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Under the Full Moon's Light Ch.3

A New Life

By S.J. ParkerPublished 2 years ago 12 min read
Under the Full Moon's Light Ch.3
Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

"You may now kiss the bride."

The officiant's monotone voice broke Charlotte from her daze. For a moment she had forgotten it was a stranger she was marrying. Charlotte bit her bottom lip, her cold hands quivering in Arche's. Looking up into his amber eyes Charlotte's stomach churned and her heart skipped a beat, her first kiss to be given to a stranger. Before Charlotte could think another thought, Arche leaned down and placed a soft gentle kiss on her lips. The tender touch caused the churning in Charlotte's stomach to explode into butterflies. His lips were warm and the kiss felt like home, as if somehow her lips had been awaiting his all along. Arche pulled away, his smile reaching his eyes and exposing his fangs. Offering his arm the two of them walked back up the aisle as husband and wife.

Wilbur threw Charlotte's bag into the back of the Wolfson's carriage. As he turned back to regard Charlotte, she could see a look in his eyes that she hadn't seen in a very long time.

"I'm proud of you, Charlotte." Wilbur began.

"You did the right thing. I know that it was hard for you, at first, to accept your duty as a woman. Getting married and all that." Wilbur stammered as he rubbed the back of his neck, he continued.

"And maybe that was my fault. After I had my accident, I let you go to the marketplace to sell your firewood. Maybe I shoulda' looked into getting you girls set up proper with husbands a long time ago. As your father, that was my responsibility. But, uh. Well, here we are." Wilbur continued, voice cracking and arms stretched out as a slight gesture towards the church house. Wilbur quickly cleared his throat.

"And, well, I just want to say," He glanced at where the Wolfsons were talking, they were huddled together just out of ear shot but Wilbur decided to lean in and lower his voice anyway.

"I'm sorry that things ended up this way. Of you having to marry a… a werewolf, but you're a strong woman, Charlotte. I know I don't have to worry about you. You can take care of yourself, always have. And besides, might do them werewolves some good. Having a decent person around might just set a good example for 'em, ya know." Wilbur joked.

"And you can visit me and Gwen, oh uh and Richard. Anytime you like, ok?" Wilbur gave Charlotte an awkward slap on the shoulder that was meant to be affectionate.

"Charlotte, are you ready to go?" Arche asked kindly, startling Charlotte as she hadn't heard him approach. Arche's parents were already seated in the front row of their carriage.

"Well, uh, I'll be off now." Wilbur announced backing away at Arche's sudden appearance. "Goodbye, Charlotte, be safe." Wilbur called with a quick wave of his hand turning on a dime quickly on his way to his new luxurious home.

"Goodbye, Pa." Charlotte said to the dust that had been kicked up by his feet.

Arche helped Charlotte into the second row of the carriage before walking around to the other side and getting on beside her. With a few clicks of his tongue, Mr. Wolfson gave the horses the command to go, starting the carriage with a lurch. The quick click-clomp of the horses' hooves echoed the rapid beating of Charlotte's heart as the carriage made its way away from the town Charlotte had grown up in, and into the thick dark forest she had always been forbidden to go.

Charlotte sat quietly on the carriage ride to the Wolfson's home. The sounds of the forest were different from what Charlotte had anticipated. The horses hooves trotting along the dirt path was the loudest sound followed by the creaking of the carriage's big wooden wheels turning round and round. Apart from that was a symphony of birds singing in the tree canopies, animals rustled in the bushes as they were scared away by the approaching carriage, and the trickling of little streams flowed alongside the road. The afternoon sun streamed down in-between the leaves of the trees, making the air a lot cooler here than it was in town. The ride would have been perfectly serene, if it hadn't been for the stifling silence of the group.

Charlotte felt as though she ought to say something to her new husband and in-laws but every appropriate topic of conversation evaded her. The only things she could think of to ask were things like; How big is your den? Will you expect me to eat my meat raw too? When Arche wakes from his dissolutions, will you eat me or just abandon me in the forest somewhere to fend for myself? Charlotte shook her head of such thoughts and found her eyes wandering towards Arche. Arche looked content but also stiff. He sat close to Charlotte but was positioned in a way so they wouldn't touch. His hands were clasped together loosely, his feet spread enough apart that he was able to sit comfortably but not so far that he took up too much room, and his black fluffy tail lay still very close to his side between he and Charlotte. Charlotte finally opened her mouth to say something but was cut short when Mr.Wolfson announced,

"We're here".

Charlotte whipped her head towards the front of the carriage and anxiously leaned forward, curious to see what the Wolfson's den looked like tucked in the trees. Only to be surprised when the tree line ended and a large field opened up onto a small hill. To her right at the top of the hill, and still a ways off in the distance, Charlotte saw a beautiful wooden two story house. In front of the house sat a small fenced garden where vegetables and sunflowers were growing. Close to the bottom of the hill sat the stable for the horses and at the hill's base was a creek with a wooden bridge that led to another dirt path winding back into the thick forest. Three children played together in front of the house. As they saw the carriage approach, the children squealed with delight and ran towards it laughing, waving, and calling out.

