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10 Things That Don't Make Sense About Darth Vader

These Are Some Good Points

By Culture SlatePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Darth Vader is a character we all know and love unless you were one of the two billion people on Alderaan. If you were, you were probably really upset with your princess and senator from the afterlife. Not everyone gets to be a Force ghost. Aside from that, Darth Vader seems like a pretty cool guy, right? Well, there are more than a few things about him that would make any simple man making his way in the galaxy raise an eyebrow.

10. Darth Vader’s Income

This may sound petty, but Darth Vader is essentially the Vice-Emperor of the Galaxy. One would think that he would have quite a large sum in the bank, but that would be incorrect. He can build castles on Mustafar and fly around in fancy ships, but his pensions come from taxpayers. Maybe the Rebels should have formed a protest instead of immediately jumping to war.

9. Vader’s Suit

Same argument. Come on galactic citizens, you paid for the suit, and you wonder why he is hard to kill. I feel like he could have easily been made into a cool cyborg character like, well, Cyborg. Did he request the suit? Specifically, the black leather and cape? Maybe I should be questioning his fashion sense instead.

8. The Castle

Why did he build his castle on Mustafar? I realize that it has a strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force, but there were no other planets to choose from? Why not choose a grassy, forest planet with a strong connection to the Dark Side? Maybe it was Darth Bane’s summer home. Why not a beach planet that Darth Revan liked to visit a lot. Oh, right, the sand would probably turn him off there. It is coarse and rough, and I suppose it does get everywhere.

7. Vader Kills People

Before everyone starts complaining, we all know he is a villain and murdered children, but he kills his own men a lot. The majority of people don’t have to deal with him, but the ones that do run an immediate risk of death. Why would anyone join the higher ranks of the Empire if they may be killed for, I don’t know, showing up to work on Monday. Likewise, how does Vader expect to keep any men if he keeps killing them? I bet the Empire doesn’t even provide dental insurance.

6. How Does He Hear?

Before you make the classic joke of, “With his ears,” does he even still have ears? They could have been burned off during the duel on Mustafar. Even if they weren’t completely melted off, he wears a helmet that covers his entire head and doesn’t seem to have a designated speaker for people to talk into like at a fast-food restaurant. Maybe that is why he is always mad at his subordinates. They probably mumble on purpose to annoy him, and he can’t understand them. That would make me want to murder someone.

5. Why Not Upgrade?

It has been stated time and time again that the robotic prosthetics which Vader uses cause him extreme discomfort. If they are such a bother to him, then why doesn’t he upgrade his suit. Technology is marching ever forward especially in the Star Wars universe, and there were bound to be some major technological improvements in the almost two decades between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Vader could have treated that suit as a new phone, and he could have gotten a new slightly better one every year. He could have had grappling hooks, rocket fists, jet boosters, or all three, but instead, he chose the evil cyborg-samurai look.

4. He Never Destroyed Tatooine

I know Vader was not directly in charge of the Death Star. However, they needed a place to test the weapons on it. I also understand Tarkin was the one who gave the order to destroy Alderaan. I just don’t see why Vader didn’t casually suggest a planet full of sand, which he hated, to be destroyed before or after Alderaan. It really would have killed two birds with one giant laser blast.

3. Vader’s Role In The Empire

I know he is Darth Sidious’s apprentice, and he is also probably like the “Vice Emperor” of the Empire. I just want to know what his actual title is. Maybe his job is just to kill people in secret for the Emperor. There is the possibility that he just moonlights as a Sith assassin, and he spends his days doing Vice Emperor work like going to other planets the Emperor hates to visit like Mon Cala.

2. How Long Did He Float In Space

We see at the end of Episode IV that he is shot during the Trench Run, and he is flung into space spinning out of control. How long did he spin like that? His suit provides air, so he could have survived for a while. Did the blood rush to his head, or did he get dizzy? Did the Emperor and other Stormtroopers watch him for a bit just to get some laughs? Maybe there is a Lucas Cut with an expanded scene.

1.Why Was He So Mean To Leia

I know Darth Vader didn’t know Luke and Leia were his kids because they were hidden from him at birth, but he did eventually learn who they were. That means that Leia really got the short end of the stick. Luke got to learn some lessons, have a few heart-to-heart talks, have a cool fight scene, and have a few tender moments. He did lose a hand, but Leia had it way worse. She was tortured, lost her mom and dad, lost her entire planet, and was scolded by the man who blew up the planet. I get it is tough to raise a daughter as a single dad, but I don’t think blowing up their planet every time they rebel is a sound solution. Sooner or later you run out of planets.

Written By Alex Lenzini

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