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Beauty and the Beast

An Erotic Short Story

By D.Von ParkerPublished 3 years ago 24 min read

I found myself on a carriage ride under very strange circumstances. My father had done something to anger Prince Adam, whom I had never heard of, enough to want to kill him. Since I was not yet married, my father bartered me to save his own skin. Of course I was not consulted, only given a choice. Not that it was much of a choice. It was either live on the street or in a castle with a prince. My choice seemed quite clear. As long as he wasn’t mean and ugly, how bad could it be?

As I stepped from the carriage I could see lightning tracing through the dark sky. I heard a crack of the coachmans whip and it began to hurry back towards town. The iron gate creaked in the wind as I tentatively approached the massive front door. Before I could reach the door, thunder roared in the sky and the rain came pouring down. I ran to the door as fast as my feet would carry me. Taking hold of the knocker, I banged on the door, which opened immediately. Inside, an older man with a thin mustache stood holding the door to let me in.

“Good evening Miss Belle. Dreadful weather,” he said, looking at me, now completely drenched.

I gave him a sarcastic grin as I clenched my fists. But he seemed nice. I told myself it was not his fault and not to get upset just yet. Although standing there dripping wet was not a good start to this arranged relationship.

“Show her to her room,” a voice growled.

Startled, I looked towards the voice and saw the silhouette of an enormous man standing in the next room. His eyes glowed like fire in the darkness. My heart began to race as he turned abruptly with a growl and disappeared.

“This way, Miss. Let’s get you some dry clothes,” the man said, motioning to me.

“Yes… that would be nice,” I said, still looking towards the next room nervously and expecting an explanation.

“My name is Sampson. I will ensure that you have everything you need while you are here in the castle.”

“When will I be meeting Prince Adam?” I asked, thinking it odd for him to not greet me.

“That was Prince Adam.” He studied the expression on my face. “Please do not judge him too harshly. He really is a good man. Perhaps not very good with people,” he explained.

“That was Prince Adam? He sounds like some sort of... beast,” I said, starting to really worry about what my father had gotten me into.

“Do give him a chance, Miss. He… has had a spell of bad luck. It has been hard the past few years.”

“What happened?”

“I think it’s best he explain it to you,” he replied, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

I didn’t press the issue as we ascended the grand staircase. Sampson lit a candle at the top of the stairs and showed me to my room. We entered a large bed chamber with a fireplace that illuminated the room with a warm glow. He lit a candle at the bedside table, then two lamps at the dressing table.

“Here is your dressing table and the wardrobe is full of clean, dry clothes. If there is anything that you need, anything at all, tell me and I will get it for you. When you are ready, dinner will be waiting for you in the dining hall.”

“Where is that?” I asked, as I began to remove my wet clothes.

“Oh! Uh… bottom of the stairs. Go through the doors between the two staircases.” He said, turning away from me abruptly.

Sampson quickly made his way out, closing the door behind him. Clearly I had made him uncomfortable. I laughed to myself, grabbing a towel from the wardrobe. I had half a mind to stand the prince up but I needed to give this a chance for my fathers sake and for mine. Besides that, I was quite hungry and considering the furnishings, the meal was sure to be very fine.

Once dry, I tied my hair into a ponytail and thumbed through the wardrobe, picking out a simple dress. I assumed he had chosen the wardrobe himself, so surely anything I wore would please him. It was rather form fitting, much sexier than the clothes I would have chosen for myself. As I looked in the mirror, admiring the dress, I started to wonder how Prince Adam knew my size so well. It almost seemed to be tailored to me.

I was definitely still nervous after my initial encounter with the prince but surely he meant me no harm. Taking a deep breath, I headed down the stairs and peeked into the dining hall. There was a long table running down the center with a large man sitting at the far end, who I had to assume was the prince. Like everywhere else, the room was rather dark, with only a few candles on the table for light. Was I ever going to be able to tell what this man even looked like?

“Come in, Belle,” his harsh voice rumbled to me.

I walked to the foot of the table and found that a place was set for me there. Relieved, I took a seat and looked at the silver cover sitting on top of the plate. Then at the prince. This was far fancier than I was accustomed to. Was I supposed to remove the cover?