"My babies!" Mrs. Wolfson squealed as she lunged out of the carriage before Mr. Wilson had a chance to bring it to a full stop. Mrs. Wolfson chased her children around as they ran away gleefully full of laughter, then she caught her youngest who had been the slowest, and tackled him with kisses. The other two children ran towards their mother attempting to save the youngest from his fate, but only ended up being captured themselves and subjected to the same fate. Charlotte smiled remembering a time when she was able to happily run to her mother's arms. Interrupting her from the memory was Arche's hand offering her support to step down off the now stationary carriage.

"Oh, uh, thank you." Charlotte stammered as she gingerly took hold of Arche's large steady hand and managed her way off of the carriage. Once Charlotte was safely on the ground, Arche didn't let go, instead he leaned in. Charlotte looked up at Arche meeting his gaze. She could feel the butterflies start to flutter around her stomach again. Arche was standing a breath away with the carriage pressing into her back. His amber irises danced in the afternoon light, his hand tightened its grip and Arche smiled.

"You're welcome," He breathed. Charlotte could feel her face get warm as goosebumps ran up the back of her neck.

"Charlotte, this is Angus, Bethany, and Victoria." Mrs. Wolfson introduced her three younger children from youngest to oldest with grass sticking out of her hair. Arche stepped back at the approach of his mother, cheeks tinted red, breaking the tension that had built between them. Charlotte nervously brushed a non-existent strand of hair away from her face and regarded the children. The youngest was a little boy that couldn't have been much older than 5, then there were two girls, one looked 7, while the oldest of the three children looked to be 12.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all." Charlotte said, doing her best to keep a kind smile on her face even though she felt as nervous as a reed in a hurricane. All three of the children stared at Charlotte uncomfortably, peering at her with their bright wide werewolf eyes.

"Say hello children, don't be rude. Charlotte is your new sister-in-law now." Mrs.Wolfson encouraged, forcing a cheerful voice that all parents do when trying to reassure their children.

"Hello." The children finally said barely above a whisper, followed with more uncomfortable staring.

"Are you really a human?" Bethany blurted out after a moment of awkward silence.

"Bethany!" Mrs.Wolfson scolded.

"It's okay Mrs.Wolfson. I don't mind," Charlotte bent down to make eye contact with the child. "Yes, I am really a human." Charlotte answered, giving Bethany the sweetest smile she could muster.

"I never met a human before." Bethany stated bewildered. Charlotte laughed a little.

"Well. I've never met a were-child before." Charlotte said, tapping Bethany's nose with her finger, eliciting a laugh from the child.

"Come on children, supper should be ready soon. Go clean yourselves up." Mrs. Wolfson said to her three youngest, ushering them towards the door.

"Oh, and Charlotte, dear." Mrs.Wolfson stopped on the steps and looked over towards Charlotte.

"Call me Sylvia." She said with a friendly smile. Charlotte smiled back and nodded, grateful that at least Arche's mom seemed to like her, the nervousness in her stomach receding.

The smell of delicious food wafted through the house. In the kitchen was a huge dining table covered with a feast and all around plates and silverware were set for the whole family to enjoy their meal together. Sylvia sat at one end of the table while Mr. Wolfson, who's name Charlotte had learned was Philip, sat at the other end. They each asked their children questions about their day and enjoyed the company of family. The children around the table were chatting and laughing as they ate. All of them looked relaxed and carefree; except for the eldest, Danielle. Charlotte was introduced to the eldest of the Wolfson's children upon entering the kitchen. Danielle looked to be in her mid 20s, she had big green eyes like her father, short brown fluffy hair, and a scar that ran down the left side of her face from just above the eyebrow to the top of her cheekbone leaving her left eye damaged. She was dressed similarly to how Sylvia was dressed, in a long dress that had a neckline that plunged down her chest, but Danielle's chest was flat and she had a face and voice like that of a man in his mid 20's. Danielle sat stiff and uncomfortable, keeping her eyes glued to her plate barely taking a bite of food pushing her peas and mashed potatoes around.

"This roast is superb, Sylvia." Charlotte complimented, wanting to show her new family the proper amount of gratitude.

"Oh. Why thank you, Charlotte. But it was Danielle who made this feast for us." Sylvia replied, reaching over and putting a hand on top of her daughter's. Danielle sheepishly smiled at her mother in response.

"Oh. Well, thank you for making such a wonderful feast, Danielle" Charlotte responded, keeping her eyes glued to her plate as she spoke.

"You're welcome." Danielle said in her deep quiet voice.

