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Wisdom Check

A Character Attribute Tale

By Brendan McGlynnPublished 3 months ago 23 min read

Dive into a tale of wisdom inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, where characters come alive through six pivotal Attributes: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma.

A narrow, winding path beckons Miles into its depths. In the distance, an ancient, crumbling stone tower pierces the sky, its silhouette ominous against the fading light.

Gripping the hilt of his small sword, he gathers his resolve as he gazes into the forest and hears a faint whisper carried on the wind, a voice urging him to seek the tower. A sense of adventure stirs within him, and a tingle of magic seems to dance in the air.

Stealthily, he veers off the main path, but keeping it in sight. The forest around him is dense and alive with mysterious sounds. Twisted trees and thick underbrush conceal his presence, but they also make his progress slow.

As he moves quietly, the tower seems to grow in the distance, its ancient stones bathed in the last light of dusk. The forest air is thick with the scent of moss and damp earth, and every so often, he catches a glimpse of something moving in the corner of his eye – or perhaps it's just a trick of the light.

He stands completely still, blending into the forest's tapestry of shadows and twilight. His senses heightened, attuned to every rustle, every whisper of the wind.

As minutes stretch on, the subtle movements become more apparent. There's a gentle rustling not far from him, just beyond a thick bush. It's rhythmic, deliberate – not the random stir of the wind. Then, a low, guttural growl rumbles through the underbrush, too close for comfort.

The forest holds its breath. He realizes he’s not alone.

Sword in hand, he crouches low, muscles tensed and ready to react. The forest around him seems to echo with the sound of his heartbeat. The growl grows louder, and closer, accompanied by the sound of heavy, deliberate footsteps crunching through the underbrush.

Suddenly, a large, shadowy figure emerges from the foliage. Its eyes, reflecting the last light of dusk, fixes on him with a piercing gaze. It's a massive wolf, its fur matted and its breath visible in the cool air.

The wolf stands still for a moment, as if assessing Miles, then lowers its head in a threatening posture, a deep growl resonating in its chest.

In a bold move, Miles mimics the wolf's aggressive stance, lowering his head and issuing a deep, guttural growl. His eyes lock with the wolves, a silent battle of wills playing out in the dim light.

The wolf seems taken aback by Mile’s response. Its ears flick back momentarily, and it regards him with a newfound sense of curiosity and what might be respected. The growling ceases, and the wolf takes a step back, its posture relaxing slightly, though its eyes never leave his.

Miles steps back, mirroring the wolf's more relaxed posture, a silent understanding seems to pass between them.

“This is your forest, I’m the intruder, eh? We don’t want to fight, do we? We don’t want problems. I see you, you see me, that’s it.”

The tension in the air eases. The wolf's gaze, while still intense, no longer feels threatening. Instead, there's a sense of curiosity, as if it's trying to discern Mile’s intentions.

Mile’s carefully shrugs off his pack. The wolf watches wearily almost jumping at the action, but settles down as Miles pulls out a piece of dried meat from his pack, holding it out towards the wolf. The wolf watches him, its gaze fixed on the offering. Slowly, it steps forward, nostrils flaring as it sniffs the air. There's a sense of cautious curiosity in its approach.

With deliberate, measured movements, the wolf comes closer and gently takes the meat from your hand. Its eyes never leave yours, maintaining a connection that speaks of a burgeoning trust. After consuming the meat, the wolf sits back on its haunches, still close by, looking at you with what seems like a newfound recognition.

“That’s it, that’s it, big guy, I’m not so bad. We’ll go on our way, all’s good.”

Miles slowly sheaths his sword and turns toward the tower, as the wolf slinks back into the forest dark.

As Miles nears the tower, a faint light is visible through one of its windows, hinting at possible inhabitants or secrets waiting within.

As the sun sets, casting a golden hue over the landscape, Miles approaches the tower with caution. The tower, dark and foreboding against the twilight sky, stands as a silent sentinel of long-forgotten secrets. He uses the fading light to his advantage, staying out of direct sight of the window with its mysterious glow.

Miles circles the tower and notices the main entrance: a heavy wooden door, partially ajar. The stone walls are weathered, covered in creeping vines, and the air is filled with the scent of ancient stone and moss. He stealthily approaches the main door of the tower.

The tower is eerily quiet, but as he focuses, he begins to hear faint, distant sounds: the crackle of a fire, the murmur of a voice, perhaps even the clink of metal.

With a sense of resolve, Miles knocks on the ancient door of the tower.

The sound of his knock echoes through the quiet forest, breaking the silence of the dusk. He stands confidently, yet alert, as he waits for a response.

