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Warrior of God: Soldier of Honor

The Rebellion

By Jorge FloresPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The streets of gold were filled with turmoil as the Sons of God walked

toward the throne of the Lord of Spirits. A loud voice shouted from the top

of the mountain made of diamonds, "Where is Michael?". "I am here my

Lord", said Michael. Michael was a gallant and valiant warrior protector of

the faith and one of my father's' loyal servants. It seems that his throne

and authority were in question. I love my father, but I have never seen him

this peaceful amid this ordeal. "Trenches have been set against your

throne my Lord," said Michael. It appears Samael had dissuaded a part of

the angels to worship him and take over Father's throne. "What an

ingrate", Raphael replied, "If he thinks he can get away with this he’s got

another thing coming". Raphael was in charge of all the spirits on the earth

and heaven and didn't put up with any shenanigans. We all had great

respect for this archangel. I was but a lowly soldier but of great faith. They

say I had my father's eyes which burnt like the brightest fire. I was born to

protect the throne of God at any cost. "It is war at our doorstep", Raphael

spoke in a loud cry. The harmony that proceeded from this place had

become darkened by the hearts of the rebels. Samael had always been a

proud one. I never liked him much but he was my brother and was loved by

my father. Since he was the first to be made his knowledge and beauty were

unmatched. My father had shown all of us his glory but Samael knew more

than all of us put together. All the sons of God were given the sword of

truth and were created to speak the truth. Samael had managed to twist the

truth and create a great delusion amongst our brothers. "They must not

come before the throne", said Michael. "Long live the King of Kings and

Lord of all", cried Michael with a dominating voice that thundered and

shook the ground. We all unsheathed our swords and yelled in a loud

voice. In the foreground of the city wall, we could see the scoundrels

chanting "Down with the King"! "Sons of the Living God organize and

stand your ground", said Raphael as the fighting was about to begin.

"Elamel stay in your formation and don't let not one come across you are

the last line of defense", said Raphael as he looked at me with much

frustration. I could feel the intense heat that permeated out of all the sons

of God as they took the brunt of the assault against the wall. The ground

under my feet shook as Michael took his sword and pierced through a

thousand of the enemy in a single blow. The War had started and casualties

started mounting on both sides as Samael had done the same to us.

"Overwhelm Michael and Raphael Ill take care of the rest," said Samael

burning with hate in his eyes. Thousands and Thousands of angels began

to descend on the two mighty sons of God as our defenses began to grow

thin. There was confusion in the air as Samael approached our line. My

eyes began to burn as our line was consumed by fire. It was a holy fire that

consumed me as I took my sword and struck down the oncoming angels.

"How dare you confront me you lowly worthless soldier", shouted Samael.

As his eyes met mine confusion came to my mind accusing me of being

worthless and no good. Samael drew his sword to strike and like lightning

delivered a blow that I managed to escape with just a scar. I decided to

retreat backward when I heard a faint whisper in my ear, "Have faith my

Son, I will fight for you." At that moment I lost all control and began

yielding my sword to the Spirit of God. The delusion was gone as I looked

at Samael striking down every deceptive word. I took the sword of truth

struck him down with a blow to the head. As I was about to chop his head

a loud voice said, "Stop my son you will not have your brother's blood


The Lord of Spirits spoke and gave his final command. "For their act of

treason against heaven these angels will be called demons and Samael will

be called Satan." "They will be cast down to earth to live until the day of

judgment," said the Lord of Spirits. Every one of them is like a bolt of

lightning began descending to the earth.


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