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Staying Safe On OnlyFans

You never know who is plotting some funky stuff or even just taking the time to be sneaky. Here are a few tips to make sure that you keep your pockets full and your life private.

By The Darkest SunrisePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Staying Safe On OnlyFans
Photo by Artyom Kim on Unsplash

When adopting a career in the sex industry you should always make sure that safety is at the top of your list of concerns. Of course, while juggling the idea there are so many other things you think about. Things like if your family will find out, if people will judge you, if you'll miss out on other opportunities if you don't like it, etc. Those are equally as important questions but you honestly really have to think about the safety measures you should take before gaining fans through your body. People are really weird anymore. You never know who is plotting some funky stuff or even just taking the time to be sneaky. Here are a few tips to make sure that you keep your pockets full and your life private.

Never Use Your Personal Information

By Garin Chadwick on Unsplash

It is almost never a good idea to use your real name on Onlyfans. Not only on Onlyfans but on any site that you wish to sell this type of content. There are so many things that come can come from using your real name and it's almost never good. Fans can end up stalking you in your personal life. Some people have a hard time differentiating between work and real life. You never want to put yourself in a position to make it easier for them to find you offline. This can also be very true when it comes to using a personal email. Make sure you set up an email strictly for the site using the stage name of your choice. There are tons of ways to track people down via email so you don't want that to trail back to you. It can be dangerous and lead to a lot of unwanted attention or conflict. Make sure you put yourself first because your personal life will always be more valuable than your work.

Never Be Afraid To Block A Fan

By dole777 on Unsplash

Sometimes even when you don't give out your personal information that doesn't stop fans from going a bit overboard. You might run across the occasional overly obsessed fan and find yourself a bit overwhelmed by negative or unwanted advances. You can ALWAYS block ANY fan who makes you feel uncomfortable during any form of communication.

Of course fans are going to expect you to interact with them which is 100% expected. However you don't have to do anything you are uncomfortable with. Set boundaries with your fans. Maybe even develop a niche so they know exactly what they are getting for their money. One thing is for certain though, no amount of money is worth tarnishing your mental health by any means. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone when it comes to what you feel is right for you.

Completely Separate Your Personal Life

By Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

While I already have explained the depths of what could happen while putting your real name into your work there is one other thing you should definitely do before diving into this type of content career. Make sure that all of your social medias that do have personal information are updated with the most private settings possible.

Making it more difficult for people to find the real you will most definitely help with maintaining your privacy in your personal life. Start by deleting any unnecessary socials that you don't use anymore. Possibly even make accounts specifically for your OnlyFans using your stage name to throw people off from your private personal accounts. Make sure that everything you post on your personal account is hidden based off what you don't want people to find. It'll help you tons in the long run.

Things To Remember

By LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

Absolutely no amount of money is ever worth damaging your mental health. I repeat this because this is the biggest lesson to take away from this. Make those coins but make sure you protect yourself while doing it.

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About the Creator

The Darkest Sunrise

Hello beautiful souls! Open book vibes over here!

Check out my podcast where you can learn to become your best self! <3

Have the best day and drink your water! <3

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