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"What kept you?"

Do not keep me waiting.

By TestPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
"What kept you?"
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

It started when Peter met Tammy a long time ago at the age of 13, there they were inseparable and as days came into the time of longing they felt awkward at times and at the worst wrong timings of their minutes of their feelings were awry. Peter knew what Tammy would have wanted. Tammy never felt Peter's gaze at her so many times she was numb to such stares from everyone. So many times Tammy had to slap Peter silly only to snap out of a crush for Tammy. At their height of their attention to one another. Tammy did not know Peter was about to move out of the city.

Peter: Tammy, please come to my Uncle's going away party. Please?

Tammy: I told you I have so much chores to do. You know my parents never stop bossing me around the house never giving me peace or space enough for myself. Besides when you are here beside me I got you for my space. I know I am not the best of friends ya got, but Peter I am sorry for the times i kept bullying you.

Peter: Please stop right now, I mean it. Stop it.

Tammy: Of all the nerve dude.

Peter slammed and stole a kiss from Tammy's lips. Tammy slapped Peter so hard at his cheeks, this time Peter stole another. Another slap to the left. Peter was so used to the abuse, it didn't matter to him. The third stolen kiss was welcomed by Tammy as her tears broke everything and the two cried. The sudden drop of emotional breakdown of the two kept them at mouths end of their lips. Locked at their emotional heights, what love of Peter gave Tammy that day, Peter wanted to tell Tammy that moment he was moving out.

"Why keep the kiss I wanted so much of you", Tammy broke into a silent cuddle and heartwarming embrace.

"I dunno, you always give me such an abusive habits of your that i got immuned and did get a habit of you." Peter slammed another liplock this time Tammy never budged again knowing his kisses were full of emotional passion for her.

Tammy longed someone for her to love her so long. As absent as her mother's touch. Mom is always at work. Dad is always doing housework that never end in sight. She was always helping out of everything in between and being an only child, didn't knew what was an emotional and physical love and what it meant.

Peter stopped kissing Tammy for a bit and withdrew to tell those three little words only to hesitate reluctantly. As far he knew all of those playful things that he and Tammy shared all of the three years he had known. It was always Tammy had to boss him around. Too many times and didnt matter to him if had to always make up excuses with his darling mother always asking where the wound came from or a redness in his legs are just flushing.

Peter had to break it to her knowing he will get slugged vehemently by Tammy, but she had to know.

Peter: Tammy if you are gonna hate me for what I am about to tell you, I understand.

Tammy: Somehow I find it usually funny coming a statement from you ah.

Peter: Well you see ah, uhm. You know what slap me harder again and no more kissing. You can punch me, or do whatever you want to. Sorry I am moving and you wont see me again ever in your lifetime.

Tammy: I know Peter thats why tonight I wanted you.

Peter: What.

Tammy: I know, what kept you. Why hide it now, I can feel you since that day we had wrestled to the ground and you submitted to me. I told myself I am your boss and you are mine forever. What kept you Peter, what kept you.

The two walked off and side by side their silence grew into maturity for the night was theirs and tommorow shall fade away in their minds of what it means of a love gone after.

LoveShort Story

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