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Wheels of Stars

The infernal train

By E.L.MPublished 2 years ago 16 min read
Wheels of Stars
Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

I rush to the door, my arms loaded with silly mementos that I find myself even now unable to part with. His raised voice reaches my ears as I move out of the house and give one last look over my shoulder. He stands there with his hair dripping wet and a look of pure fury marring his face, his words unintelligible as I run down the stairs and throw my armful into the open window of my waiting Malibu. He reaches the top stair as I get to the driver's side and rip the door open, tears blurring my vision as I get in and crank the car. I throw it into drive, pulling into the empty street as a blow lands on the trunk making me jump. I look in the rear-view mirror, to see him standing there seething, my whole body shaking with adrenaline. A loud screech and the sound of a horn are followed by everything spinning. Pain ricochets through my head as everything goes black, and I hear the echoing of his heartless laughter.

I jolt into consciousness, the air is cool against my damp skin and my eyes open to pitch black as I look around, trying to remember where I am. The nightmare lingers for a moment as I sway slightly with the world around me and sit up slowly, blindly reaching for my pack. My hand reaches through air instead of finding a bedside table but surely, I wouldn’t have gone to sleep without it being in reach; at this point I have accepted that I am a chain smoker and it isn’t likely to change anytime soon. The world sways again as I give up on that and instead begin to search for my phone, if I could just use the flashlight this would all be so much easier. It’s impossible to imagine that I would have fallen asleep without either but as I continue to come up with nothing, I have to admit defeat and stand up to try and find a light switch. The grogginess clings to my brain as I stumble my way towards a wall.  Strangely I still have my shoes but as my foot hits something I find myself grateful for that small reprieve. My hand hits a wall and I walk myself along it only to find a strange handle instead of a light switch. Pulling on it, I discover that the door doesn’t swing like a normal one and instead it needs to slide. With a bit of effort in my half-awake state, I get it open only to find myself looking out into a dimly lit narrow hallway. A gasp escapes me at finding dark windows lining the wall across from me. I look back over my shoulder in confusion as the hallway light illuminates a small cabin behind me.

I sway with my environment again, looking wildly around me as I try to recall how I could have ended up on a train. Using the light from the hall I move back into the cabin and find a lamp beside a curtained window. Switching it on I observe the small bench I must have been sleeping on, the color a dark burgundy that matches the curtain covering the window. After searching the cabin and finding nothing of mine, I check my person for a ticket or anything that might give me a clue. Turning up with nothing I try to take a deep calming breath, inhaling a staleness in the air around me that only causes more questions. I move the curtain aside while trying to recall what I was doing the day before. The dark sky slowly starts taking on a deep gray that allows for the outline of what must be trees to be seen. My mind refuses to cooperate as I come up with nothing. The memories of my life feeling more like a dream than this strange reality around me. Unable to stay still any longer, I move back to the hallway looking up and down it; to the right is a dead end but to the left another door waits.

 I have an internal war with myself about whether or not I want to run into a porter asking for a ticket or something. Having never ridden on a train before I have no idea what the protocol for this type of thing is. Surely, they would be able to help me figure out what is going on. Deciding that it’s better to do something proactive regardless, I begin moving down the hallway towards the door at the end. The quiet of everything is disconcerting, the only sounds being the quiet creaks when everything sways. I move quickly past two more doors on my left and pull the connecting door open as I reach it. On the other side is what appears to be a dining room with a bar set off to the right side. No food has been laid out and the place is void of any life. I reach up and pinch myself hard, finding the dull pain as an answer to my state of wakefulness. A small frown pulls at my mouth as the rising sun gives the room a strange cheeriness that is in stark contrast to my current state of mind. Dark polished wood makes up the bar, dining booths and benches, and borders the ceiling above the windows on both sides. The carpet is burgundy, inlaid with gold designs, that matches the cushions on the benches and stools at the bar.