“Please, eat,” Prince Adam said, answering my question without having to ask. Or at least I was fairly certain it was him at this point.

I removed the cover and enjoyed the most awkward meal in my life. I was too nervous to speak. My mouth was also full most of the time, so there was that too. But he never said a word. There was plenty of grunting and growling as he ate his meal like a wild animal. Once he was finished, he rose from the table as a bright flash of lightning lit the great hall. I squinted, trying to make out the features of his face. He looked. Hairy?

“Thank you for joining me, Belle,” he said, then quickly left the room.

I wanted to say something but I was too busy trying to process what I was seeing. Were my eyes playing tricks on me? I tried to push it to the back of my mind with all of my other questions.

Once I had finished, I figured I would just go to my room, unsure as to what else I could do. As I turned to leave the table there stood Sampson.

“Care for a hot bath, Miss Belle?”

“I would like that,” I replied, needing a way to relax.

He showed me to the bath, which was just across the hall from my bed chambers. There were two large clawfoot tubs sitting side by side facing towards a massive wall of windows. This struck me as odd. First of all, why two tubs? Secondly, why were they facing out the window? I assumed that there must be something to see if it weren't dark and stormy.

“I will fill the tub while you get ready,” he said, turning on the water.

I grabbed a towel on my way out and went into my room. Slipping out of my dress, I wrapped myself in the towel and headed back into the bath.

“Let me know if it’s too hot,” Sampson said as he turned off the water.

I walked to the tub which was full to the top with bubbles and stuck my hand into the water.

“It’s perfect. Thank you Sampson.”

“If you need anything,” he said, ringing a small bell and placing it on the stool beside the tub.

As he closed the door behind him, I dropped my towel to the floor and slid into the hot water with a heavy sigh. Even if Prince Adam was an asshole, I could get used to this. I laid my head back and watched the lightning dance across the dark sky. Rain drops made a soothing pitter patter against the windows and I began to see the appeal of having the tubs face them. Even on a dark stormy night.

Once I was finished, I wrapped the towel around my middle and headed to my room. As I crossed the hall, I saw the prince at the far end. I stopped cold, seeing his glowing eyes. He quickly turned and disappeared into the shadows. A shiver ran down my spine. His demeanor was frightening to say the least. If nothing else he was a peculiar man, though I was still not certain he was entirely a man.

I closed my door and wrapped the towel in my hair as I looked for a night dress in the wardrobe. There were several to choose from, but I was tired so I just threw one on and crawled into bed. It was going to be hard for me to want to leave, the bed sheets were so silky soft that I found myself petting them. They felt so good on the skin that I decided to slip out of my night dress and sleep in the nude. Who would ever notice?

Though I had a lot of things running through my mind, I found sleep quickly and rose the next morning to a bright, sunny day.

“Good morning Miss Belle,” Sampson said, smiling as I entered the dining hall.

“Good morning Sampson,” I chirped. I was already starting to like Sampson and was still optimistic about Prince Adam.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Very well. Thank you.”

“Excellent. Prince Adam has requested that you join him for breakfast in the garden.”

I nodded with a grin. Breakfast in the garden, how romantic. I was actually going to get to see him too. Nowhere dark for him to hide from me today. I anxiously followed Sampson outside into an extravagant garden full of beautiful flowers and singing birds. We approached a stone paved circle with a small round table and two chairs. A vase with a single red rose sat in the center but the prince was nowhere to be seen.

“The prince will be with you shortly,” Sampson said, pulling out my chair.

I sat and watched the birds as I waited, trying to be patient. Just as I was starting to wonder if he was going to stand me up, two large hands came to rest on my shoulders. I jumped and let out scream, but the hands held me in place. I looked at the hands, which were covered in dark brown hair and sharp claws at the end of each finger. My heart was racing as I slowly started to turn my head.

“Do not turn around,” he growled.

I nodded my head, shaking in fear.

“Please,” he said in a calmer tone. “I am not going to hurt you, Belle.”

“Okay,” I said, still shaking.