After a brief moment, he hears movement from the other side of the door. The sound of footsteps approaches, heavy and deliberate. The door creaks as it begins to open slowly, revealing a sliver of light from within.

The door opens wider, and a figure emerges from the dimly lit interior of the tower.

The person is cloaked, their features obscured in the shadowy light, adding an air of mystery to their presence. He pauses at the doorway, surveying Miles with a cautious yet curious gaze. "Well met, traveler. What brings you to this forgotten spire at such an hour?"

“I am a weary pilgrim, looking for knowledge. I heard about the existence of this tower from a Profit in Howwindale. He spoke such gibberish about the world, yet in his speech, there was a truth, a truth beyond current understanding, and he said he learned it here, at this Tower. I’ve traveled such a long way and I beg you, does the Profit Eillah speak the truth or does he mumble of nothing? I must know. “

After a moment of contemplation, the figure nods slowly. "You are welcome to find rest here, Once rested, perhaps, we will speak of Eillah, this tower has many secrets, but tonight, it shall offer you shelter."

He beckons Miles inside, where the interior reveals a rustic setting. Old tapestries hang from the walls, and candles flicker, casting dancing shadows. The air is filled with the scent of aged wood and a faint trace of herbs.

As he steps into the tower, the cloaked figure begins to lead him deeper inside, towards a space where he can rest.

In the warmth of the tower's interior, Miles shrugs off his pack and sets his sword by a small fire. He and the cloaked figure settle into comfortable chairs by the fireplace. The flames crackle and dance, casting a soothing glow over the room.

“Can we not speak of Eillah now?”

“He climbs to be a prophet, does he?” The figure chuckled.

“Others call him that, Prophet or Madman.”

“Or perhaps a touch of both? Best we keep our talk of Prophets and Madmen for the clear light of morning, instead, let us talk of you and me. Who are we, and how do we come to this tower? We’ll trade stories, for tales have a way of unraveling the threads of mystery that bind us. We will know each other before sleep separates as strangers once more.”

As the night deepens, they both take turns sharing tales. The stories range from mundane to magical, each one adding layers to their understanding of each other. The figure's tales are filled with hints of ancient magic, distant lands, and encounters with creatures both wondrous and fearsome.

As the fire crackles in the hearth, Miles shares the stories of his homeland and the path that led him to become an adventurer. He speaks of the landscapes he’s traversed, the people he’s met, and the lessons he’s learned along the way. His motto, "Never judge a book by its cover," resonates through your tales, illustrating his belief in the potential for goodness and wonder in the unexpected.

The cloaked figure listens with rapt attention, nodding and smiling at his anecdotes. The warmth of the fire and the comfort of shared stories bring a sense of camaraderie to the room. Around them are artifacts and books that hint at a life rich with adventure and mysticism, much like the stories they share.

Then after offering a small meal of bread and cheese, the figure leaves Miles to rest but warns him in dreadful tones, stay in this room until morning light, there are mysteries beyond this room that may twist you into a madman rather than reward you with prophecy.

The temptation of exploration is truly great, but Miles, weary from his trip, finds sleep needed while deep down, he knows, he will achieve what he came for in good time.

As the first light of dawn begins to filter through the window, Miles asks the cloaked figure about the tower and the secrets it may hold. The figure pauses, gazing into the dying embers of the fireplace as if deciding how much to reveal.

After a moment, he speaks, "This tower is old, older than the forests that surround it. It was built by a forgotten civilization, one that knew secrets of the world that are now lost to time." His voice takes on a reverent tone. "The tower was a nexus of magical studies: alchemy, astrology, and deeper arts that few today even know exist."

He stands and walks over to a bookshelf, running his fingers over the spines of ancient tomes. "Many seek the tower for its rumored treasures and lost knowledge. But the true secret," he turns to Miles, a glint of something profound in their eyes, "is not in what the tower holds, but in what it awakens within those who are drawn to it."

For Eillah, it was madness for he hadn’t the wisdom to fully grasp the power. His need for things outside himself lead him to ruin. He could not heal his sorrow, nor find comfort in the world. He left, mad, I could only wish him better.

The cloaked figure suggests that the tower may hold more for Miles, perhaps a path to uncovering abilities or knowledge he didn't know he possessed.

As morning light illuminates the ancient corridors, the cloaked figure leads Miles on a journey through the tower. His first stop is a grand library, its shelves laden with ancient books and mysterious artifacts. Rays of light stream through high windows, casting an ethereal glow on the dust motes that dance in the air.

The figure points out various items of interest: tomes written in forgotten languages, celestial charts mapping unknown stars, and curious devices whose purposes are as intriguing as they are obscure. He explains the significance of each, weaving a tapestry of knowledge that spans the mundane and the mystical.