I stand in the middle of the room for a moment, my confusion feeding into determination to figure out what is going on. On the other side there stands another door and just as I am about to make my way to it, I hear movement behind me. Turning quickly, I see a woman move into the car. Her dark hair is styled into an updo, and the dress she wears seems more fitting for a ballroom setting. The relief on her face must be a mirror of my own as I move back towards her. “Ah, finally!” she says as she waves me over to her, “I thought I was going to have to search the whole train to find someone.” She sniffs lightly and I open my mouth to ask her where the train is heading but she cuts me off to continue. “Now if we could get some breakfast in cabin six that would be lovely. Also, it’s not very professional to make your passengers come and track you down, you know.” I give her a look of disbelief while she turns and makes her way back through the door with me on her tail. “Excuse me? Um, I’m sorry, no I don’t work here and if you could just tell me where this train is going, I would really appreciate it.” I say trying not to let her behavior get under my skin. She stops and turns back to me, looking me up and down before tittering off a laugh. “Oh gracious, I apologize. I just assumed, what with your attire and all.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and suddenly realize I don’t have my glasses on, pushing the thought aside I shake my head and try again. “Do you know where this train is headed?” I try to keep the irritation out of my voice and apparently fail as she rolls her eyes in response. “I don’t keep up with such things. That’s what my Hughie is for, he must be going to figure out breakfast anyway.” she says with a huff before going back into her room and closing the door in my face. I stand there for a moment and collect myself, debating on if I should knock and try to talk to her again. Figuring it probably wouldn’t do any good as she had no answers anyway, I return to my mission and head back to the dining car.

Through the door on the other side is a car with seats lined up with views out of the windows on both sides. The scenery outside catches my attention as the morning sun bathes the world in burnt orange and a body of water glints brightly on either side. Yet again not another soul occupies the space. Through the door on the other side of this car there are doors lined up much like the ones I found myself sleeping in. The second door opens as I stand there in limbo, and a vaguely familiar looking man steps out looking both ways. I think it must be something about his eyes that tugs on me, as though I have seen their bright blue somewhere before. He nods to me before stepping around and making his way through the car I just came from. I turn and follow him in curiosity as he seems to know right where he is going. Staying quite a few steps behind, I watch as he looks from side to side at the empty chairs before shaking his head and moving through the next door. I enter the room behind him, noting there is still no staff or breakfast set out, and watch as he sits at one of the tables. Pushing aside the unsettling feeling of familiarity I walk up to him hesitantly. “Excuse me, sir?” I say softly, finding my voice much meeker than I had meant for it to be. “Hmm?” he replies, staring out the window as the early sun reveals a snow-covered landscape that makes me gasp in surprise. Snow!? Even in the coldest months I have never seen snow. This time my voice comes out a little panicky, “I’m sorry, do you know where we are heading?” He turns his attention to me with a small look of concern and shakes his head slightly. “I am waiting for my companion to return with the tickets so I may find out for myself.” he says with a slow smile before turning to look back out with a soft sigh. “I imagine he wanted to surprise me with a trip to the mountains at last. He has been promising for months.”

My mind reels as I back up slowly, I move to the bar and take a seat there staring at the man before looking to the door where just beyond are the cabins me and Ms. Snob came out of. It has to be a coincidence, right? I ask myself in confusion as I try to take it all in. Even still, how likely is it that two people on the same train are waiting for someone with an answer to appear? I get up and look behind the bar after a couple of minutes, it may be early but honestly, I could care less right now. Before I get around to see what is in stock the door opens from the side the man came from and another man steps in. Dressed in a nice suit, his dark hair slicked back, his eyes scan over the room before nodding slightly to no one in particular. He finds a seat at one of the dining tables and looks out the window as the scenery passes by, mountains rising in the distance. “Hello.” I say to get his attention, relieved to find my voice is calmer and stronger now. His almost golden eyes turn to me with a small smile, “Yes?”, he asks politely. “Do you happen to know where we are heading?” I ask with a polite smile of my own. He frowns slightly, a v forming between his eyes as he looks at me, “Don’t you know?” he asks with amusement in his voice before looking away as the door from my end opens. The haughty woman from earlier waltzes in and looks around, her eyes landing on me, “Have you seen my Hughie?” she asks as though we are old friends, ignoring the other passengers that have appeared. I turn to her and shake my head, “No, I can’t say that I have, or that I would even know him if I did honestly.” I reply. “Well, he must be around here somewhere, and wouldn’t you know, I simply cannot find the washroom for the life of me.” she continues, “It would seem there are no first-class cabins or else he surely would have booked us one.” She waves her hand at the bar and looks incredulous, “No breakfast. No one working at all it seems.” she huffs before finding a seat at the bar.