“I know that I appear to be a monster. But please, do not be afraid,” he said, lifting his hands from my shoulders. He began to walk around to take the seat opposite me.

Getting my first glimpse of him, I covered my mouth as I gasped. My heart was beating out of my chest. He took his seat and looked into my eyes. I felt like I was petrified, staring into the eyes of a beast. He turned his head away and sighed. As I looked upon him, I could tell that he was ashamed of how he looked and my reaction was only making him feel worse.

“Do you wish me to leave?” He asked, lifting his eyes up to meet mine, his head still hung low.

I tried, but was unable to speak. What should I say?

Before I could say anything, he stood again and began to leave. I had to do something. As he passed by me, I reached out, putting my hand on the soft fur of his forearm. He stopped and looked down at my hand as I studied his sad face. He placed his massive hand on mine and rubbed it with his finger tips. His touch was surprisingly gentle and somehow arousing.

“I… do not want you to go. Please,” I finally managed to say.

He nodded and returned to his seat.

As we ate our breakfast I couldn’t help but stare at him. Yes, he was covered in hair and had large horns protruding from his head. But his face did have nice features. He was actually kind of handsome the more I looked. There were so many things I wanted to ask, yet I was still too nervous or scared to ask.

“I know what you’re thinking. ‘Why do you look like a monster,’ right?” He said, dabbing his mouth with a napkin.

“Well… I…” I stuttered.

“It’s okay. You see, there once was a time that I didn’t look like this. I was a normal man. Until a witch cursed me, turning me into this hideous monster so that no one could ever love me,” he explained.

“Why did she curse you?” I asked.

“I broke her heart,” he said.

Not wanting to be rude, I did not press the matter.

“Thank you for joining me, Belle,” he said as he rose from the table.

“Of course,” I replied as he took my hand and placed a kiss on it, making me blush.

“Feel free to explore the grounds and the castle. Sampson can give you a proper tour if you would like.”

I nodded, feeling better about the prince’s disposition though I still had a lot of questions. Even if his appearance was a bit frightening, I felt confident that he meant me no harm.

“Will you join me for dinner tonight?” He asked with a slight grin.

“I will.”

That day, Sampson gave me a tour of the expansive castle. I picked out a book from the library, because of course there was a library, and decided that the bath was the perfect place to enjoy a good read. I hurried up stairs and turned on the water. In the light of day I saw that the windows overlooked the garden and the beautiful landscape beyond. As I began to undress, something out the window caught my eye. It was Prince Adam, tending to the flowers. Was he the one who maintained the grounds here? As I continued to watch, he peeled off his shirt, revealing his impressive chest, which was not completely covered in hair. My interest was piqued and I was becoming aroused staring at him working half naked.

Snapping out of it, I turned to see the bubbles starting to run over the edge of the tub. I quickly turned off the water and looked back to the garden only to see him looking up in my direction. Could he see me? I squinted, unsure if he was looking at me or not, once I realized that if he was looking at me, I was standing there completely naked. I covered myself with my hands and got into the tub as fast as I could. Once I felt brave enough, I peeked over the edge of the front of the tub, but he was no longer there.

When dinner time came around I was still feeling a little embarrassed but I made my way to the dining hall. Light from the setting sun poured in through the windows, revealing how truly beautiful the room was. As he pulled out my chair for me, I kept trying to tell myself, ‘he probably didn’t see anything.’ Much to my relief, he gave no indication of seeing me and the meal was spent with much more conversation than the night before. He really did seem to be a good man despite his harsh exterior. But even that was growing on me.

Over the next few days I found him to be quite charming. Each day he would bring me a bouquet of fresh flowers from his garden. He worked in that garden about the same time every day. So every day, at that time, I would run a bath and watch him out the window while I read a book. It was sexy to watch work so diligently with the flowers that he would later give to me. Fantasies began to creep into my thoughts more and more until one day my fingers found their way between my legs. I just couldn’t stop imagining how big he must be.

That night I woke to the creak of my door. I blinked, trying to get my eyes to focus in the dim light. A blurry silhouette approached the edge of the bed.

“Who’s there?” I asked, sitting up.


