our friends have passed on. We must hope that where they are now, they can look upon their home and see all they have done for us. We will never forget them, or their sacrifices, and we will continue to hold on to hope. Thank you my friends," Strad bowed his head and clenched a fist over his heart.

We all followed suit, then turned our gaze to the darkening sky.

I found myself walking through the park with Feo.

"You were really brave today," she said, "for coming back, and breaking in there for us."

"I couldn't let them kill you," I grasped her hand tightly.

All this fighting freaked me out a little. I've never been involved in anything like this. After what happened today, I felt a little shaken up, and I guess Feo had noticed.

"You okay?" she looked up at me.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Yo Dim, check this out!" Sam ran up behind us, rolling a giant barrel.

"Oh no! That's not –" I started in amused disbelief.

"Hell yeah it is! We're going to have a barrel-party! It's like a keg-party, only with barrels! Ingenious, I know. Not much difference between the two, but it doesn’t matter! We’re having ourselves a party! So long as I can figure out how to tap this..." Sam trailed off as he rolled his barrel along. Jake and Mouk were following him with barrels of their own.

"There's a few more dudes with barrels coming, and we've tried to gather up as many people from town as we could," Mouk was saying.

Jake finished the train of thought, "you know, to celebrate how much ass we kicked out there today."

And indeed there were a number of other barrelers rolling up the path cheering, and dozens of people dancing along behind.

Feo and I had to laugh.

"You guys are always awesome, aren't you," I said.

"Yeah, we know."

It felt good to push some of the dark thoughts away from my mind.

It was fully night-time now, but we already had a good bonfire going. More and more Versanians kept showing up, and the party was going pretty well. Someone wired a boom box through an astounding number of speakers, and people were dancing and celebrating all around the park.

I wonder if people across the galaxy all party the same?

We already drained a couple of the barrels, which coincidently were filled with that Orobandy stuff Feo had introduced me to.

On cup number x, I found myself discussing the origins of Bigfoot with a group of Versanian dudes.

"That guy is definitely a scientist from outside your solar system, who was sent to Earth to study mineral deposits," a guy named Hep theorized.

"It's just a myth guys, people see some big hairy dude running naked through the forest, and think he's some kind of mutant or extinct creature. It's clearly a simple misunderstanding," I felt I explained decently in my alcohol-induced state.

"Nah bro, he's definitely running diagnostics on your planet for his home in another other dimension. Making sure there is fine fertile soil and pleasant conditions for farming," another guy, Chris, said with a euphoric grin.

"I think that one's the ticket."

"Hey Dim, I see you're taking to Luno Versa quite happily again?" Feo approached from a gaggle of dancing girls and leaned herself over my shoulders, "you want to take a walk in a little?"


"Just give me a few more minutes with my girls," with that, Feo returned to her friends.

"You and Feo, are... are you...?" Chris waved and pointed his fingers about in that way that people do when they get super excited to see that two people might be a thing.

"Careful there. I never heard what happened to the last dude Strad's daughter dated," Chris's face quickly took on a serious expression.

"Hmm?" I felt a little lump rise in my throat, and I think my blood-alcohol level dropped a few points, "but the king seems like such a chill dude..."

"He is dude, relax," Hep slapped me on the shoulder, "Chris is just messing with you."

Chris gave me a goofy grin, then nodded and leaned back in the sand, closing his eyes and bobbing his head to the music from the speakers.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I said, standing and stumbling over to Feo and her friends.

"Hey everyone..."

"Feo! Here's your knight in shining armour?" one of the girls smiled at her excitedly and looked me over.

"That he is," Feo answered.

I grinned in spite of myself. She introduced me to her friends, then we headed off together.

"So, where did you want to go?" I asked Feo, "beach? Pizza? Walk through town?"

"I was thinking my room, unless you have somewhere else you really want to visit?" she said with a devilish smile.

"Uuuuhhhhhh," the noise just came out of me as I went extremely red.

I didn't know how to respond to that!

Feo sat next to me on her bed. I squeezed her hand gently.

"Before we get any further, I will be right back," I said and climbed off the bed, slipping into the stone hallway in my bare feet.

"Okay, but hurry back," Feo called after me as I hurried out of the room.

Gotta make this fast.

I'm going to do this right – I need to find some champagne... and there has to be a Dire Straits album somewhere in the castle! I still haven't quite figured that out yet – do they pick up albums from Earth when they visit, or can they pick up our radio waves somehow?

I found some champagne easily enough in the kitchen, and then stepped back into the main hall.

"I bet you think everything is going to be alright now..." a sinister voice issued from somewhere in the dark, "you all think you've won."

"What?" I asked to the air as I spun about, looking for the source of the voice – which sounded familiar in a not so welcoming way.

I felt cold on the back of my neck.

Knock-off Palpatine stepped from the shadows.

"YOU..." I rushed toward him, raising the champagne bottle to prepare to defend against him.

"You really think you can stop me? You are nothing but a fool."

science fiction

About the Creator

Justin Moore

Creatively writing sci-fi that doesn't take itself too seriously.

When I was a kid my Mum told me I made up so many wild stories in my head that I should write them down. So I did. Thanks Mum :)

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