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We should change this

We should change this

By BabitaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
We should change this
Photo by Kazi Mizan on Unsplash

Varun, a resident of Delhi, was going to Varanasi with his friend Aman. Varun was very fond of seeing a natural beauty. Because of this, he thought of getting his seat reserved below. Both of them decided to make their journey in the 2-tier coach of AC of the train. But unfortunately, Varun's seat got reserved upstairs, and his friend's seat was down.

When Varun reaches the train, he sees that a girl of his age is sitting in the seat opposite him. She looked very modern in appearance. In the same seat opposite Varun's friend, a middle-aged man was sitting.

After some time, the train starts, and everyone sits on their seats. After some time, the girl gets down from her seat, comes to Uncle, and says can you give me your seat? Hearing this from the girl, the person categorically refuses to give up his seat. The girl again makes an innocent face and says that.

Give me this seat. I am a girl who doesn't like sitting up; understand my problem.

In response, the person says that I have reserved the seat below. And I can't change my seat with you. Hearing the man's refusal, the girl gets very angry and threatens to accuse him of harassment. Hearing this, the person gets very scared because we all know that Indian law mostly favors women in such cases. Seeing the growing debate, Varun tells the girl why not wait for TC. And after that, we will decide who will take which seat.

After some time, TC comes, and the girl expresses her complaint to TC. After listening to the whole thing, TC tells that person why don't you go upstairs and give this girl the seat below you. After listening to TC, the person says take care of my age too. This girl is younger than me now, so it will be easier for her to climb up and down than I expected. But anyone gets scared after hearing the girl's threat, and he says brother, I request you now that you please go upstairs.

Seeing the person's discomfort, Varun tells his friend that brother, why don't you come upstairs instead and give your seat to him. Varun's friend agrees to Varun's point and offers his seat to that person.

That person changes the seat but inside, he becomes despondent. After getting the replaced seat, the girl becomes delighted, and a proud expression appears on her face. The girl tells the person that she finally got the seat below. You saw the advantage of me being a girl. Seeing the rights violated like this, Varun does not hold back and goes toward TC.

Varun says to TC why didn't you do your duty? Was your decision justified? In a passive voice, TC told Varun that this decision was wrong, but I had no other way. I couldn't mess with that girl because doing so would have jeopardized my job, brother. Understand my compulsion. I have two small children and a wife. If I lose my job, who will take care of my family? Taking the matter further, he said that our law is blind and deaf. It does not see the truth but supports women on such issues. Whether it is our men's fault or not.

Hearing this from TC, Varun thinks that many thanks to the Indian Constitution for making men such second-class citizens. According to them, this is the only way to do justice to women. Seeing Varun's dismounted face, his friend explains that we cannot do anything in such a situation because our legal is something like this.

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About the Creator


There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

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