A rumbling in his chest told me it was Prince Adam. My heart raced as he threw back the blankets. As he climbed onto the bed I opened my mouth to protest but no sound came out. Aggressively he tore the night dress from my body, tossing it aside. Fear set in quickly as he forced my legs apart and jerked my body towards him. With one hand he held my wrists together, pinning them above my head. I wanted him but not like this.

“Prince Adam,” I finally said, but was cut off as he placed his free hand over my mouth.


I felt him position himself at my entrance then in one quick thrust, he slammed his cock deep inside me. I screamed out, jolting myself awake and sitting up in bed covered in sweat.

“Ah. It was just a dream,” I said to myself, my heart still pounding.

I assured myself that he would never do such a thing to me. I think I knew him better than that. It was just a silly dream. Calming down, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

Several more days went by and we went about our normal routine. He tended to his garden and I watched him from the window, forgetting all about my bad dream. Then one day I was drawing my bath and noticed Prince Adam was not in his garden. I thought nothing of it and decided to just relax and read my book instead. A few minutes later I heard the door open.

“I’m fine. I don’t need anything,” I said, not even turning around, assuming it to be Sampson.

“Do you mind if I sit with you,” Prince Adam’s gruff voice said.

I turned my head to see the prince standing in a towel. I quickly turned my head back, though I really didn’t want to.

“Please do,” I said, checking to see if I was still covered by the bubbles.

I flicked my eyes over to him as he turned on the water. Being in such an intimate situation made my heart pound in my chest with excitement. I heard the towel drop to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him step into the tub next to me. His huge cock dangling between his legs, even larger than I had imagined it. As he sank into the water, his thick, strong arms came to rest on the edge of the tub. His fingers hung into my tub, brushing through the bubbles.

“Spectacular view, isn’t it?” he asked.

“Yes it is,” I replied, though I wasn’t talking about the same view.

He laid his head back and sighed. His fingers continued to lightly flick through the bubbles as we chatted. As I watched his hand I thought about how I had really enjoyed his company as of late and I was truly beginning to develop feelings for him. My hand crept slowly up the side of the tub until my fingers touched his. Before long I was leaning on the edge of the tub stroking the top of his hand. He seemed a little tense but remained reclined, with his eyes closed, as we continued to talk. I leaned forward enough to see into the water. Slowly, I stroked further up his arm. My eyes glanced back and forth from his face to his stiffening rod.

“I haven’t felt a woman's touch in so long,” he said, looking into my eyes.

“That’s a shame,” I said, squeezing his thick arm. “They have been missing out.”

His eyes widened, surprised at my remark. Then they began to glow and became filled with lust. He leaned closer to me looking at my lips, then back into my eyes. I couldn’t wait any longer and closed the gap between us, pushing my lips into his. It started out slow and sweet, then quickly turned hot and heavy. A low rumble sounded in his chest as our kiss intensified.

“Oh, Belle,” he said as he broke away from our kiss. Putting his hands under my arms, he lifted me effortlessly out of my tub and into his.

I squealed with surprise and delight as I sank into the water onto his lap where his hard-on awaited me. Would he even fit inside me?

“I’ve been dying for this moment,” he said, staring into my eyes.

“Me too,” I said leaning back into his soft lips.

I could feel his cock throbbing as I rocked my hip, pressing down hard against him. His tongue slipped into my mouth hungrily while he thrust himself up against my pussy. His massive hands held my waist, easily wrapping all the way around me. He squeezed and pushed me harder against himself. His immense strength was almost frightening. I felt so fragile in his hands but that fear was just making me hotter for him. He lifted me by my waist, his cock rubbing between my legs until the tip pressed against my opening.

“I will be gentle,” he promised, a softness in his voice.

Slowly he lowered me down, pushing me open further and further with every inch. He slowly lifted me up and down a few times, deeper with each stroke. How much more could I take? Finally I felt my ass come to rest on his legs. He held me there, fully inserted, as he began kissing my breasts.

“Oh, Prince Adam,” I moaned.

