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This Slut's Going Nuts

BJs in the time of Covid

By Elle Published 2 years ago 4 min read
This Slut's Going Nuts
Photo by Mathias Elle on Unsplash

The last blow job I gave (before Covid) was in early February 2020. He was the one and only worthwhile match I had on the Hinge app in the four months for which I paid premium membership. Hinge, for me, sucked big donkey balls. Lots of 'likes', most of whom weren’t even remotely my type but not a whole lot of tempting choices. Of course, I tend to be shallow and use the Hookup Loophole (which states that guys who normally wouldn't give me the time of day, can be mine for the duration of said hook up) to “date” out of my league. But that’s another story.

Although Hinge is supposedly more of a ‘relationship’ app and for a brief moment I was perhaps looking for more than my usual serial BJ adventures, it may have been more the fact that I just wasn’t feeling very sexual at that time. In any case, this Hinge match was very much my type AND he could host AND I was going to be clubbing not too far from his location so what the heck. I think I offered up only a blow job because I really didn’t feel like fucking. I only mention this hot and lovely episode of oral sex because I wish I’d known, then, THAT IT WOULD BE THE LAST TIME I WOULD TOUCH ANYTHING MALE FOR THE NEXT FIVE MONTHS!

Funny soon as the pandemic/lockdown/quarantine hit, my sex drive rapidly went from zero to sixty. Knowing I couldn't access dick, made me want it all the more. I officially isolated myself from social situations on March 1. My job closed down and switched to remote-work on March 13 at which point I had way too much time on my hands. I could now wake up at noon and go to bed in the wee hours of the morning after reading smut, watching porn, and turning masturbation into an art form. Like everyone else single, I was going slowly out of my mind with horniness.

Around mid-April, a few of my regular BJ buddies hit me up but I was holding strong and meeting-up was completely out of the question. In May, I began to hear from guys I’d hooked up with once or twice but with whom I hadn’t had any contact in years. Some I couldn’t quite remember. All along I’m getting Tinder matches and lemme tell ya, these guys were/are thirsty. I don’t flatter myself to think all these dudes suddenly missed me. They missed IT. Toward the end of June, I was convinced that the pandemic had to be winding down. Things were starting to re-open; clubs seemed to think it wouldn’t be long before they too, would be back. As we all know, things instead got worse, and the numbers skyrocketed. July 2020 came, and my mind went. I could tell I was slipping. I really started to lose it. I was horny to the nth degree and pandemic frustration was steering me toward doing some very reckless shit.

So I went into involuntary self-preservation mode. I seemed to have simultaneously eliminated my sex drive and lost my orgasm. I even deleted all my online dating profiles. What was the point; I couldn't do anything (or anyone). My lack of libido was worrisome but also something of a relief. I mean, if I can't trust myself enough to not do stupid things in the name of lust, I might as well be a guy. Haha. But seriously, subverting ones will may work in the short run, but it's like toxic waste. Eventually it comes bubbling to the surface and creates a big mess; at times, worse than the original gunk.

Being the Queen of Loopholes, I decided that a strip-club-rules (I can touch you, you can’t touch me) vehicular BJ whereas he wears a mask throughout, would be a relatively safe surface-germ-free sexual activity. Until my therapist kindly pointed out that the penis will have been touched by his hands before it went into my mouth. Well, rats. So I had to somehow come to terms with the fact that I really couldn’t get naughty until a vaccine was available. My Slutty Self didn’t like that one bit. She’s very rebellious and has a big problem with authority. Pandemic? Covid-19? Elderly parents? Oh, that’s Buzzkill Self’s problem.

I stopped answering texts from former playmates. I mean, I knew what they wanted and I knew I had to say No, which I have a problem doing under the best of circumstances. I had a couple of near-misses during moments of temptation/weakness, where I either pussied-out at the last minute (called it off; I don’t flake) or made it so logistically challenging as to be virtually impossible to pull off.

But then he texted. Aaron. And I broke.


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my slutty adventures...

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