As Miles delves deeper into the tower, each room reveals new wonders. A laboratory filled with alchemical instruments, a chamber with a large, intricate astrolabe, and a sealed vault that, according to his guide, contains artifacts too powerful or dangerous to be disturbed.

Throughout the tour, the cloaked figure shares insights into the deeper understandings of the world, touching on topics of ancient wisdom, the nature of magic, and the interconnectedness of all things.

This exploration is not just a physical journey through the tower but also a voyage into the realms of knowledge and self-discovery. It becomes clear that this experience will leave a lasting impact on Miler’s path.

In the tower's library, surrounded by a wealth of knowledge and history, Miles expresses his interest and expertise in languages to the cloaked figure. Pointing to the ancient texts, he conveys his eagerness to help translate them. His offer lights up the figure's face with a blend of pleasure and intrigue.

He guides Miles to a particular shelf filled with mysterious manuscripts, some of which are so old that their covers are almost crumbling to the touch. "These texts," the figure explains, "are believed to hold information from the early days of the tower, possibly including secrets about its original purpose and the forgotten civilization that built it."

As Miles begins to work on the texts, he quickly becomes engrossed in the challenge. The languages are complex, a mixture of ancient dialects and arcane symbols. With each line you translate, snippets of the tower's past come to light - tales of magic, wisdom, and warnings of long-lost powers.

His collaboration with the cloaked figure turns into a deep dive into the mysteries of the tower. This work could potentially uncover groundbreaking information about the ancient world and the origins of magic itself.

Engrossed in the translation process, Mile’s curiosity about the locked room in the tower grows. He begins searching the library for any books or scrolls that might reference the contents of the sealed vault. His hands move over various tomes, some so old that their bindings creak in protest.

The cloaked figure watches with a blend of interest and caution, perhaps contemplating whether to disclose more about that enigmatic room. As he sifts through the materials, Miles comes across a few references that hint at the nature of the vault. These passages speak of powerful artifacts, ancient relics, and items of profound magical significance. The texts are cautious in tone, often warning of the dangers associated with such powerful objects.

One particular manuscript catches his attention. It's a journal, seemingly belonging to a previous guardian of the tower, detailing their experiences and studies. Within its pages, he finds veiled references to the vault, suggesting that it contains items that were either too dangerous or too sacred to be used lightly.

The information is tantalizing but incomplete, leaving room for both wonder and caution..

In the library, surrounded by the wisdom of ages, Miles turns to the cloaked figure and asks for their name. The question hangs in the air, filled with a sense of expectation and respect. The figure pauses, his expression thoughtful, as if weighing the significance of revealing his identity.

After a moment of contemplation, the figure responds, "I am known as Elandor. This tower has been my charge for many years, a guardianship passed down through generations." Elandor's voice carries a hint of pride mixed with the weight of responsibility.

Knowing Elandor's name adds a new dimension to his understanding of this mysterious figure and the tower itself. It's a name that seems to resonate with the ancient stones around he, as if it were a key part of the tower's long history.

In the tower's alchemical laboratory, Miles finds Elandor surrounded by a fascinating array of instruments and bubbling potions. The room is alive with the energy of ongoing experiments, illuminated by the soft glow of enchanted lights.

Curious, Miles asks Elandor about his current work. He turns to you, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "I am attempting to rediscover ancient alchemical processes, ones that were known to the creators of this tower," he explains. "My latest project involves the synthesis of a rare elixir that is said to enhance one's understanding of the natural world, allowing deeper communion with the elements."

Elandor shows Miles a small, carefully sealed vial containing a shimmering liquid. "This elixir is incomplete, though. It requires a component that has been lost to time. I believe the secret to its creation may be hidden somewhere within the tower's archives."

In the tower's vast library, Miles and Elandor embark on a quest to find references to the missing ingredient for the elixir. Together, they delve into ancient books and scrolls, some so rare they might be the last of their kind in the world.

The shelves around Miles are a treasure trove of knowledge, holding secrets from civilizations long past. As they search, Elandor shares his insights on alchemical symbols and formulas, guiding him through complex and often cryptic texts.

Hours pass as they both become deeply engrossed in the search. Their collaboration is a blend of learning and discovery, with each page turned to bring new possibilities. Slowly, pieces of the puzzle begin to come together, leading them closer to identifying the elusive ingredient.

Their combined efforts are a testament to the power of shared knowledge and determination. The solution to the ancient alchemical mystery seems within reach.