His hips began to thrust while he flicked my erect nipples with his tongue. Making me even hotter, he growled and began moving my body up and down his length. I moaned loudly, having never been filled so entirely. The pleasure quickly overwhelmed me as my entire body tensed up I began to come. My body spasmed and my walls clenched hard, forcing him to slow his pace.

Hot in more ways than one, I had to get out of the water. I turned around and rested against the front of the tub. Lifting my back out of the water and presenting my ass to him. Wasting no time, he positioned himself behind me and slid back inside. Holding my hips, he increased his pace, pounding inside me hard and deep. Trying to catch my breath, I clung to the tub but another orgasm surged through me, taking by breath away once more.

My Prince let out a roar that caught me by surprise. He plunged himself in deep. His cock twitched as he released his hot load. He grunted with each subsequent stroke and I could feel him continue to spurt his seed inside me. With a satisfied sigh he pulled his cock out, come dripping into the water below.

“Ah, Belle,” he said, breathless.

I looked over my shoulder grinning and gave him a wink. He laughed, still trying to catch his breath. Sliding back into the water, he rested his head on the back of the tub still smiling. I had never seen him so happy. Turning back around, I crawled back on top of him, laying my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly as we both recovered.

“Would you like to have dinner in my room tonight?” He asked.

“I think that is a great idea,” I replied, knowing that that meant he wanted more and I had no objection to more.

I picked out the most seductive dress I could find in the wardrobe and did up my hair and makeup. I was really starting to feel like a princess and I may have even found my prince charming.

When I arrived at his door he greeted me with fresh flowers from his garden and a deep lasting kiss. I noticed that he too had been preparing himself for the evening. His hair was trimmed down, he wore a nice suit and smelled good enough to eat. A large fur rug lay in front of the crackling fireplace where there were plates covered in silver domes and a bottle of wine sitting in ice.

“You look beautiful,” he said, his mouth hanging open.

“Thank you,” I said, shifting on my feet awkwardly.

“Shall we?” He said, motioning towards the fireplace, one hand on the small of my back.

I nodded, no doubt with a stupid grin on my face, as we walked over and sat on the rug. He poured the wine and removed the covers from the plates of fruits and cheese.

“To the most beautiful woman in the world. A woman who could have any man she desired but chose me, the beast that I am,” he said, holding up his glass.

“Aww. You’re so sweet,” I said as my cheeks flushed red. “And I don’t think you are a beast. I think you are a kind, handsome prince that any woman would be lucky to have.”

While we sipped our wine, he plucked a grape and lifted it up. I opened my mouth as he set it on my lips. I sucked it into my mouth with a pop, giving him a sexy grin as I chewed it slowly. As he fed me a few more I could see the bulge growing in his pants. Knowing that he was getting that aroused just by watching me eat grapes made me feel so sexy. I knew that many men had found me to be attractive but most thought me too odd to do more than look. By the look in his eyes and the bulge in his pants, I knew he wanted to do more than look.

“Aren’t you going to eat anything?” I asked coyly, spreading my legs apart.

That was all the invitation he needed. He put his hands on my legs, pushing my dress up as he slid them up onto my thighs. Gently, he pulled my panties off and pushed my legs open. He stared into my eyes until his face disappeared under my dress. I laid my head back and a shiver went down my spine as he licked my inner thighs. Slowly he worked his way up, teasing me relentlessly. His soft lips and warm tongue touching everything except my now dripping wet pussy. Finally his tongue grazed across my lips and I moaned in response. He chuckled and went back to kissing my inner thighs.

“Stop teasing me,” I laughed and grabbed him by the horns, forcing his mouth against my pussy.

He ran his tongue through my folds, his head bobbing as he lapped at it rhythmically. I released his horns and worked at loosening my dress while his tongue began to dance on my sweet spot. Pulling the top of my dress down far enough to expose my breast, I began rubbing them and pinching my nipples. He increased his pace, flicking the tip of his tongue on my sensitive clit.

“Oh! Fuck!” I screamed as he brought me to climax.

