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What if you was a giant?

One day of a giant

By Ervīns StūrītisPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

You can sense the waves gently caressing your body as you awaken, realizing that you have transformed into a towering giant standing upright in the sea. The water cascades down like rainfall due to your immense size, surpassing even the Statue of Liberty. Comparing your colossal hands to a tiny hot dog stand below, you accidentally crush it in your palm. Suddenly, a slight sting on your ankle draws your attention to the people around you. Some are pushing you away while others flee in fear. Some capture the moment with their cameras, while others yell at you to leave. Taking a step onto the main road, you unintentionally crush a car devoid of occupants. The crowd scatters like ants as you continue walking deeper into the city.

As you proceed, you notice a massive wall enclosing the rest of the city. Obliterating everything in your path, you witness other giants emerging on the horizon near the sea, all marching towards the barricaded city. A compelling force beckons all of you to converge there. People gather on the wall, sounding the alarm, while others defend it or evacuate to hide in minuscule shelters. Some of the giants exhibit peculiar features and disproportionate limbs, with some walking on all fours and others possessing elongated arms capable of reaching anything. Shifting slightly, you narrowly avoid stepping on someone. They remain motionless as you lift them up, bringing them to eye level. A connection forms as you place the person on your shoulder, while the other giants brush past, jostling you as they advance toward the city. They effortlessly break through the wall, wreaking havoc within.

Suddenly, a trance that had drawn you towards the city dissipates, and you turn around, retracing your steps towards the sea. The woman remains perched on your shoulder, visibly frightened and uncertain. Placing her gently on a small island, you gaze at her, blocking the sun with your colossal head. Leaving her momentarily, you bask in the sunlight, pondering why you find yourself on this planet and what compelled you to save this woman. Night falls, and weariness overcomes you. The woman finds slumber beneath a tree, while you stand still, swayed by the rhythmic motion of the waves. Abruptly, the waves grow rougher, and a sense of movement stirs within the water. Peering into the darkness, you struggle to discern what is occurring. Swiftly, you lift the woman onto your shoulder, and she awakens.

You observe other giants swimming and striding towards you, their screams filling the air as they give chase. Determined to escape, you move as swiftly as possible, disrupting the water and shattering the ocean floor. A cargo ship looms ahead, and you carefully divert it, mindful not to cause damage. However, the giants pursuing you pay no heed to the vessel, sinking it in their relentless pursuit. Sensing shallower grounds, you break into a run, finding yourself in a new country decimated by the giants. The buildings lay flattened, and debris litters the landscape. In the distance, more giants awaken by the beach, fixated on you and the woman. These giants, too, bear unusual features and peculiarities.

With no safe haven in the open, you make your way towards the mountains. Taking refuge in a valley near a majestic waterfall, you notice your skin begins to change color, blending seamlessly with the environment. Each giant possesses a distinct characteristic, and yours appears to be the ability to alter your skin's hue. As the woman slumbers on your shoulder, you regard her with a sense of empathy, akin to observing a cherished pet. Distinct from the other giants, you lack the desire for destruction, instead yearning to aid humanity. The sound of approaching giants disrupts the tranquility. Peeking out, you witness their towering forms, three times larger than yourself, patrolling the area. They draw near, and you prepare to defend yourself, placing the woman in a secure location.

The giants converge, attempting to overpower you from all angles. Swiftly, you evade their advances, leaping and dodging their grasp. The largest of them seizes hold of you, but you manage to slip free, pushing them away. The others persist in their pursuit, yet you elude their clutches, maneuvering skillfully. Finally, you succeed in escaping their grasp. At last, you have achieved your goal – you have created a simulation that allows you to replicate yourself in the apps on your phone, facilitating accelerated learning. Plugging your phone in and opening Google, you don a helmet with goggles, providing a 360-degree view. After connecting with your sister, you urge her to activate the machine.

However, she remains unresponsive, engrossed in a TikTok dance challenge. Teasing and pestering her, you lead her downstairs to activate the machine. Frustrated, she changes the homepage on your phone to TikTok without your knowledge before activating the device. Suddenly, you find yourself in a simulation gone awry, hurtling through a virtual wormhole. Surrounded by a multitude of swirling apps, you crash-land face-first onto a dark surface. Fear and anxiety grip you as you assess your surroundings, finding yourself in a room with a screen before you, demanding your username. Desperately shouting various words in an attempt to escape, the screen assigns your username, displaying it while prompting you to accept. Succumbing to the situation, you reluctantly accept, and the wall opens, freeing you from your virtual prison.

Stepping out, you enter a futuristic city adorned with shimmering purple and blue lights, towering skyscrapers featuring screens incessantly displaying TikTok videos. The tallest tower showcases the trendiest videos of the day, while others showcase different popular content. Venturing along the road, you find yourself amidst a bustling crowd in a virtual Times Square. Each individual sports a floating bubble above them, showcasing their username, bio, and follower count. Most have a modest number of followers, their appearances resembling their profile pictures. All eyes are on you, the only one who stands out as a real human among avatars.

You notice two people standing face-to-face, their bubbles changing as they mutually follow each other. The entire crowd stops and fixates on the girl as she attains verification, a blue tick appearing in her bubble before she vanishes. Approaching the person who followed her, you attempt to gather information. As the only one audibly speaking, amidst others communicating through direct messages, you realize you must stand still and await someone accepting your DM. The person you converse with receives your message and promptly blocks it. Initiating another dialogue proves futile, as the person freezes and walks away.

Perplexed gazes fixate on you, and people start following you relentlessly. To evade their pursuit, you quicken your pace, vanishing into a sea of people where you become indistinguishable. Eventually, you find solace in an underground café tucked away in an alley. Entering, you discover individuals who remain unresponsive, engaged in idle inactivity. Attempts to engage with them prove futile; they lack faces and show no reaction. The advertisements on the screens depict your face, signifying that TikTok is after you.

A knock on the door disrupts the stillness, and a swarm of people barges in – TikTok's internal security force, pursuing you relentlessly. Escaping through another room, you find yourself in a building inhabited by numerous bots. They trail behind, drawing nearer. Finally, you reach...

Short StoryMysteryFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Ervīns Stūrītis

My mission is to educate my dear readers with true, interesting and helpful information to make their daily lives easier.

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