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Will it last?

God are you there

By Rhea Cathleen De GuzmanPublished 13 days ago 5 min read
Will it last?
Photo by Wynand van Poortvliet on Unsplash

In the realm of the heavens, where clouds drifted like soft pillows and golden light bathed everything in a warm glow, there lived a powerful being known as God. He was the creator of all things, from the vast galaxies to the tiniest blade of grass. But despite his immense power, God was also a being of great compassion and love.

One day, as he looked down upon the world he had created, God's gaze fell upon a humble couple who lived in a small village at the edge of a forest. Their names were Elara and Theron, and they were deeply in love. However, their lives were filled with suffering and hardship. The crops failed year after year, sickness ravaged their village, and war loomed on the horizon.

But through it all, Elara and Theron never lost faith in God. They believed that he had a plan for them, even if they could not see it at that moment. They prayed every night for guidance and strength to endure their trials.

One fateful night, as Elara lay awake with worry gnawing at her heart, she felt a presence in the room. A warm light filled the space, and before her stood God himself. His eyes were kind and gentle as he spoke to her.

My children," he said softly, "I have heard your prayers and seen your struggles. Know that I am always with you, guiding you through the darkness."

ELara's heart swelled with gratitude as she knelt before him in awe. Theron joined her by her side, his eyes shining with tears of joy.

rom that day on, miracles began to happen in their village. The crops flourished abundantly, sickness receded like morning mist before the sun's rays, and peace settled over the land.

hrough it all, Elara and Theron remained steadfast in their faith in God's plan for them. They knew that no matter what trials came their way, they would face them together with unwavering trust in their Creator.

And so it was that Elara and Theron's love endured through hardship and suffering because they knew that God walked beside them every step of the way - guiding them towards a future filled with hope and blessings beyond measure.

Chapter 2:

As the days passed in the village of Elara and Theron, whispers began to spread among the people. They spoke of the miraculous events that had transpired since God's visitation to the humble couple. Some believed it to be mere coincidence, while others saw it as a sign of divine intervention.

Elara and Theron found themselves at the center of attention, their faith and love shining like beacons in the darkness that had once clouded their lives. But with this newfound attention came challenges they had not anticipated.

Jealousy reared its ugly head in the form of a neighboring village chief who coveted Elara's beauty and Theron's strength. He saw them as symbols of power bestowed by God himself, and he desired that power for himself.

One fateful night, as Elara and Theron slept peacefully in each other's arms, a band of warriors from the neighboring village descended upon them. The sound of clashing swords echoed through the night as Elara and Theron fought valiantly to defend their home.

In their darkest hour, when all seemed lost, a blinding light filled the sky above them. God appeared once again, his presence radiating with power and majesty. With a wave of his hand, he banished their attackers into oblivion.

"My children," he said solemnly, "fear not for I am with you always."

Elara and Theron fell to their knees in gratitude, tears streaming down their faces. They knew then that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together with unwavering faith in God's plan for them.

And so it was that Elara and Theron's love endured even amidst chaos and strife because they knew that God watched over them from above - guiding them towards a future filled with purpose and destiny beyond imagination.

As dawn broke over the horizon, casting golden rays upon the village where clouds drifted like soft pillows in the realm of heavens above, Elara and Theron stood hand in hand - ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead on their journey through life together.

Chapter 3: The Trials of Faith

As the sun rose over the village of Elara and Theron, a sense of peace washed over the land. The events of the previous night had left a mark on everyone, reminding them of the power that resided within their midst.

Elara and Theron stood at the edge of their village, looking out at the vast expanse before them. They knew that despite God's intervention, challenges still lay ahead. The neighboring village chief's jealousy had not been quelled by one miraculous display of power.

"We must be prepared for whatever comes our way," Elara said, her voice filled with determination.

Theron nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the unwavering strength that had always guided him. Together, they set out to fortify their defenses and rally their fellow villagers against any potential threats.

Days turned into weeks as tensions simmered between the two villages. The neighboring chief continued to plot against Elara and Theron, seeking to undermine their newfound influence and power. But every attempt was met with fierce resistance from the couple and their loyal followers.

One evening, as darkness descended upon the land once more, a shadowy figure crept towards Elara and Theron's home. Unbeknownst to them, danger lurked in the shadows, waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

Just as all seemed calm and peaceful, a sudden commotion erupted outside their doorstep. Elara and Theron rushed outside to find themselves surrounded by cloaked figures bearing weapons of war.

"Enough!" boomed a voice from amidst the shadows. The figure stepped forward into the light, revealing himself to be none other than the neighboring village chief.

"You may have God on your side," he sneered, "but I have power beyond your wildest dreams."

With those words, he unleashed a dark magic that sent shockwaves through Elara and Theron's defenses. Their resolve wavered as they struggled against forces they could not comprehend.

In that moment of uncertainty and fear, Elara reached deep within herself - drawing upon her faith in God and love for Theron. With a strength she never knew she possessed, she pushed back against the darkness threatening to consume them all.

Theron stood by her side, his unwavering loyalty serving as a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos. Together, they fought back against the malevolent forces arrayed against them - determined to protect not only themselves but also their village from destruction.

As dawn broke once more over Elara and Theron's home, they emerged victorious - having overcome yet another trial of faith with courage and resilience. And though challenges still loomed on the horizon,

they knew that as long as they stood together - united in love and devotion - nothing could break their bond or extinguish

the light that shone within their hearts forevermore.

Short Story

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Comments (1)

  • Margaret Brennan13 days ago

    True Love always finds a way. This was truly magnificent.

RCDGWritten by Rhea Cathleen De Guzman

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