A low growl vibrated in his chest and I could feel it in my core. He stood up and tore off his shirt. His pants followed quickly thereafter while I stepped out of my dress. His huge cock sprang free and I got onto my knees as he stepped towards me. I took a hold of him with one hand and braced myself against his thigh with the other. Intimidated, I gently stroked him while I wondered how much of him I could get into my mouth. A glistening drop of precome dripped from his tip onto my tits. I licked the head of his cock, swirling my tongue around it, sizing it up. Peering up into his eyes, I opened my mouth wide and began inching him in.

“Ahh,” he groaned, brushing my hair behind my ear.

He was far too big to take completely in my mouth but he sure never complained. What I couldn’t fit in my mouth, I stroke with my hand. His massive hands wrapped around my head and followed with my movements but never forced himself in further. I could taste his pre-come, dripping onto my tongue and I wanted more. Quickly and rhythmically I stroked him, taking him as deep as I could.

“Belle… I’m gonna…” he groaned out, taking his hands off my head.

I couldn’t pull him out of my mouth. I didn’t want to. His cock jerked and I could taste his sweet seed as it poured into my mouth. I loosened the grip of my lips, allowing it to drip out onto my body as I slowed my strokes.

With a growl, he lifted me up and licked the come off my chest. It was unexpected but actually really turned me on. He continued to lick at my nipples as he carried me over and tossed me onto the bed. Crawling on top of me, he licked my pussy once, and continued up my body. Goosebumps covered my skin as he kissed below my ribs. I ran my hands through his hair as his lips reached my breasts again. His legs pushed against mine and I spread them wider, bringing them up around his waist. I felt his cock press between my legs, surprisingly already hard again. With one hand he reached down and rubbed himself through my wet folds several times before pushing himself inside me.

“Slowly,” I whispered, not accustomed to his size.

He slid himself out slightly, then back in, only taking a few strokes before getting fully inserted. Leaning in, he kissed me passionately while slowly pumping himself in and out. Lifting himself up, he caressed my face with his large hand before running his fingers through my hair. Gripping my hair, he pulled, making me arch my head back and he began to kiss my neck. His pace increased and, unable to control them, my moans began to match his pace. Holding me in place, his body slammed into mine hard and fast.

“Oh, yes. Don’t stop,” I screamed.

“You like it a little rough?” he whispered into my ear, never missing a beat.

“Mmm hmm,” I whimpered, as my eyes began to roll back from the orgasm that was taking hold of me.

He did as I requested and never let up as he carried me through yet another intense orgasm. His breathing began to get heavy with a growl growing deep in his chest. Just as I started to come again he let a long, low growl and could feel his warmth filling me. He slowed his pace and released my hair, pushing in and out of me slowly. With a long sigh, he pulled himself out, watching his cock fall out of me and the come that followed. As he watched, I began to hope he would go down on me again.

He looked into my eyes and smiled. I glanced down between my legs and back into his eyes suggestively. Again, he smiled, clearly knowing what I wanted without me having to say it. He moved down between my legs and I sat up on my elbows and stared at him intently. His tongue pushed though my folds slowly and I could see his seed leaking out of me into his mouth. My entire body shivered.

“If you keep that up I’m gonna come again,” I said panting.

“This?” he asked, licking me again.

“Mmm,” I moaned as he continued licking.

He licked me faster and faster as I laid back in the bed. Quickly, I found myself at climax again by his agile tongue.

Exhausted, I laid back and closed my eyes.

“That was amazing,” I whispered, unable to do anything else.

“Yes it was,” he whispered back, pulling a blanket over me, cuddled in close and held me in his arms the rest of the night.

The next morning I woke up and he laid next me, studying my face.

“Do you love me, Belle?”

“Yes. I do love you.” I replied. And I really meant it.

“I love you too,” he replied with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, it’s just that I had hoped that… since you love me, and I love you. Well, I hoped that my curse would be lifted,” he said, looking at his hands.

“Well I for one, don’t want you to change. I love you just the way you are.”

“Really?” He asked with a slight smile.

“I especially like this,” I said grabbing his cock. “I definitely don’t want this to change.”

“Oh yeah?” He said, raising his eyebrows.

I bit my lower lip and nodded my head as I felt him getting hard in my hand.

“Ready to go again?”


About the Creator

D.Von Parker

Stay at home parent trying to help support my family.

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