I return to my task of searching for a drink, if I am going to have to endure her company, I will need it. When I get behind the bar and see the selection the disappointment must be apparent because she pipes up again, “Nothing even worth drinking, hmm?” she asks as if it is to be expected at this point. I find a crystal decanter of something clear and take the top off to smell the contents. It’s odorless, and I fear it is most likely just a fancy container of water as I find a glass, checking it for dust before pouring some out. The woman watches me skeptically as I hesitantly take a sip and find the liquid as tasteless as it is odorless. I sigh in disappointment before raising my eyebrows at her in a silent question. “I suppose water is better than nothing.” she huffs again so I grab another glass and pour her some. “You know when we traveled across Europe, they had the most exquisite selection of spirits. Oh, and their butlers were always on hand. Practically anticipating our every need.” She takes a small sip and gives a small sigh. “Did you ever figure out where we are heading?” she asks suddenly and my eyes dart back to the newest addition to this strange collection of people. He is back to staring out the window and I shake my head in reply to her question before taking another sip. The feel of the liquid down my throat somehow muted.

 I look back out the window again, expecting to see snow glistening in the early morning sunlight. "What!?" I ask loudly at the change of scenery. Across a large green field sits what appears to be a castle passing quickly by. It looks to be about midday now, which makes no sense as it was barely past sunrise a few moments ago. I shake my head in confusion, looking at the other three in turn to see if they have noticed anything strange, only to find them all looking back at me. “This is some kind of strange dream, isn’t it?” I ask no one in particular after a beat of silence. The two men look at me in confusion and amusement respectively and the woman scoffs before taking another drink. “What do you mean?” the man with golden eyes asks, the mirth in his voice setting me on edge for some reason. “Has no one else notice the absurd change of scenery? Or what about the fact that we have no idea where we are going? How about the fact that none of us have tickets?” I ask exasperated. The strangeness gets to me as they all sit there and watch me have a mini breakdown. I throw my hands up, begging some higher power to give an explanation to this absurdity. The golden eyed man breaks first, giving me a sympathetic look and coming to join me behind the bar, approaching me with his hands up in a placating gesture. “Now now, I’m sure everything is okay. Perhaps the staff are caught up in a meeting.” He moves beside me and takes my glass gently from my hand before refilling it and setting it back in front of me.

I exhale a small sigh before bringing the drink back to my lips and looking over the rim. The other man has gone back to staring, apparently unseeing, out of the window and the woman is moving towards a dining table. I take a drink and shake my head, surely there has to be someone that knows what is going on around here. I set the glass down firmly and look back out of the window; the castle is falling away in the distance and I realize the train must be going ridiculously fast along the track. With a determined nod to myself I head back through the door on my right and move quickly down the hall towards the front of the train. There has to be some way to get to the conductor or even just the staff quarters. As I reach the door I haven’t checked behind yet, Golden eyes catches up with me, “What are you doing?” he asks curiously. “Figuring out what is going on. If this isn’t some nightmare, then there must be someone to talk to that knows what is going on.” I reply, trying the door only to find it locked. I kick it in frustration before knocking a little more gently. “Hello? Anybody in there?” I ask loudly. I put my ear against it and try listening for voices or movement of any kind but the only thing I can make out is the whistle of the wind and the steady whoosh-whoosh of the wheels on the track turning. “Ugh, this makes no sense!” I exclaim as Golden eyes watches me curiously.