Miles concludes that the missing component is not a physical ingredient but the application of wisdom itself. With this in mind, they both approach the creation of the elixir uniquely, focusing on the intent and understanding behind each step.

As they mix and brew, their actions become more than just a mere following of a recipe; they turn into a ritual of imbuing the potion with wisdom and the commitment to use it responsibly. Elandor, understanding the depth of Mile’s insight, works in harmony with his philosophy.

The atmosphere in the laboratory is serene yet charged with a sense of purpose. When the potion is finally complete, it emits a soft, magical glow – a testament to the unique process of its creation.

Elandor looks at Miles with newfound respect. "In all my years, I have never seen the likes of this. You have understood something fundamental about the nature of alchemy – that the true power lies not in the ingredients, but in the wisdom of their use."

With the potion ready, Miles prepares to test it on himself, keeping wisdom at the heart of his intentions. As he drinks the elixir, a warm sensation flows through him, and the world around you seems to come into sharper focus.

With newfound wisdom flowing through him, Miles approaches the forbidden room in the tower. The door, ancient and covered in mystical runes, seems to resonate with his heightened understanding. Standing before it, he feels a calm sense of purpose, unmarred by fear or prejudice.

As he reaches out, the door responds to his touch, slowly creaking open, as if recognizing his worthiness. Inside, the room reveals its long-guarded secrets. It's filled with artifacts of immense power and knowledge, each item radiating magical energy and history.

In the center of the room stands a pedestal holding an object that immediately draws his attention. It's an orb, glowing with an inner light, pulsating gently as if alive. Elandor, standing beside him, watches in awe. "This," he whispers, "is the Heart of the Tower, a source of ancient wisdom and power. It has been waiting for one who could truly understand its purpose."

Miles realizes that the wisdom he’s gained is just the beginning. The Heart of the Tower offers a deeper connection to the mysteries of the universe and the ancient civilization that built this place.

Embracing the profound realization that love is the true power needed to heal the land, Miles approaches the Heart of the Tower with a sense of purpose. As he nears the glowing orb, his understanding of love as a transformative force deepens. He realizes that the strife and fear gripping the land can indeed be overcome by the strength of compassion, unity, and love.

He places his hands on the orb, feeling its warm energy. Images and emotions flood his mind – visions of the land in harmony, people united, and darkness being repelled by the collective strength of love and understanding.

Elandor watches in silent wonder as the orb's glow intensifies, its light spreading outwards, pulsating through the tower and beyond.

As the light fades, Miles feels a deep sense of peace. The Heart of the Tower has acknowledged his wisdom.

Miles steps back, knowing that his journey does not end here. The path to healing the world with love is long and challenging, but he will now need to be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change.

Elandor turns to Miles, gratitude and respect in his eyes. "You have done what many believed impossible. The journey ahead will need your strength and wisdom."

In the forbidden room, illuminated by the Heart of the Tower, Miles discovers artifacts of great power and purpose. Each item, while distinct in its ability, is connected by the central theme of love and its transformative power.

The Shepherd's Crook: Glowing with an aura of love, this enchanted item symbolizes guidance and care. It serves as a reminder of the responsibility to lead with kindness and compassion.

The Feather of Truth: This feather grants the bearer the ability to speak and hear the truth. It encourages honest communication and understanding, essential elements in building trust and fostering love.

The Cloak of Protection and Mercy: Woven from a special cloth, this cloak not only protects the wearer but also inspires mercy and forbearance in adversaries. It represents the power of empathy and the ability to see beyond conflict to the heart of common humanity.

Elandor looks at you, a mix of admiration and concern in his eyes. "These artifacts hold immense power, but as you rightly said, they must be wielded with wisdom. In the wrong hands, they could lead to unintended consequences."

“I will set aside my sword, for weapons are the tools of fear hate, and violence, and instead I will carry the crook for love is the only weapon I need.”

“I remove all my armor, and wear instead the cloak, for armor is the tool of fear and violence and where I go I will not need it.”

“This feather, I tuck behind my ear, so I can hear and speak the truth of experiences.”

Turning he notices one final artifact, a wooden ring, the ring of generosity, “I will wear this ring and set aside all good and treasure and live a life of poverty as the ring inspired generosity and charity in all dealings.”

In a moment of profound transformation, Miles sets aside his sword and armor, symbols of conflict and defense, and embraces the artifacts of love and wisdom. The Shepherd's Crook in his hand, the Feather of Truth behind his ear, and the Cloak of Protection and Mercy draped over his shoulders mark a new chapter in his journey.

As he places the Ring of Generosity on his finger, and he feels a surge of selfless spirit. This simple wooden ring, unassuming yet powerful, inspires a sense of giving and kindness in his heart. Miles realizes that true wealth lies not in gold or treasures but in acts of generosity and compassion.

