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When the earth died

visitors from another planet

By Crystal R WhitchurchPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
When the earth died
Photo by Denis Degioanni on Unsplash

Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. It all started when the earth began to die. Scientists noticed plants and animals were dying. They got together and compared notes to realize what was happening. Ideas were given, some tried and some thrown out. People started to panic when they noticed. The world leaders were trying all they could to find a solution.

Many tried all kinds of ways to save the earth only to be met with disappointment again and again. When all hope was lost then something unexpected happened. Contact was made.

It all started with a young girl who loved looking at the stars every night. Anna would stare for hours at a time through her telescope. She could name all of them, but one night while looking at Polaris she all of a sudden saw a ship.

Anna gasped and called out to her father. Steve came running to see what was wrong only to have Anna point at the telescope. When Steve looked he was in shock, there was a giant ship heading for earth.

Rushing back into the house Steve called his boss at Nasa and told them what his daughter had found. This was the start of a chaotic rush as people ran from one monitor to the next shouting out reports. A decision had to be made fast on whether they would send a signal.

Computers linked up to satellites to see if there was a clearer picture and the world leaders were called for all knew this might be the solution to save they're world.

Finally, a decision was made to send a signal asking for help. Everyone waited with bated breath to see if they would respond. Then after hours of stressful waiting, a signal was received. "Welcome," said a smooth female voice, "we have come to offer you a new home with us." The room breathed a sigh of relief before being filled with cheers and laughter, they were saved.

The world leaders sent out a message all around the world about the contact. Hundreds and thousands gathered watching and listening to what was said as their hearts beat fast. "People of the world, a new hope has found us. Visitors from another planet have come to take us to their home." "We ask you all to stay calm for soon we all will be leaving this world." The TV and radio stations kept repeating this message and the world cheered from all corners.

What no one knew was that not all was as it seemed for not all would be saved. That in the end only 1000 children would be chosen and taken without others knowing, for there was more than one ship. The ships landed without notice and started to collect healthy children under the age of 10 from all nations. By the time the scientist and leaders noticed it was too late.

The first ship they saw stayed longer and people started screaming out "Why!" "Why only a few and not all!" Then to the shock of all, a big screen turned on and everyone got a look at the alien for the first time.

The female had blue skin with green swirls. Her black hair went down to her lower back, but it was her face that made everyone feel uneasy. Her eyes were cold as their color; a steel gray, her teeth sharp as knives and a cruel smile on her black lips.

"You think we came here to save you?" she laughed. "We are only here to collect slaves, but I have a gift for you." Then the screen went black, all the people looked around afraid of what would happen next. To everyone's horror, big monsters with sharp horns came out of the ship roaring.

Screams were heard as people started to run in fear, but they were no match. In less than a week the planet that was dying no longer had life because the monsters killed everything in their path. As for the children that were taken, they're story has only just begun.


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Comments (1)

  • Jori T. Sheppard2 years ago

    Great story, you area a skilled writer. Had fun reading this story

CRWWritten by Crystal R Whitchurch

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