After the family finished eating, Sylvia showed Charlotte to her and Arche's bedroom. It was a decent sized room with a bed big enough for two with a solid wood frame facing the door, Charlotte's bag sat on the bed awaiting to be unpacked. On the wall to the right of the bed was a window that looked out to the forest at the back of the house. In-between the wall and the bed sat a little wooden table with a drawer. On the other side of the bed sat a small vanity table with a mirror and a small stool in front. And against the wall opposite the window sat a small wardrobe. Charlotte opened the wardrobe and saw inside hung a few pieces of clothing that were thoughtfully pushed over to one side. Charlotte opened her bag and put the few possessions she had away.

It was getting late, which meant that Arche would soon be joining her. Charlotte started to pace around the room fidgeting with anything within reach. Should she wait until Arche was here to undress? Or would it be better if she were in her nightgown when he arrived? After contemplating both options, Charlotte decided on the latter. Quickly walking over to the wardrobe Charlotte flung her nightgown out. With shaky fingers she fumbled undoing the buttons on her blue dress, but was eventually able to shake her dress and bonnet off and get her nightgown on.

Charlotte sat on the stool in front of the vanity mirror. She was now properly dressed and clothes were hung ready to be put back on the morrow. Charlotte took a deep breath to steady her nerves and looked up at her reflection. Her hair had become disheveled in her haste, so Charlotte began removing the pins that once held her hair neatly in a bun. Her thick dark tousled hair cascaded down around her shoulders framing her bosom. As Charlotte was running a brush through her locks, she heard soft footsteps approaching the room. Instinctively, Charlotte dashed for the bed, got under the covers, and closed her eyes just as she had always done as a child whenever she heard her father approach her room when he got home from the tavern at night. The door creaked open and Arche walked over towards the bed, he stopped for a moment then Charlotte could hear him taking off his clothes. Through a half opened eye Charlotte risked a peek at her new husband. From what little light came from the window Charlotte could see Arche standing in front of the wardrobe fully exposing his muscular backside, tail and all. After a couple loud beats of her heart Arche started to turn around so Charlotte quickly shut her eyes again. The nerves in her stomach were overwhelming, Charlotte knew what newlyweds did on their wedding night, but she had just met Arche! How was she supposed to consummate her marriage when her husband was almost a complete stranger to her. Charlotte buried her head in the blankets, just thinking about it made her blush redder than an apple. Charlotte could feel Arche getting into bed behind her. This was it, she knew she couldn't hide away from it any longer. Charlotte rolled over to her other side but was surprised to see the back of Arche's head. Was he just going to sleep? Charlotte thought to herself. She noticed that Arche had put a nightgown on too. She waited for a few silent moments, then she heard soft deep breathing coming from Arche's still body, he had fallen asleep. Charlotte expected to feel relieved that her husband was too tired to consummate their marriage that night, she had just been dreading the very thought, but instead Charlotte started to feel tears well up in her eyes. She rolled back over facing the wardrobe, holding her breath as to try and keep as quiet as possible. Charlotte remembered what her father had told her the night before.

"Charlotte, normally it would be yer' mother who would have this conversation with ya tonight, but of course she can't so you're just going to have to make due with me." Wilbur said into his half full mug of ale as he and Charlotte sat in front of their warm hearth for the last time. "The wedding night is a very special night, it's the time when a husband and wife will consummate their marriage. You do know what consummating a marriage means don't you?" Wilbur asked, keeping his eyes glued to the flickering fire.

"Yes, Pa." Charlotte answered.

"Good! Good. That's good." Wilbur said, relieved he didn't have to go into anymore details.

"But Pa, are you sure my new husband will even want to consummate the marriage? I mean we haven't even properly met yet." Charlotte asked, hopefully.

"Oh, no, he'll want to." Wilbur began with a laugh. "In fact, he'll be expecting it. Men have… needs. Urges... that, well as a wife, it'll be your job to satisfy. I know that for women it can be hard or uncomfortable to, uh, go through with the act. But if you're having trouble just lay back, relax, and let him, achem, fulfil his needs." Wilbur explained uncomfortably.

"Anyway, it's getting late, we should get to bed. Big day tomorrow." Wilbur exclaimed as he downed the rest of his ale before heading to his room leaving Charlotte alone with the dancing flames of the hearth to swallow the information her he had just left her with.

Charlotte used the edge of the blanket to wipe away the tears that had fallen from her eyes. Well pa, you were wrong. Not even a man's urges or needs are enough to make Arche want someone as homely as me. Charlotte thought to herself as the pain felt in her heart started a waterfall to flow from her eyes. Charlotte silently sobbed for a long time wondering what reason Arche could possibly have to want to marry her, if he didn't even find her attractive, before finally crying herself to sleep.


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    S.J. ParkerWritten by S.J. Parker

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