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Sucking Cock for Cash

economic reality in the United States of America

By Gina SwanPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Gina Swan with Roscoe Forthright.

A heroin habit is expensive. It started as an Oxy-habit, raiding my parents medicine cabinet when I was fifteen years old. When the Oxy formula was changed, making it impossible to smoke off foil, it was back to heroin. Of course, if I made the effort, got vomit-y sick for a week or so, and stayed clean, I would not have the ongoing expense. But that is not so easy. And I have no stomach for it. I have gotten clean only those few days I have been in jail (not for drugs or hooking-- for driving on a suspended license with several speeding tickets.) So, for years, nearly fifteen years I have sucked cock for cash. Me and tens of thousands of other girls. Even girls with stable, employed husbands often suck cock for cash, to get what they want, and keep the man under control. I call those gals the Dominatrix-Karens. The soccer moms with high moral and social agendas, always promoting this or that trendy charity, who suck their husband's cock so he does exactly what he is told to do, exactly when he is told to do it.

I really do not care how much cock-sucking goes on in America, everyone working a particular angle, and often getting exactly what they want. And, generally the boys do not mind, the husbands do not mind forking over piles of cash, as long as they get a decent blow-job now and then. I suppose other people's jobs, the way other people make money is often no less demanding and personally intrusive. Like, a software engineer who gets up at 5:30am to take a bus, to be at his desk for 8 to 10 hours, five or six days a week--- because that is what the job demands. Who is more of a hooker? I work less and make just as much cash. Of course, with Covid, the software engineer does not have to take the bus, and gets to stay home. Then the problem is getting all his work done with two toddlers screaming in his ear all day. With me, business is as good as ever. Only a few of the older men, nervous about getting dead from pneumonia have not been calling this year.

This brings me to the topic of what we all do for money. Some of us are lucky. Lucky, hard-working people have skills and education, and opportunities which are rewarded with piles of cash. Millions of people are not so fortunate. Some are just lazy, and that is on them. But even for hard-working people, good jobs are often available only in a few sectors of the economy, and often last only ten to fifteen years at best. We are all forced to adapt to economic pressure. And let us be clear about it: Economic pressure is not a Divine Law or a Law of Nature, or something irrevocable like our personal DNA. Economic pressure is what governments and corporations, and individual multimillionaires who run corporations, custom-design and use, specifically to get us all to do what we are told. The ultimate goal being to get three-to-twenty times more money out of us, than we will ever be paid. Another term for this might be, economic slavery. A culture, a civilization of economic slaves, which we are all supposed to be OK with. Call it high-functioning capitalism, the best way to get things done.

If you think I am making this up, ask your boss to double your salary, and see how many days go by before your key-card no longer functions, and you are told never to come back. What are you willing to do to for the cash you want, or the cash your lifestyle requires? Which employment opportunities pay as well as sucking cock? If I earn as much as a dentist, by sucking cocks, does that make me as socially respectable as a dentist? Is physically sucking a cock any less demeaning than being an economic slave for thirty years, and then having your retirement money stolen by Goldman Sachs?

So send me a donation. For each donation, I will suck one less cock.


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