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Reunited After 25 Years 34: Making Love After Dinner

Anton and Andrea Enjoy an Intimate Connection

By Angela Denise Fortner RobertsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Reunited After 25 Years 34: Making Love After Dinner
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Anton dove below the waves and swam underwater for what seemed like forever to Andrea. When he finally emerged, he held Tyson's limp body around the waist.

Right away he lay the little boy on the quilt and began to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. After a few minutes, Tyson gasped, then began breathing normally and opened his eyes.

"Oh, my baby!" Anna fell to her knees and gathered her son into her arms.

"Anton, you did it! You saved him!" Andrea exclaimed, enthusiastically hugging and kissing her husband.

"I am just so very glad I found him before it was too late," said Anton.

"I don't know how to thank you," Anna told Anton.

"There is no need to thank me." Anton grinned and blushed modestly. "I only did what anyone would have done."

"What happened?" asked Tyson. "I was looking for my seashell, and then all of a sudden I was lying on the quilt and Anton was there."

"It's all right, sweetheart," Anna told him. "You just got tossed around a bit by the waves. That's all."

"Come on, Tyson." Anton held his hand out to the little boy. "I will buy you a prettier seashell."

"Hurray!" Tyson took Anton's hand, and Anton walked with him to the row of souvenir shops on the boardwalk while Andrea and Anna looked after Tara and cleaned up.

Anton and Tyson returned in about a half an hour, and Anton took everyone for ice cream and then they all went home.

"So today you were a hero once again," Andrea remarked to Alexei when they were home alone. "The first time you came, you saved the little boy who was stuck on the roof of the church, and today you saved Tyson."

"What would you Americans ever do without me?" Anton laughed.

After dinner Anton's mother called, and he spoke to her in Russian for a long time. When he finally hung the telephone up, he was grinning.

"My mother had very happy news!" he told Andrea. "I am going to be a great uncle. My nephew Stepan and his wife Lia are going to have a baby. If the baby is a boy, he will be Pyotr in honor of my nephew who died in Afghanistan."

"It seems like everyone's having a baby," Andrea sighed.

"They are young, Andrea. It will be their first. I am happy for them."

"I am too, but..."

Suddenly Anton's lips were upon hers, kissing her passionately.

"Seeing you in a swimsuit makes me do you say?...turned on," he murmured.

"Watching you save Tyson's life really turned me on too," Andrea said with a grin.

"In that case, I will become a lifeguard." Anton lifted her and carried her to the bed, where he gently laid her down and climbed on top of her. His tongue darted between her lips as his hands gently tugged her shirt over her head. Her bra was next, followed by her shorts and panties, then all Anton's clothes. Anton's fingers were between her legs, getting her ready, while her hands were all over him as well. Not that he needed that much stimulation.

She saw him reach for a condom and didn't say anything as she didn't want to spoil the mood. Quickly and expertly he slipped it on and slid inside her. She moaned appreciatively and arched upwards to meet him. They moved together smoothly, and within moments she was crying out in ecstasy. He followed seconds later.

Afterwards they lay together, breathing hard. Tenderly he placed dozens of kisses all over her face and along her hairline.

"Dearest Andrea," he whispered. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," she whispered back.

"Oh, I almost forgot." His voice returned to normal. "When I was in the shop with Tyson today, I bought something for you too. I was waiting for the right time to give it to you."

He arose from the bed and swiftly returned holding a beautiful snow globe. It's bottom was filled with sand, and on top of the sand lay a tiny starfish surrounded by seashells of various sizes and colors.

"It's lovely!" Andrea exclaimed.

"Look at the words on the bottom," said Anton.

Andrea read the inscription printed on the snow globe's base. 'Greater than the sands in all the oceans is the love I have for you.'

"Oh, Anton!" Near tears, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.


About the Creator

Angela Denise Fortner Roberts

I have been writing since I was nine years old. My favorite subjects include historical romance, contemporary romance, and horror.

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