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Bull 'O My Heart

Loneliness Knows It's Own

By Jamey O'DonnellPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 9 min read

Bull ‘O My Heart


Jamey O’Donnell

Benny sat again under the big maple tree on top of the hill, overlooking the vast expanse of the Sunshine Ranch, just like he did everyday of his life. It was where he found his peace, which no man or bull could take away from him, as long as that is where he stayed.

Benny was what you’d call a long in the tooth bull.

He wasn’t much for baking in the Texas sun, as he preferred sitting in the shade of the old maple tree, even older than he. It was where he felt at home and where he felt safe from the other judgmental bulls on the ranch.

Make no mistake, Benny was as big and as tough as they came, but because of who he was, some young upstart bull itching to make a name for himself would eventually mosey on up to Benny to fuck with him, only to get the shit kicked out of him and sent back down the hill with his tail between his legs, or he’d be turned by Benny and made Benny’s bitch, made to stay up there with him until Benny had gotten what he wanted.

It was a predicament for Chase McMaster, who was the owner of the cattle ranch.

From the time Benny was a calf, he showed signs of being different, and when he became old enough to stud, the difference in him was obvious.

Benny had no interest in cows whatsoever.

Bulls? That was a different story entirely.

You couldn’t keep Benny from trying to mount a bull out to pasture, and no one knew for sure at first what he was trying to accomplish. Did he think that the bulls were actually cows? Or was he trying to put his member inside the bull’s ass?

Needless to say, McMaster knew this was abnormal behavior, and he’d never seen a bull act like this before, nor had any of the ranch hands, so they just decided to isolate him from the cows and set him out to pasture until they could figure out what they were going to do with him.

Normally McMaster would just cut him up into steaks, but his 12 year old daughter had really taken a liking to him from the time he was a calf, and she even gave him his name, so the only thing left to do with him was let him live out his life on the ranch and nature’s way would take care of the rest.

The other bulls on the ranch would get tired of him trying to mount them, so they would most likely take care of him, but such was not the case.

Benny was not just a homosexual bull; he was also one of the biggest bulls on the ranch and he was mean as all get out. If Benny went to mount a bull, it was always smaller than he was, and if the smaller bull wasn’t having any of what Benny was trying to hand out, the bull would just get his ass kicked and run back down to the herd.

If there was any doubt about Benny’s sexual preference, it was erased one day when one of the new ranch hands went up to check on a couple of the bulls that were under the big maple tree on top of the hill.

Afterward, he came back shaking his head, talking about how the bigger bull up there was licking the other bull’s private parts like it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted, all while the other bull just laid in the shady grass of the tree.

Word got out eventually about the strange bull on the McMaster Ranch, and some even wanted to come and see for themselves, only to be ushered away by the ranch hands or McMaster himself.

Benny was becoming an embarrassment, but the rancher couldn’t do much except pen him off from the rest of the bulls, but that never lasted long.

Benny would always find a way to get through the fence and back under the tree at the top of the hill.

Benny had become a predator, but he never chased down other bulls. He waited for a new unsuspecting young bull to make his way up there, and that’s when he would pounce.

The other older bulls that Benny had never tried to mess with knew all too well of the strange bull up on the hill, and tried their best to warn the younger ones to stay away from him, but there were always a few that thought they could give him a beating and straighten out his ways, only to have their asses beaten, or worse, causing them to walk real funny back down the hill hours later.

Then the day came when Corky arrived, a beautiful young Black Angus bull into the herd. Corky was playful and beside himself at the opportunity to mate with the cows, though it would be a while before he would be big enough to mount them. He would have to bide his time, take the advice given to him by the older bulls, and just graze and get bigger until his time came.

The first day Corky entered the herd, Benny had taken notice of him from afar, and eyeballed him every step he took, watching his every movement, and contemplating how he could lure Corky up the hill.

It became an obsession with Benny, but he couldn’t go down there under any circumstances, so he would just have to bide his time and hope that the young bull would get curious about the old bull up on the hill, which he did.

Corky was well liked among the other bulls in the herd because of his spunkiness and his youth, and he always seemed to make the older bulls laugh.

Most of the other bulls were grazing away and didn’t notice how far up the hill that Corky had gone, putting him about 50 yards away from Benny’s watchful eye.

