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Chapter 1

By PatiencePublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Working the weekends were my favorite nights to work, while also feeling like the worst. I rarely had to work the bar short and the capacity of the club was maxed out this night. My workload was somewhat lighter, and I was having way more tips. Nights like this always disappointed me because I felt like I still hadn’t found what I was looking for. But on this particular night, we had DJ Rayne performing. He was the hottest underground disc jockey in the DMV. The Black Hole was the name of the club I worked the bar, and it was crazy! The cannabis smoke was thick enough to give everyone in the building a contact high, but no one was complaining though. You could say it was one of those times the bouncers didn’t earn their pay for the night. But love was in the air and I was in my happy place.

Most of the bartenders wore their best that night, knowing that the more sex appeal they exuded, the fatter the tip would be. The guys would wear pants to accentuate their bulges, while the girls would wear wet t-shirts all night long. I, on the other hand, wanted to attract something particular, and only someone who knew... or would know. I wore a black tube top with my black choker and a pair of low rider jeans. I wanted to show off my curves without giving it all away. Black always made my golden-brown skin, pop. I still got a great amount of attention and tips, but the bait I would cast could only attract what I wanted. The pendant on my choker was a silver triskelion. I wore my hair up ensuring it would be seen, and sure enough, it was. Around 1 a.m. I had taken a couple of shots with some customers and was feeling nice when a man slowly walked through the crowd and came up to the bar. His hair was long and rested on his shoulders. I had no idea what age range to put him in because his face was youthful, but his hair was salt and peppery. His facial hair was neat and natural, and his dark brown eyes seemed to be locked in on mine. His suit was three pieces, dark blue, and fitted to his tall, slender body. He then came up to me in the bar and leaned in. I followed.

“Can I ask you what your necklace means?”, he shouted over the blasting music.

“If I have to tell you, it means you’re not meant to know!”, I laughed as I wiped down the countertop. He motioned with his finger to come back to him.

“Let me rephrase the question. Are you in search of a master? Because I am in search of a servant.”. When his last word left his lips, I felt the slightest flick of his tongue on my earlobe. It felt as though a lightning bolt shot down my spine, cupped the cuff of my ass and settled on my clit, and stayed there. I couldn’t hide my blushing. I was excited that such an attractive man might be everything I had been waiting for.

“I am in search of a master.”, we glared at one another for a moment.

“Well, when you get off, I’d like to continue this conversation somewhere more fitting, would that be alright with you?”.

“Find me, fifteen minutes after the let out, at the main entrance. I’d like that.”.

He stepped back, smiled, and vanished back into the crowd. For the rest of the evening, I found myself looking for him. Hoping to catch his eye once more but I did not. All the while I felt as if his eyes were still on me. I worked until 3 a.m. and a couple of men approached me about my necklace, but I played as if I knew nothing of its meaning. I had already caught the eye of my prospective dominant and I was curious to find out if he was the one.

The club let out at three and I was waiting at the door as planned, but no sign of him. I looked down both directions of the street and nothing. Then a jolt towards my left brought my attention to him at the end of the block. Standing alone in his blue suit smoking a cigarette. As I walked to him, I had my pepper spray inside my right fist within my pocket. I still had to be smart. When I reached him, he was taking a drag and motioned to me to follow him. I assumed to his car, and I followed his lead. He extended his hand and said, “By the way, I’m Mario.”, without hesitation, I released my pepper spray to shake his hand. He grabbed my elbow, slamming me against the brick wall, knocking the wind out of me. As I tried to catch my breath, he took hold of my throat and lifted me off my feet. He did it so fast as if I only weighed a pound. I was afraid. I had no idea what he was going to do or if I would survive. As I kicked my feet, I clamped onto his wrist, begging him that I couldn't breathe. His palm relaxed and he held my entire body weight with the tips of his fingers. The thought crossed my mind that this may be his particular, sexual fetish. Maybe he didn’t know the rules of engagement, because he didn’t give us a chance to set them.

“Master…”, I whispered, “Master, please.”

He began to lower me to the ground. When my feet meet the ground, our eyes met again, but they were not the same eyes from the club. They were blood red. He snarled at me with a look of rage upon his countenance. His teeth were fangs. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, just before it all went dark.

When I woke up, I was in what looked to be a penthouse suite. All of the walls of the room aside from the divider walls were tinted windows. My fear held me captive in the king-size bed I woke up in. With no sound proceeding him, Mario walked into the room. Shirtless, with silk, dark blue pants on. Before he could utter a word, I began to cry. I felt confused and afraid, questioning whether what I saw the night before was real. But suddenly, the soreness of my back and my throat reassured my sanity. This was real, what I saw was real, and I was in the room with a monster. Mario sat on the bed next to me. My arms were wrapped around my legs and my muscles began to ache due to the tension.

“What’s your name?”, he asked me gently.


“Okay, Vida. I know you are afraid, but don’t be. I apologize for last night. I’m sorry.

“What are you?”, I began to shake. He paused and exhaled, almost as if he owed me an explanation, and he couldn't give it to me.

“You know what I am.”, I stared at him. Not so much in disbelief, but more so shock. I felt like I was about to break down when I was hit with the strongest wave of euphoria I had ever felt. I felt like I was rolling off of an ecstasy pill. Mario continued to stare but I let my gaze go. The room was spinning, and the only thing still was him.

“Mario, help me.”. I reached out for him and he took my wrist and ankle nearest to him and slid me down on the bed.

“Listen to my voice, Vida. I did not intend to bring you here. I intended to drain you and leave you to die in the alley… but I could not.”, he slid the blanket off of my body, revealing all of me. “I want you to be mine. My property. My slave. I want you to call me master.”. I began to see flashes of him in and out of my line of sight. When I stopped trying to follow him, I felt him. His head between my thighs. He slid his tongue inside me and licked parts of me that had never been reached before. Suddenly the high I was feeling was gone and all I could feel was his slippery tongue gliding between my lower lips.

I looked down and those red eyes met mine. This monster was devouring me, and I didn’t want him to stop. Then I felt it. The orgasm was immense. I couldn't help but scream at the top of my lungs. Why was there pain, such satisfying pain? He was the perfect Sadist. My skin was on fire and my nails cut through the sheets.

“Ah! Mario… I’m yours! Ah! I am yours!”.

When the pain and pleasure began to subside, I immediately became dizzy. I rolled to my side to catch my breath. Through the slightest crack of my eyes, I saw Mario speaking to a man. As my eyes opened, the man handed Mario a black towel. The man then walked away, Mario retrieved a bag from the closet and brought it to the bedside. The strange man came back into the room with a doctor’s bag and another strange man brought food.

“This is Joaquin and Sasha. They will take care of you. Everything in this bag is yours. Call your family, tell them you are working for me now. Every answer to every possible question, you have here. You are mine now. Let them take care of you and I will be back in a moment.”.

As Mario left, I began to sit up.

“Hermana, no. The tourniquet must be tight to stop the bleeding.” Joaquin said with concern.

“What! What bleeding?”, I looked down at the sheets and I was sitting in a pool of blood. Again, I panicked. I leaned back over to inspect the bag. Inside the bag were 20,000 dollars, a cell phone, and a little black book with everything inside like he said. At the bottom of the bag was a note that read:

Vida, there is more where this came from.

I have given you my kiss.

There’s no going back now.

I am your Master.


I had no idea of the world I had been thrust into… all to find my master, in a monster.


About the Creator


I'm simply a creative empath, making my way through this crazy world.

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    PatienceWritten by Patience

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