With these artifacts, he is no longer just a traveler; he is a beacon of hope and change. Elandor watches him with a mixture of respect and hope. "With your new resolve and these artifacts," he says, "you have the power to heal not just the land but the hearts of its people. Your journey will inspire many."

As Miles steps out of the tower, he feels a deep connection to the world around him. The path ahead is clear – one of healing, teaching, and spreading love. His actions, guided by the wisdom and power of the artifacts, will sow seeds of change across the land.

In a vibrant village square, Mile’s journey as a teacher begins. He stands, a figure of peace and wisdom, with the Shepherd's Crook and the Cloak of Protection and Mercy. His presence draws the attention of villagers, young and old, who gather around, intrigued by his unique appearance and the aura of calm understanding he exudes.

Miles speaks to them of love, wisdom, and the power of generosity. His words, simple yet profound, touch the hearts of his listeners. Among the crowd, he sees eyes lighting up with curiosity and minds opening to the possibilities he describes.

As Miles shares his knowledge and insights, it becomes clear that some among the gathering are eager to learn more, to delve deeper into the teachings you bring. These individuals, his first students, are the seeds of the change he wishes to see in the world.

With each lesson, Miles nurtures their understanding and guides them on the path to becoming teachers themselves. The knowledge and wisdom he imparts are not just lessons but sparks that will ignite a chain reaction of teaching and learning, spreading far beyond this village.

Guided by the wisdom of the Shepherd's Crook, Miles leads his followers on a journey of enlightenment and transformation. He travels through diverse landscapes, encountering people from all walks of life. In each encounter, he embodies the principles of love, truth, and generosity, teaching by example.

As he meets those who are armed, his presence and words of compassion disarm them, not by force, but by awakening a realization of the futility of violence and the power of peace.

When he encounters deceit, the Feather of Truth behind his ear guides him. He reveals truths in a way that enlightens, not shames, encouraging honesty and openness.

In the presence of the greedy, the Ring of Generosity on his finger inspires acts of kindness and sharing. It challenges the notion of wealth and success, showing that true prosperity comes from generosity of spirit.

Mile’s followers witness these transformations, learning invaluable lessons. They see firsthand how kindness can quell conflict, truth can overcome deceit, and generosity can transform greed. His journey becomes a living testament to the potential for goodness and change in the world.

As his teachings spread, more people join your cause, drawn by the message of hope and transformation he brings. His journey becomes a movement, one that has the potential to reshape the world.

In a peaceful clearing, a moment of profound clarity and enlightenment unfolds. Miles gathers his followers and reveals the true nature of the artifacts: the Shepherd's Crook, the Cloak, the Ring, and the Feather. As he sets them down, showing them to be mere ordinary objects – a simple branch, a piece of cloth, a plain feather, and a basic ring – a wave of realization sweeps through his followers.

The air is filled with a sense of awe and understanding. Mile’s followers see that the changes they witnessed, the acts of kindness, truth, and compassion, came not from the artifacts but from within him – and by extension, within themselves. The true power lies in the actions and choices of each individual, guided by wisdom, generosity, truth, and mercy.

This revelation is the most powerful lesson of all. It empowers his followers to recognize their own potential to enact positive change in the world. They understand that the capacity for love and transformation does not require magic or artifacts, but resides in the heart and spirit of every individual.

As they absorb this final lesson, his followers are inspired to continue the journey themselves, spreading the message of inner strength and the power of personal virtues. They leave the clearing transformed, ready to be beacons of change in their own right.

His journey as a teacher culminates in this moment of collective enlightenment.

As Miles makes his way back to the tower, the journey behind him feels like both an epic voyage and a profound personal journey. He returns to a place that has become a home, where Elandor awaits.

In the tower, amidst the ancient knowledge and the quiet comfort of friendship, he shares stories of his adventures and the lessons learned. Each tale is a testament to the power of love, wisdom, and change. The world outside the tower's walls is evolving, touched by the teachings he spread.

As he settles in, the tower becomes more than just a structure of stone and magic; it's a beacon of hope in a world that's growing brighter. His journey has come full circle, but the story he’s started continues in the hearts and actions of those he’s taught.

Miles looks out at the horizon from the tower's highest room. The world is changing, and he’s played a pivotal part in that transformation.

And so his story concludes, but the legacy of his journey will resonate far and wide.

The End.

Short StoryFantasy

About the Creator

Brendan McGlynn

3-2-1, liftoff! Major Rick felt the g-force as his rocket lost control. Ricky tossed his plastic toy in the air and caught it just in time.

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