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Vincent (Part 2)

Subsiding Strength

By Jennifer CypertPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Rose popped her head into your cubical to thank us for staying late to put the final touches on the presentation for tomorrow and that she was leaving, and if we needed anything, to give her a call. She winked at Vincent before she left. As soon as she was out of sight, I rolled my eyes. It was as if someone from a novel that involved spanking and wine started working for us.

Vincent turned his attention back to me. Our floor was silent except for the rumbling my stomach started to make. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as the noise was on it's way to completely kill any fire that was trying to ignite. I looked down, fiddling with my nails.

"Would you like me to order some food?" He asked, apparently still holding his smoldering stare.

I looked into his electric blue eyes suddenly finding my self lost in all the swirling facets of color. "You have the most beautiful eyes. It's as if there is a tiny fire dancing in them in different shades of blue." I said, a deep desire that I had been withholding suddenly possessing me.

"Thank you, Jocelyne. Do you like sushi? I know a great place just down the street," he continued, breaking my transfixation.

"I've still got lunch from today," I say as I breath away my sexual carnality.

"Well, I noticed that you didn't have much left. I'm hungry as well. It's my treat," he offered, a lighter helpful look coming over his face.

"Alright, but next time I will buy," I reply, giving in. He was right, I just had carrots left. They didn't have much life to them anyway. I would need to throw them away in a few days anyhow.

"Looks like the presentation is nearly done. Would you like to go over it?" I asked, since we were supposed to be working.

"Not really." Vincent answered, nonchalantly, ordering food online.

"Okay..." I say, wondering what was going to happen next.

"I would rather get to know you," he said, that glint in his eye sparkling.

"Like what?" I asked, taken aback. I had always been the one that usually got looked past, my hotter friends getting the attention. I wasn't bad looking, just average.

"Everything that you feel comfortable telling me, Jocelyne," he responded. I loved how he said my name; each syllable rolling off of his tongue. I imagined Vincent saying my name as he licked my lower lip before kissing my mouth. Those chills from his first day returned with vengeance. Oh my God, I have to stop, or take off my clothes. The later option was tempting, but this not your mom's nice wool flooring, but rough and scratchy. Carpet burns didn't sound appealing. Not it in this heat. I decided to snap myself out of it instead.

"I would love that, but first I am going to get some water. Would you like anything?" I asked smiling, my face flushed.

"Yes, I would, but from the machine. Please get two bottled waters. One for you and I, and please, no protesting this time. I just want to say thank you for all of the time you have taken to show me your software," he added, gratefully giving me the money to get the drinks. His fingers brushed mine, my body reacting like it had never been touched by a man before.

"It's my pleasure to be of help." I smile.

"It's mine indeed," he countered. The look on his face clearly expressed Vincent saying my name again, leaving me speechless. I reluctantly walked off, the pop machine now seeming further than intended.


About the Creator

Jennifer Cypert

A lover of all the impossibles if only they are in my head.

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