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When Music Comes Alive.

Discover the Transformative Power of Living Music.

By Ikenna EzedendePublished 11 months ago 3 min read
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In a world where music takes on a physical form, consider the strangeness of the existence of a being who never stops singing. Imagine this divine element touching the essence of every sound, rhythm, and harmony. The catchy music resonates with the most profound details of our being, weaving a beautiful tapestry of sound. The presence of such a being would undoubtedly have a deep and lasting effect, providing sweet new melodies for the ear, soothing relief for the heart, and consoling balm for the soul.

A Symphony of Emotions:

If music could express itself in a living form, it would certainly have emotion. While the human experience includes a wide range of emotions, this musical being would be able to stir and carry these emotions effortlessly. It would dance beautifully in the wind, evoking joy, love, and happiness, inspiring our emotions, and slowly lifting our spirits in times of sorrow and disappointment. It would gently embrace us with gentle harmonies, giving us comfort and understanding when words failed. Through Its presence, music would become a timeless companion, fueling our emotions and helping us navigate life’s complexities.

An Instrument of Unity:

When music comes alive, it crosses boundaries and breaks down bridges. It will not discriminate on the basis of language, culture, or background. Speaking directly to the heart of our shared humanity would go beyond these human constructs. Its incredible voice resonated with every soul, inspiring unity and bonding among all who listened. By harmonizing the language of music, it will create a tapestry for our collective experiences, reminding us that we are the same rather than different. In a world often troubled by divisions, this live music would be a catalyst for understanding, compassion, and unity.

The Gateway to Creativity:

With strong, obvious music, it would be an endless source of creativity. Its mere presence will inspire musicians, singers, and musicians to reach their innermost depths and explore uncharted territories of self-expression and creativity. Artists of all kinds will take in the infinite possibilities that music brings about, embracing its transformative power to shape and tell the story It beckoned to experiment with incredible sounds and push the boundaries of the human imagination forever.

A Journey of Personal Growth:

If music is a living being, it would not be limited to entertainment; It would be for personal growth and self-discovery. Its heavenly music would accompany us on our journey through life, encourage introspection, and guide us to our true nature. Through its encounters, we would find comfort, healing, and the courage to face our fears. If music is a living being, it would become a companion that mines hidden passions; burns dormant dreams, and reminds us of the beauty of life. It would live within us and inspire us to embrace vulnerability, take risks, and find our own unique voice in the music of life in a delicious way.


When music is alive, it becomes more than just an art form. It is a source of inspiration, a catalyst for change, and a testament to the infinite power of the human spirit. The transformative power of desire is revealed in this reflection on the world in which music breathes and lives within us. If music is alive it will always provide mankind with a source of inspiration, harmony, and personal growth. It will be a constant reminder of the great beauty of the human experience and a timeless testament to the power of art to transcend the limits of language, culture and time. So we embrace music in its vibrant form, which can stir our souls, heal our hearts,and guide us on a unique journey of self-discovery and shared humanity.

Fan FictionFantasy

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