“Hey young’un…. come up here. I’ve got something for you” lured Benny in a soft tone.

“I was told you will hurt me” answered Corky.

“Hurt you? Why would I hurt you? I’m just lonely up here and need someone to talk to. I have something for you. Come on up here” Benny said again, only nicer, so Corky made his way up the hill, just in time for two of the biggest bulls of the herd, Cornelius and Rochester, to see him.

“Hey Corky! Where you going? Don’t go up there!” Cornelius yelled at him.

“Get your ass back down this hill!” Rochester followed.

Corky wasn’t having any of it though. He wanted to find out what the big deal was with this old bull up on the hill.

McMaster and one of his ranch hands also saw the young bull heading Benny’s way.

“Oh Lord Boss. Look where Corky’s going!” said the ranch hand.

“Damnit. Oh well. That young bull is going to have to learn the truth for himself”

All eyes were now on Corky, as he was just feet away from where Benny sat.

“Have a seat youngblood.” Said Benny.

“Ok. What do you have for me” Corky replied as he sat down.

“Well…let me show you” Benny said as he got up and walked up behind where Corky was sitting.

Before Corky could even scream out, Benny was on top of him, preventing Corky from running away, and inserted his manhood deep into Corky’s rectum, creating the most blood curdling scream ever heard from the mouth of a steer.

“Oh my God. Do you see what he’s doing to that poor boy Rochester?” said Cornelius.

“Ain’t nothing we can do about it now Cornelius. We warned him, but the stupid little bastard had to go up there, and now he’s paying for it.” Rochester griped.

All eyes of the herd and McMaster and the ranch hand were on the horrifying scene taking place on top of the hill, but it was too late to act because the dirty deed was already being done right in front of their eyes.

All they could do was hope the young bull would make it away from Benny before any real damage could be done to him.

Corky screamed bloody murder until he became tired and could scream no more, silently taking whatever else Benny had the desire to give, until Benny pulled out of him and fell to his side from exhaustion.

After a few minutes time, Corky struggled to get his legs under him, but managed to do so, then began to stumble down the hill. Cornelius and Rochester started to walk toward him across the expanse of the herd and could see that Corky was having a very hard time of it, barely taking a step here and there, and the closer they got to him, they could see a river of blood pouring out from his backside, and then suddenly, Corky keeled over on his side and died right then and there, about 150 yards down the hill from Benny.

Benny had fucked that poor steer to death.

McMaster and the ranch hand immediately drove over to where Corky lay, attending to the young steer, though there was nothing they could do except tie a rope to his hind legs and drag him out of the pasture up to the barn where they would butcher him later.

All of the biggest steers looked up at Benny with hate in their eyes, despising what this weird ass steer in the herd had done to one of their youngest.

A council was formed and plans were made.

The council was headed by Cornelius and Rochester, with 8 of the biggest bulls in the herd, all with something to say.

“We have to kill him tonight. This can’t continue. He never killed any of them before, but now he’s crossed the line.” said one bull.

“Agreed. He has to go. He can’t fight all of us. If all 10 of us go up there, he won’t have a chance. I say we vote on it” said another bull.

Rochester called for a vote, where all would stomp their right hoof if they agreed Benny must die, and it was unanimous.

That night the bulls walked in single file up the hill to where Benny still laid asleep, still exhausted from his murderous rape of the young bull Corky. When they got to where Benny laid, they circled around him and began stomping their hoofs into the ground, waking him from his slumber, and causing him to rise to his feet to meet his fate.

One bull charged him from the side, knocking him to the ground, while some of the others began stomping his head into the turf. Benny managed to get back up, looking for a place to run, but was speared by the horns of Rochester, then his underside was ripped open by the horns of Cornelius, causing Benny’s entrails to fall to the ground in a steaming pile, with Benny falling down right beside them, taking his last breaths.

“Never again you bastard” said Cornelius.

Their work was done, and the parade of ten marched back down to the herd.

This was frontier justice meted out by those most equipped to do so.

This was the first thought that crossed McMaster’s mind when he stood over Benny’s dead body the following morning.


About the Creator

Jamey O'Donnell

In the dead of night when the creatures are lurking about outside my window, you will find me brainstorming my ideas on the computer, trying to find the right opening, then seizing on it like Dr. Frankenstein, bringing paper and ink to life

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