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Three Pussies Are Definitely Better Then One

Old porn filmmaker's spiritual philosophy

By Roscoe ForthrightPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
God Bless Google, Our Federal Government and the People's Republic of China.

Look out! The algorithms will make you disappear. Your nipples must be covered up. And, even the slightest mention of your sweet, tasty, juicy, yummy, delicious, hot, friendly, available, young, heterosexual pussy will cause you to disappear from the search engines, and thereby cease to exist.

You can get away with more if you self-identify as LGBTQ, than if you are heterosexual. LGBTQs are OK with the Karens. Karens always supports the down-trodden. Old, white hetersexuals-- not so much.

Google is continuously tweaking algorithms, to eliminate key words from our vocabulary, to control who gets to see what, to make the internet safe for all the little children: Red, White, Brown, Black, and Yellow-- all the little children of all nations must be protected from naked erect nipples, and from thoughts and opinions regarding naked erect nipples. (See my article “Nipples Will Put Out Your Eyes”)

The lingums and yonis in Japan, India and Bhutan and the anotomonical parts they represent may soon be deleted. We now have self-appointed Karens, to make sure we all behave properly, with correct opinions, within social and moral guidelines written by Karen. Virtue signalling 24/7 to make sure we all know who is morally superior and socially righteous.

[Definition: A "Karen" is typically used to refer to an entitled mum, very busy driving kids to soccer practice, who can be a bit irritating with her frequent requests to "talk to the manager." She may also have a giant bob haircut and drive a Volvo. Also, she is deliberately socially sensitive and politically correct, speaks in soothing motherly tones, and she is certain her opinions are the only correct opinions, and therefore the only opinions which matter. Karen is a 21 st century passive-aggressive, and may also be thought of as Dominatrix-Karen, with her husbands or boyfriends always close-by, as her yes-men, the Karen-Submissives.]

I notice YouTube now requires all video-posting-creators to sign a legal document declaring when children appear in videos, and declaring no harm will be caused to children by any video posted.

An absurd idea written into law. As if Karen knows exactly what will harm a child in all circumstances, and what words and ideas must be forbidden. Her paranoia is precise and exquisite. Old time New England Puritans could not hold a candle to any modern American Karen.

But all of this has little to do with my spiritual philosophy. I live my life the way I wish to live my life, and the surround myself with friendly young women who enjoy my way of life. These specific young women do not give a rat's ass what Karen and the owners of Google do, or how those specific people make money. We do not approve of deliberate suppression of ideas, and blatant greed, the people in charge wearing designer cloaks of virtue-signaling self-righteousness, saying over and over: It's to protect all the little children. We must protect the little children.

My spiritual philosophy includes the belief: People can and should enjoy their sexuality however they wish to, with grown-ups willing to participate and enjoy whatever our imaginations can invent. Grown-ups must be allowed to say whatever they wish to say. Attempts to censor peoples' imaginations always fail. All the campaigns against porn in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s now seem bizarre and laughable. There is more free porn available worldwide than ever before in the history of humankind. And no civilization has ever collapsed to ruin by seeing naked pussies, or by jacking-off to naked pussies.

Civilizations do collapse when the people in charge, when Dominatrix Karen and Her Submissives run major corporations and governments, acting as if all the rest of us exist only to serve the Karens, and do what we are told, to make the Karens feel all cozy about themselves. And more importantly, to make sure the Karens have fat bank accounts, and leisure time to drive the kids to soccer, forever and ever, world without end. Amen.


About the Creator

Roscoe Forthright

Erotic filmmaker and novelist. I use x-rated heterosexual short films as a tool for spiritual enlightenment. Laugh all you want. This actually works for many people. Fucking is universal! And very popular!

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