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Whiffs of Wonder

An Ode to Deodorant

By Jody RandallPublished 9 months ago 1 min read

Oh, noble guardian of the fragrance fair,

Your presence grants us confidence to bear,

In sweltering heat or in stress's cruel clutch,

Thou art a savior, we adore too much.

From dawn's first light, till twilight's gentle kiss,

You battle all odors, ne'er missing a miss.

A guardian shield, so valiant and strong,

Amidst the throng, your freshness prolong.

Your scent, a symphony of subtle grace,

Unfolds upon the skin, like a sweet embrace,

A fragrance that enchants each and every nose,

With whispers soft, like petals of a rose.

In crowded spaces, on bustling streets, You spread your charm.

Wherever mankind meets, you allow a sense of ease,

As we wander beneath the sun's blazing tease.

Oh, deodorant! Thy magic has no bound,

A potent potion that we have found,

to silence sweat's unwelcome decree,

And let us feel alive, forever free.

With gratitude, we sing thy praises high,

For thou art more than just a mere ally,

A true partner, that never leaves our side, in life's dance, together we abide.

Raise a toast to deodorant, for it is loved and cherished!

In gratitude, we honor its grace,

This wondrous potion that time can't erase.

With every spritz and every spray,

Confidence blooms, worries allay.

So, let this ode resound afar, otherwise we would all smell a bit bizarre,

And allow this harried human to hold you near their heart,

Oh my Deodorant may we never part.


About the Creator

Jody Randall

Author of 3 published novels, working on fourth. Oneironaut, Great Dane Lover, Laser designer, Vintage Business owner... I could go on, but if I did, you wouldn't be taking the time to scroll through my stories, so I shall stop here 4 now!

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