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Whispers of Life

Interactions and Reflections

By Rashel KhanPublished 11 months ago 4 min read


At 1.00 AM, during a conversation with his girlfriend, Anika, Rafi said,

--  can you send me a nude video?

Upon hearing Rafi's words, Anika remained silent for a while and then responded,

Are you starting this topic again? That's why I don't want to talk to you at night. You know very well that I'm not comfortable with such things. Why do you keep insisting?

Seeing Anika's reaction, Rafi showed a hint of anger and said,

-- My friend dates his girlfriend every week. Have I ever asked you to go on a date with me? I just asked for a nude video, why are you so offended?

At this moment, Anika couldn't figure out what to do. Because Anika loves Rafi intensely.

Seeing Anika's hesitation, Rafi said,

-- Just tell me honestly, do you trust me or not?

Anika lowered her gaze and said,I do. I trust you a lot.

Rafi kept insisting repeatedly,

-- Then please send me a video. Promise, I'll delete it after watching once.

Upon Rafi's persistent requests, Anika finally said,Okay, I'll send it. But I'm recording it in the bathroom, as if someone sees me in the room, my mom will wake up.

Seeing Anika's response, Rafi then said,

-- Then go to the washroom and make the video.

Surprised, Anika replied,If I take my phone to the washroom, someone might notice!

-- If someone sees, just say you forgot it and went to the bathroom. Otherwise, they'll catch you making up some false excuse.

20 minutes later, Rafi received a 3-minute video from Anika in his inbox. As soon as he opened the video, Anika's nude body appeared in front of Rafi's eyes. After seeing the revealing parts of Anika's body, Rafi left his phone and went to the washroom. When he reached the front of the washroom, he saw Anika's little sister holding a phone and coming out of the washroom. Seeing Rafi, his sister was shocked and then teasingly said,

~ "Actually, brother, I forgot to take my phone to the washroom!"

Without saying anything to his sister, Rafi silently went to his room. He had several marks on his forehead. Suddenly he heard someone whispering in his ear,

"What! Aren't you feeling scared? What you taught to someone else's sister, she's teaching the same thing to yours. Just as you were satisfied seeing someone else's sister's body, you are getting satisfaction the same way from someone else's sister. Remember, our life is like a circular disc. Wherever you start, you'll end up there."


At this moment, the couple Arif Ahmed and Lamia are sitting in front of Doctor Rehana Islam. Lamia has been trying to conceive for 1 year but hasn't succeeded yet. Looking at the reports, Doctor Rehana Islam raises an eyebrow and says,

~ Are there any reasons for you to have had an abortion?

Upon hearing these words from the doctor, Lamia and Arif look at each other for a moment, then Lamia says,

Yes, I had one 4 years ago.

Doctor Rehana Islam takes a deep breath and says,

~ It might sound harsh, but it's true that you won't be able to be a mother. It's because of the abortion that this has happened...

Seeing Lamia looking down, Arif speaks in an unclear voice,What should I do now?

Seeing Arif's reaction, Doctor Rehana Islam turns to Lamia and says,

~ If you want, you can stay with my husband. And if you feel you can't have a child with me, I'll send a divorce letter. You just need to sign it.

After hearing this, Doctor Rehana Islam leaves. Someone whispers in Lamia's ear,What! Aren't you crying? Remember what happened before? You're not happy, even though your career is shining. Your position in your job is high. But you're not satisfied today! Because a woman's selfishness lies in motherhood, which you destroyed with your own hands. Remember, the world follows the rules of nature, but this is a misconception. Nature's rules are very simple. Your future life depends on how your current actions are.


Arif Ahmed wipes the blood from his nose with a handkerchief and sits in front of a tea stall. The tea vendor is holding his 3-year-old son in his lap; the child is sitting on his knees, holding an orange.

Arif Ahmed is thinking, when you work so hard to turn a child into a human being, it's not possible to accept that child's bloodied hands as he's holding an orange. Arif Ahmed wipes his face with a handkerchief and returns to reality. The tea vendor asks,

Sir, do you need anything? Otherwise, I would've closed the shop.

Arif Ahmed responds,

-- It's already 11 AM now. Would you have closed the shop so early?

The tea vendor looks at Arif Ahmed and says,Sir, if you want, I can take my son to the doctor. Actually, last night, my father had a cough. I heard it when I was sleeping. I saw my father making him sleep on his bed and then threw him off the bed. Although my father didn't say anything about his illness after seeing the suffering of the son, I feel responsible as a parent.

Arif Ahmed says,

-- Now it's 11 AM. Would you have closed the shop now?

The tea vendor looks at Arif Ahmed and says,Sir, I want to take my father to the doctor. Actually, last night, when he was sleeping, I heard him cough. Although my father didn't say anything about his illness after seeing the suffering of the son, I feel responsible as a parent.

Arif Ahmed is still sitting there, and the tea vendor closes his shop and leaves. Suddenly, someone whispers in Arif's ear,What! Isn't it painful? Do you remember what happened earlier? When your son's hands were bleeding, did you remember? At that time, your father took him to the bed and made him sleep. Although he didn't say anything about his pain, you threw your father off the bed. Your father has no place in his bed, nor does he have a place in your house today. Remember, people may find the laws of nature mysterious, but it's not that complicated. The laws of nature are very simple. Your future life will depend on your actions today.

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    RKWritten by Rashel Khan

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