Turning away from the locked door and him I move to the first cabin door and try to open it. It slides open easily and I stick my head in to look around. “Um, what are you doing now?” he asks with a laugh. “I’m checking to see if there is anyone else on this stupid train.” The room is empty, and I leave the door open as I move to the next one, sliding it open also. He follows behind me and stops me before I can open the last door. “That one is mine.” he states, and I look over my shoulder at him curiously, he shrugs but doesn’t take his hand off my arm until I back up and turn to the viewing car door again. Passing through the dining area I see the man and woman in the same places and shake my head as I head back through to the cabins where the woman and I started. Opening her door, I see the same set up as all the rest, the shades still drawn over her window. I move along to the next one, only half aware that the man has joined me again. As I get to the last room, my room, I find the door open just like I had left it and give a frustrated sigh. No one. Not one other soul is on this train. I turn around and lean my back heavily on the wall as I look out the window again. The world outside is passing in a blur, dark green flying past the window so quickly I feel myself begin to get nauseous and have to look away. My eyes land on the Golden eyes as he observes me quietly, “What?” I ask, sure that the irritation has leaked into my voice and not finding the strength to care. “It is just rather curious that we seem to be the only four.” He says evenly, as though none of this bothers him at all. Much the same attitude the other two show as well and I feel the exhaustion hit suddenly on a bone deep level.

I look away and towards the back of the train as I slowly sink down the wall to sit, pulling my knees up to my chest. The absurdity of it all begins to drag me under, my mind racing along with my pulse. I shake my head slightly, wishing I would just wake up, and take a couple of deep breaths to try and calm myself. Looking up at him, a small laugh escapes me at the look of confusion on his face. More laughs bubble up and out of me and before I realize it, I am clutching my sides and leaning over from my hysteria. The tears in my eyes almost block out the afternoon sun before the realization that it is afternoon snatches me back to sanity. My eyes snap to the window and I see the most beautiful shades of pink and purple practically flying by as the train speeds down the track and I get dizzy from staring for too long. Golden eyes steps back as I jump up and rush back to the dining room. Haughty and Clueless are still in their same spots and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at their clear lack of self-perseverance. “No one is coming.” I say to them, both of their head's snap towards me, eyes as large as saucers and Haughty on the brink of tears. “What do you mean? Where's my Hughie?” she asks, a quiver to her voice. “Exactly what I said. Now come on. I need both of you to help.” I reply quickly as I lead the way to the door that wouldn’t open for me. “What are you thinking?” Golden eyes asks when we reach the door. “I’m thinking that with the four of us, we should be able to force the door and find the engineer.” I reply, reaching for the door handle and looking over my shoulder at the three of them. He nods stiffly before putting his hands on the handle below mine and we both look toward the other two. Haughty gives a small whimper before placing her hands on it as well. Clueless looks around a little lost, as though he is hoping someone will show up and tell us to stop, before giving the smallest sigh of resignation and joining us.

“Alright, on three. Ready?”

“One” Golden eyes says

“Two” Haughty continues

“Three.” I bark as we all start pulling.

A loud and low screech echoes as metal grinds against metal and then a loud clunk as the door breaks free and swings open sending us all tumbling down into a heap on top of one another. “Ha!” I exclaim in excitement, “Yes, how about that for teamwork.” I laugh as I look at the others. My joy seeps away as I see the look of manic glee on Golden eyes and the ashen look of fear on Clueless. “How is this possible?” Haughty asks in dismay and I turn to see what has caused their reactions. The floor is cast in shades of twilight as the wind rushes in and creates a strange vortex of air in the railcar. With no other connecting cars and what looks like a cliff's edge speeding towards us. I can't stop the scream that escapes me as a Chesire moon comes into view, “What the fu-”.

I jolt into consciousness, the air is cool against my damp skin and my eyes open to pitch black as I look around, trying to remember where I am.

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