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Reunited After 25 Years 37: Tender Loving Care

Andrea Nurses Anton Back To Health After His Accident

By Angela Denise Fortner RobertsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Reunited After 25 Years 37: Tender Loving Care
Photo by Piotr Miazga on Unsplash

The pain medication soon did its job, and Anton was asleep again. He awoke briefly a couple of hours later, and Andrea held a straw to his lips so that he could drink ice water. She ended up spending another night on the floor of her husband's hospital room.

The following morning, Anton seemed much more alert. Denny, Darya, and Fawn came to visit. "Papa!" Darya cried, rushing to embrace her father.

"It is all right, malenkaya." Anton patted his daughter's back. "I am going to be fine."

At lunchtime Andrea fed Anton soup, and he ate every bite. "It is nice. I have my Andrea here to take care of me." He grinned.

"When I think of how easily I could have lost you..." Andrea's eyes held a far-away look.

Anton chuckled, then winced. "I would never leave you, dearest Andrea."

Andrea kissed his lips for the first time since before the accident.

"Oh, Andrea, you are going to make me excited, and I cannot do anything about it."

"Sorry." Andrea giggled.

By the following day Anton was up and walking the hospital hall, and he was released at the end of the week with instructions to take it easy for several weeks.

"Although I feel like I was run over by a truck, I realize I am very lucky," Anton said to Andrea as she drove him home. "I know it could have been much worse."

"Yes, it could have been," Andrea said softly.

At home, Andrea got her husband settled in the recliner and then went to the pharmacy to get his prescriptions filled. When she returned, she saw that their next door neighbor, Sally, was sitting on the sofa beside the recliner, handing Anton cookies from a platter which she held. Sally turned to smile sweetly at Andrea as she entered.

"Um, we weren't expecting visitors," Andrea said coldly. "Anton just came home from the hospital, and he needs his rest."

"It is all right," said Anton. "Sallochka just came over to share cookies with me."

"I just baked a fresh batch," Sally added. "I saw you guys coming home from the hospital and thought that you might enjoy them."

"That was very thoughtful of you, but Anton does need to rest now," Andrea said pointedly.

"I am all right," Anton protested. Andrea glared at him. "But perhaps you should go now, Sallochka," he added quickly. "Thank you very much for the delicious cookies. You are very kind."

Sally smiled at Anton, then glanced at Andrea and left.

"I promise you, Andrea. Nothing happened between me and Sallochka," Anton said after she'd left. "She brought over cookies. That is all."

"I know nothing happened," Andrea said. "I just want to make sure it stays that way."

"You do not trust me, Andrea?" Anton sounded very hurt.

"I trust you, Anton," Andrea quickly assured him. "I just don't trust her."

"But she could not do anything without my consent."

"Well, of course not," Andrea admitted. "Perhaps I did overreact just a little," she continued sheepishly.

"Perhaps." Anton chuckled, then winced. "But that is all right."

Andrea went to the library and checked out several videos that she knew Anton would enjoy watching. She checked the mail on the way back into the house and found that Anton's mother had sent him a care package.

"Ah, tyanuchki!" Anton exclaimed when he opened the package. "You have not had candy until you have tried tyanuchki, Andrea."

Andrea ate a piece. "It tastes just like caramel," she remarked.

"It is much nicer than American caramel," Anton replied.

"You're right. It is," Andrea agreed.

Anton held the box of candy out to her. "Here. Have another piece. I know you want one."

"But it's your candy, Anton. I don't want to be greedy."

"Eating one more piece is not being greedy. Besides, whenever I have something nice, I always love to share it with my Andrea."

"Oh, Anton, you're so sweet!"

"You are too, Andrea." Anton's voice softened. "I do not know if it is because I nearly died or not, but now I think it would not be so bad to have a little one. It would be nice, even, and I know that it would make you happy."

"Wow, Anton! Are you sure?"

"I am sure. I have thought about it, and it is what I want. A little baby that is from you and also from me."

"Oh, Anton, you've made me so happy!"

They made love without using protection for the first time that night, and Andrea fell asleep thinking fondly of the new life that might even already be growing inside her.


About the Creator

Angela Denise Fortner Roberts

I have been writing since I was nine years old. My favorite subjects include historical romance, contemporary romance, and horror.

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    ADFRWritten by Angela Denise Fortner Roberts

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